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Onondaga, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): entry onondaga-indians
and their domain extended from Deep Spring, near Manlius, Onondaga co., west to a line between Cross and Otter lakes. This nation carried on war with the Indians in Canada, and also with the French, after their advent on the St. Lawrence; An Onondaga council. and they were prominent in the destruction of the Hurons. In 1653 they made peace with the French, and received Jesuit missionaries among them. The peace was not lasting, and in 1662 a large force of Onondagas ravaged Montreal Islandas held at Onondaga Castle. The Oneidas and Tuscaroras opposed an alliance with the English, and each nation was left to act as it pleased in the matter. By this decision the confederacy was weakened, and finally, in 1777, the council-fire at Onondaga (as the confederate government was familiarly called) was formally extinguished. The Onondagas joined the English, and the war left them helpless, and in 1778 they ceded all their lands to the State of New York, except a reservation set apart f
ere prominent in the destruction of the Hurons. In 1653 they made peace with the French, and received Jesuit missionaries among them. The peace was not lasting, and in 1662 a large force of Onondagas ravaged Montreal Island. They again made peace, and in 1668 the French mission was re-established. As the English extended their influence among the Five Nations, the Iroquois were won to their interest, and the Onondagas permitted them to erect a fort in their domain; but when, in 1696, Frontenac invaded their territory, the Onondagas destroyed the fort and their village, and returned to the forests. The French sent deputies to the Onondaga sachems, and then, in 1700, signed the general treaty of peace at Montreal. This was broken in 1709, when the Onondagas again made war on the French, and were alternately hostile and neutral towards them until the overthrow of the French power, in 1763. When the war for independence was kindling, a general council of the confederacy was held
Deep Spring (Arizona, United States) (search for this): entry onondaga-indians
shadowed by its crags, shall be the third nation, because you are greatly gifted with speech, and are mighty in war. Their seat of government, or castle, was in the hill country southward from Syracuse, where was the great councilfire of the confederacy, or meeting-place of their congress. The Atatarho, or great sachem of the tribe, was chosen to be the first president of the confederacy. They were divided into fourteen clans, with a sachem for each clan, and their domain extended from Deep Spring, near Manlius, Onondaga co., west to a line between Cross and Otter lakes. This nation carried on war with the Indians in Canada, and also with the French, after their advent on the St. Lawrence; An Onondaga council. and they were prominent in the destruction of the Hurons. In 1653 they made peace with the French, and received Jesuit missionaries among them. The peace was not lasting, and in 1662 a large force of Onondagas ravaged Montreal Island. They again made peace, and in 166
New York State (New York, United States) (search for this): entry onondaga-indians
709, when the Onondagas again made war on the French, and were alternately hostile and neutral towards them until the overthrow of the French power, in 1763. When the war for independence was kindling, a general council of the confederacy was held at Onondaga Castle. The Oneidas and Tuscaroras opposed an alliance with the English, and each nation was left to act as it pleased in the matter. By this decision the confederacy was weakened, and finally, in 1777, the council-fire at Onondaga (as the confederate government was familiarly called) was formally extinguished. The Onondagas joined the English, and the war left them helpless, and in 1778 they ceded all their lands to the State of New York, except a reservation set apart for their remnant, which they continue to hold. In 1899 they numbered 549. There are about 400 Onondagas in Canada, making the total number of the once powerful nation less than 1,000. It is said that the Onondaga dialect is the purest one of the Iroquois.
