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Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 249
Doc. 237. affair at Newmarket Bridge, Va., December 22, 1861. --the following account of this affair was written by a correspondent at Fortress Monroe, under date of Dec. 23d: The monotony of camp life here and at Camp Hamilton was broken yesterday by the intelligence that an action of some magnitude had taken place between a detachment of one hundred and fifty men of the Twentieth Regiment New York Volunteers, in command of Major Engelbert Schnoepf, and about seven hundred rebel soldiers. The particulars of the affair are as follows: Major Schnoepf having lost a man from his command the day before, left Newport News on Sunday morning, at eleven o'clock, at the head of one hundred and fifty men, and wended his way toward Newmarket Bridge in search of him. Arriving near the bridge, the Major detailed some of his men to cross the creek, and charged them to search closely in the woods; as the man might have hidden himself from the enemy, who was seen about the place for several
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 249
ound, and in the centre of the forehead was a hole from a bullet, which evidently was the cause of the death of this poor man. In his pockets were found a number of letters, and by these we ascertained that his name was John Hawkins, Adjutant of the Alabama Minute Men. On his coat the buttons bore the letters A. M. M. About thirty dollars in shinplasters were also found on his body, and a small bag, slung about his neck, contained nineteen dollars in gold. The bills were on the banks of North Carolina and Virginia, and as low as ten cents in value. The enemy had retreated about three hundred paces, and having again taken up a position, commenced to pour a terrible fire upon Major Schnoepf's command, without, however, doing any execution. The shower of bullets was so terrible that the houses, trees, and fences in the vicinity were completely riddled. The Turners, however, being greatly inferior in strength, kept a safe distance, and did not reply to this fire. Immediately after t
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 249
self not only a very efficient surgeon, but also a brave and courageous soldier. His ambulances and instruments were in readiness as soon as the first volley was fired; and to his care and skill it is owing that the few men wounded are in such good condition. None of our men who were hit by the enemy's shots are fatally injured. Julius Kumerle, of Company G, was shot in the arm; Christian Teubner, Company K, shot in the elbow and above the wrist; Orderly-Sergeant Rohr, of Company K, of Williamsburg, was wounded in the neck, but not fatally. The names of the other three I could not ascertain, they being at Newport News. The rebels, although retreating before the steady fire of our men, behaved bravely; but their smooth-bore muskets, notwithstanding well handled, were no match against the sharp and deadly rifle, handled with murderous aim by the gallant Twentieth regiment. The main fight began at Sinclair's farm; but the enemy's line extending to Newmarket Bridge, and the Twent
Doc. 237. affair at Newmarket Bridge, Va., December 22, 1861. --the following account of this affair was written by a correspondent at Fortress Monroe, under date of Dec. 23d: The monotony of camp life here and at Camp Hamilton was broken yesterday by the intelligence that an action of some magnitude had taken place between a detachment of one hundred and fifty men of the Twentieth Regiment New York Volunteers, in command of Major Engelbert Schnoepf, and about seven hundred rebel soldiers. The particulars of the affair are as follows: Major Schnoepf having lost a man from his command the day before, left Newport News on Sunday morning, at eleven o'clock, at the head of one hundred and fifty men, and wended his way toward Newmarket Bridge in search of him. Arriving near the bridge, the Major detailed some of his men to cross the creek, and charged them to search closely in the woods; as the man might have hidden himself from the enemy, who was seen about the place for several
Joseph R. T. Mansfield (search for this): chapter 249
s Weiss, stationed at Camp Hamilton, and, in company with Captain H. M. Burleigh, provost marshal of the camp, proceeded to the scene of action. Brigadier-General Joseph R. T. Mansfield also hastened to the battle-field, heading the remainder of the Twentieth regiment battalion at Newport News, and the Second regiment New York Vo remained undiscovered by the rebels, lying in the woods. Shortly after the arrival of the reinforcement headed by General Weber, from Camp Hamilton, Brigadier-General Mansfield and staff, accompanied by the Second regiment N. Y. S. V., Colonel J. B. Carr, came to the scene of action. The enemy, however, had by this time probabs also numerous muskets, sabres, and pistols. The engagement commenced about one o'clock, and lasted until after three. Acting Brigadier-General Weber and General Mansfield complimented General Schnoepf highly on his bravery and the steadiness of his men. The Twentieth regiment acted with the precision of regulars, and not the f
