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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 110 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays 2 0 Browse Search
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition 2 0 Browse Search
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ucceeded by a bent rod with a single fluke. The invention was ascribed by Pliny to the Tuscans; Strabo ascribes the addition of the second fluke to Anacharsis the Scythian. They were first forged inround an inclined axis; the lower end is submerged in the water and the upper end discharges. Strabo refers to a water-raising machine of this kind, used to supply the garrison of the Memphite Babyd by 150 men. It was also used as a draining pump by the Turdetani of Iberia in the time of Strabo. This was the country of the Guadalquiver. See screw, Archimedean. Ar′chi-tecture. The gyptians. Its uses for paper, napkins, socks, drawers, handkerchiefs, are referred to by Varro, Strabo, and Pliny. Marco Polo mentions it, and Baptista Porta speaks of its being spun in Venice. Asbucted in civil wisdom at Sais, whose patron deity being Minerva (as we are told by Herodotus and Strabo), shows polities to have been there in most request. Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses, Vol.
onnection with a smelting-furnace in the same place. The mention of the burning of the bellows in Jeremiah VI. 29, seems to have been in connection with lead and silver smelting and refining. This is a common combination of metals in ores. Strabo ascribes the invention of the bellows to Anacharsis the Scythian, who was coeval with Solon. The anchor and the potter's wheel are also ascribed to this man by Pliny, Seneca, and other Romans; the declaration, however, is quite inadmissible as tings; but the arch was long previously used in Thebes, and was invented and used in Upper Egypt many centuries before Asychis. No trace of a burned brick has been found of the ancient age represented by the tumuli-builders of North America. Strabo speaks of bricks made of an earth at Pitane, in the Troad, so light that they swam in water. Poseidonius speaks of bricks made in Spain of an argillaceous earth wherewith silver vessels are cleansed [rottenstone], and so light as to float in wat
lt — brass — was highly valued. Aristotle and Strabo refer to this earth, as do also Ambrosius, Bis orders of Sesostris (1500 B. C.) according to Strabo, Pliny, and Aristotle; so that China is fairlycontrivance, according to Diodorus Siculus and Strabo. The word is translated sluice (which see). Ine, on the Persian Gulf. It is referred to by Strabo (xvi. 1052). It has been traced by Colonel Ra. —Huc's Travels in Tartary, 1844-46. As Strabo (19 B. C.) says: The rest of the countries of as the common food of the Roman shepherds. Strabo records a difficulty experienced in former tim who speaks of it as the oily part of milk; by Strabo, who speaks of its use by the Ethiopians; by Pdyas, in the Ramesion. It is the Memnonium of Strabo. The pedestal is still standing; the court arurbans of the people of India were made of it. Strabo, on the authority of Nearchus, refers to the fse we know, that these were current-wheels. Strabo, Vitruvius, Pliny, and Procopius have describe<
32. A fire-preventive committee, consisting of seven freedmen and a president of the equestrian order, was organized fifteen years afterwards, say B. C. 7. Augustus gave the form stated to a preexisting organization. We do not find in any Roman writer a description of a machine so perfect as that of Hero. The sipho of the Romans is referred to by Pliny in a letter to Trajan: he states that the people of Nicomedia were too lazy to put out a fire in that city, and that they had no sipho. Strabo alludes to the siphones, which it appears were kept in a house, in preparation for accidental fire. Apollodorus, the architect of the bridge of Trajan across the Danube, mentions the sipho. Its construction seems to be unknown. Apollodorus recommends a leathern bag of water with hollow canes for discharging-nozzles. The first notice of the modern fire-engine is in the Chronicles of Augsburg, 1518, which speaks of the water-syringe useful at fires. They were mounted on wheels, and work
ass were made to inclose gold plates. Glass-making in Egypt. Athenaeus states that the glass of Egypt was famous. Strabo says that one very perfect kind could only be made in Egypt. Herodotus speaks of rings of melted stone (no doubt, glas: the lower of marble, the middle of glass, the upper of gilded wood. The price of a glass drinking-cup in the time of Strabo was half an as. The as was about one cent. The Museo Borbonico of Naples contains about 2,400 specimens of ancient glatter remains to this day. See map; where the globes of Behaim and Schoner are compared with the previous maps of Ptolemy, Strabo, Hecataeus, and others. Then to Moxon's, and bought there a payre of globes; cost me £ 3 10s. — Pepys, 1663. In thele-driven grain-mill. The cattle-driven grain-mills in Rome, about the time of Constantine, numbered three hundred. Strabo informs us that mills were driven by water in the period of Mithridates of Pontus, the contemporary of Caesar and Cicero.