Onondaga Castle (New York, United States) (search for this): entry onondaga-indians
ed their territory, the Onondagas destroyed the fort and their village, and returned to the forests. The French sent deputies to the Onondaga sachems, and then, in 1700, signed the general treaty of peace at Montreal. This was broken in 1709, when the Onondagas again made war on the French, and were alternately hostile and neutral towards them until the overthrow of the French power, in 1763. When the war for independence was kindling, a general council of the confederacy was held at Onondaga Castle. The Oneidas and Tuscaroras opposed an alliance with the English, and each nation was left to act as it pleased in the matter. By this decision the confederacy was weakened, and finally, in 1777, the council-fire at Onondaga (as the confederate government was familiarly called) was formally extinguished. The Onondagas joined the English, and the war left them helpless, and in 1778 they ceded all their lands to the State of New York, except a reservation set apart for their remnant,
Manlius (New York, United States) (search for this): entry onondaga-indians
shall be the third nation, because you are greatly gifted with speech, and are mighty in war. Their seat of government, or castle, was in the hill country southward from Syracuse, where was the great councilfire of the confederacy, or meeting-place of their congress. The Atatarho, or great sachem of the tribe, was chosen to be the first president of the confederacy. They were divided into fourteen clans, with a sachem for each clan, and their domain extended from Deep Spring, near Manlius, Onondaga co., west to a line between Cross and Otter lakes. This nation carried on war with the Indians in Canada, and also with the French, after their advent on the St. Lawrence; An Onondaga council. and they were prominent in the destruction of the Hurons. In 1653 they made peace with the French, and received Jesuit missionaries among them. The peace was not lasting, and in 1662 a large force of Onondagas ravaged Montreal Island. They again made peace, and in 1668 the French mission wa
Great Mountain (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry onondaga-indians
Onondaga Indians, The third nation of the Iroquois Confederacy; their name means men of the great mountain. Tradition says that at the formation of the confederacy Hiawatha said to them: You, Onondagas, who have your habitation at the Great Mountain, and are overshadowed by its crags, shall be the third nation, because you are greatly gifted with speech, and are mighty in war. Their seat of government, or castle, was in the hill country southward from Syracuse, where was the great councilfire of the confederacy, or meeting-place of their congress. The Atatarho, or great sachem of the tribe, was chosen to be the first president of the confederacy. They were divided into fourteen clans, with a sachem for each clan, and their domain extended from Deep Spring, near Manlius, Onondaga co., west to a line between Cross and Otter lakes. This nation carried on war with the Indians in Canada, and also with the French, after their advent on the St. Lawrence; An Onondaga council. an
An Onondaga council. and they were prominent in the destruction of the Hurons. In 1653 they made peace with the French, and received Jesuit missionaries among them. The peace was not lasting, and in 1662 a large force of Onondagas ravaged Montreal Island. They again made peace, and in 1668 the French mission was re-established. As the English extended their influence among the Five Nations, the Iroquois were won to their interest, and the Onondagas permitted them to erect a fort in thn; but when, in 1696, Frontenac invaded their territory, the Onondagas destroyed the fort and their village, and returned to the forests. The French sent deputies to the Onondaga sachems, and then, in 1700, signed the general treaty of peace at Montreal. This was broken in 1709, when the Onondagas again made war on the French, and were alternately hostile and neutral towards them until the overthrow of the French power, in 1763. When the war for independence was kindling, a general council of
onfederacy. They were divided into fourteen clans, with a sachem for each clan, and their domain extended from Deep Spring, near Manlius, Onondaga co., west to a line between Cross and Otter lakes. This nation carried on war with the Indians in Canada, and also with the French, after their advent on the St. Lawrence; An Onondaga council. and they were prominent in the destruction of the Hurons. In 1653 they made peace with the French, and received Jesuit missionaries among them. The peac the confederate government was familiarly called) was formally extinguished. The Onondagas joined the English, and the war left them helpless, and in 1778 they ceded all their lands to the State of New York, except a reservation set apart for their remnant, which they continue to hold. In 1899 they numbered 549. There are about 400 Onondagas in Canada, making the total number of the once powerful nation less than 1,000. It is said that the Onondaga dialect is the purest one of the Iroquois.
Onondaga Indians, The third nation of the Iroquois Confederacy; their name means men of the great mountain. Tradition says that at the formation of the confederacy Hiawatha said to them: You, Onondagas, who have your habitation at the Great Mountain, and are overshadowed by its crags, shall be the third nation, because you are greatly gifted with speech, and are mighty in war. Their seat of government, or castle, was in the hill country southward from Syracuse, where was the great councilfire of the confederacy, or meeting-place of their congress. The Atatarho, or great sachem of the tribe, was chosen to be the first president of the confederacy. They were divided into fourteen clans, with a sachem for each clan, and their domain extended from Deep Spring, near Manlius, Onondaga co., west to a line between Cross and Otter lakes. This nation carried on war with the Indians in Canada, and also with the French, after their advent on the St. Lawrence; An Onondaga council. an
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