d the battalion, and proved himself not only a very efficient surgeon, but also a brave and courageous soldier. His ambulances and instruments were in readiness as soon as the first volley was fired; and to his care and skill it is owing that the few men wounded are in such good condition. None of our men who were hit by the enemy's shots are fatally injured. Julius Kumerle, of Company G, was shot in the arm; Christian Teubner, Company K, shot in the elbow and above the wrist; Orderly-Sergeant Rohr, of Company K, of Williamsburg, was wounded in the neck, but not fatally. The names of the other three I could not ascertain, they being at Newport News. The rebels, although retreating before the steady fire of our men, behaved bravely; but their smooth-bore muskets, notwithstanding well handled, were no match against the sharp and deadly rifle, handled with murderous aim by the gallant Twentieth regiment. The main fight began at Sinclair's farm; but the enemy's line extending to
John Hawkins (search for this): chapter 249
s of the cavalry were also killed. The corpses of the two men who fell into the creek floated off with the tide, and Acting Brigadier-General Weber sent a detatchment off to pick them up, if possible, in order to have them decently interred. One of the bodies only was found, and in the centre of the forehead was a hole from a bullet, which evidently was the cause of the death of this poor man. In his pockets were found a number of letters, and by these we ascertained that his name was John Hawkins, Adjutant of the Alabama Minute Men. On his coat the buttons bore the letters A. M. M. About thirty dollars in shinplasters were also found on his body, and a small bag, slung about his neck, contained nineteen dollars in gold. The bills were on the banks of North Carolina and Virginia, and as low as ten cents in value. The enemy had retreated about three hundred paces, and having again taken up a position, commenced to pour a terrible fire upon Major Schnoepf's command, without, howeve
Christian Teubner (search for this): chapter 249
back. Dr. Heiland, Assistant Surgeon of the Twentieth regiment, accompanied the battalion, and proved himself not only a very efficient surgeon, but also a brave and courageous soldier. His ambulances and instruments were in readiness as soon as the first volley was fired; and to his care and skill it is owing that the few men wounded are in such good condition. None of our men who were hit by the enemy's shots are fatally injured. Julius Kumerle, of Company G, was shot in the arm; Christian Teubner, Company K, shot in the elbow and above the wrist; Orderly-Sergeant Rohr, of Company K, of Williamsburg, was wounded in the neck, but not fatally. The names of the other three I could not ascertain, they being at Newport News. The rebels, although retreating before the steady fire of our men, behaved bravely; but their smooth-bore muskets, notwithstanding well handled, were no match against the sharp and deadly rifle, handled with murderous aim by the gallant Twentieth regiment.
Julius Kumerle (search for this): chapter 249
rs, and not the first man was found to waver or fall back. Dr. Heiland, Assistant Surgeon of the Twentieth regiment, accompanied the battalion, and proved himself not only a very efficient surgeon, but also a brave and courageous soldier. His ambulances and instruments were in readiness as soon as the first volley was fired; and to his care and skill it is owing that the few men wounded are in such good condition. None of our men who were hit by the enemy's shots are fatally injured. Julius Kumerle, of Company G, was shot in the arm; Christian Teubner, Company K, shot in the elbow and above the wrist; Orderly-Sergeant Rohr, of Company K, of Williamsburg, was wounded in the neck, but not fatally. The names of the other three I could not ascertain, they being at Newport News. The rebels, although retreating before the steady fire of our men, behaved bravely; but their smooth-bore muskets, notwithstanding well handled, were no match against the sharp and deadly rifle, handled with
hundred and fifty yards,) the order to fire was given, and obeyed with alacrity. The reserve drove the cavalry back, killing several of them while retreating. The skirmishers on the other side of the bridge were recalled by the Major, and owing to the bridge having been destroyed, they were compelled to swim across, hotly pursued by the enemy. The pursuit of the rebels was so determined that a hand-to-hand engagement occurred. The pursuing party was joined by the negro soldiers, and Captain Stumpf, of the Twentieth regiment, was struck upon the back with the butt end of a musket, but not severely hurt. Major Schnoepf hereupon took a position, deploying his entire force along the river banks as skirmishers, and a terrible fight ensued. The enemy fired by companies, whereas the fire of our men on the pursuers was by files, and so rapid that one rebel officer and a private that stood on the opposite shore were killed, and tumbled into the river on their faces. The enemy hereupon
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