ping and credulous Pliny, who professes to give the early history of the metal. Palestine, Asia Minor, Scythia, Elba, and Spain were each celebrated in their time for the production of iron. From Iberia the art spread to Gaul, and from the latter, probably, to Germany. An army of Gauls was defeated by the Romans, 222 B. C., chiefly because the swords of the former bent after a blow or two, and required straightening by the foot, while the superior metal of the Romans stood the brunt. Strabo mentions that one of the exports of Britain was iron; the bold islanders met their invaders with scythes, hooks, broadswords, and spears of iron. The arrival of the Romans and the introduction of artificial blast, which the Romans had derived from their Eastern neighbors, gave a great impulse to the iron works of England. Under Adrian, A. D. 120, a fabrica or military forge was established at Bath, in the vicinity of iron and wood. During the Roman occupation of England, some of the
catch fish. 4. (Coopering.) A drawing-knife with a hollowing blade. 5. (Leather.) A machine for graining morocco leather, consisting of grooved boxwood rollers fitted in a frame suspended from the ceiling, and swung backward and forward like a pendulum. 6. (Metallurgy.) A riddle or sieve shaken vertically in water, to separate the contained ore into strata, according to weight and consequent richness. The ancient Iberians washed gold-bearing earth in baskets in the time of Strabo. The sieve a commonly consists of a hoop with handles, and a bottom of sheet-brass, finely perforated. It is used by striking it squarely upon the water, and giving it a semi-rotation simultaneously, to sort the pulverized ore according to gravity; the ore being lifted by the incoming water from below, and the heavier portions settling first. The lighter portions are scraped from the top, and the lower stratum removed for smelting or farther concentration. Jigger and jigging-machine.
Holland, Po, Thames, etc. The principal rivers noted for the periodical rising of their waters are the Nile, the Ganges, the Euphrates, and the Mississippi. Of these, the Nile, which flows from the mountains and lakes of Central Africa, begins to rise in June, and by the middle of August attains an elevation of 24 to 28 feet in the upper country, and less towards the mouth, the inundation flooding the cultivatable valley of Egypt. The Egyptian embankments are described by Herodotus and Strabo. The Ganges, flowing from the Himalayas, rises 32 feet from April to August, and creates a flood of 100 miles in width. The Euphrates, from Mount Ararat, rises 12 feet between March and June, and covers the Babylonian plains. The Mississippi rises with the melting of the snows, its various tributaries, the Missouri, Ohio, Arkansas, and Red rivers, turning in their supplies from the elevated interior regions. At a distance from the ocean its rise is 50 feet, while nearer the sea its rise
n the continents. Next is the map of the world according to Eratosthenes and Strabo. Eratosthenes (276-196 B. C.) of Alexandria was the discoverer of the obliquitlipses, and the latter from lengths of the shadow measured by the gnomon. In Strabo's time, about the Christian era, it was customary to draw a meridian and parallnded the Phoenicians to make their return to Egypt by the pillars of Hercules. Strabo, while discrediting the accounts of circumnavigations previously said to have brcumnavigated Africa in the seventh century B. C., as we learn from Herodotus. Strabo (writing about A. D. 18) says:— If the extent of the Atlantic Ocean were notntry of the Guadalquiver, was famous for the quality of its wool in the time of Strabo, about the Christian era. A buck of fine quality was worth a talent (? Attic),tal; speculum-metal; and tables, pages 62-65. We read of one copper alloy in Strabo, called by him a mock silver (Pseud argyrum). It is not clear whether the stone
One wall has engraved upon it a series of marks representing the hight to which the water has risen on certain occasions. The cubits here are divided into 14ths, or double digits, and measure 1 foot 8.625 inches. This nilometer was described by Strabo, 54 B. C. The nilometer at Memphis was transferred by Constantine to a church in the vicinity of the Serapeum of Alexandria; Julian sent it back to the building at Memphis, where it remained till its destruction by Theodosius. At the presendation is the water that falls in Abyssinia in the rainy season. Homer and the Koran are right in ascribing it to water sent by God from heaven. Calisthenes, the pupil of Aristotle, and afterward Agatharcides of Cnidus (2d century B. C.), and Strabo, ascribed it to the same true source, — the rainy season in Ethiopia. The rainy season in Ethiopia commences (Kenrick) about the spring equinox and prevails till after the summer solstice. The Upper Nile of course first feels the rise; at K
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