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Leech Lake, Minn. (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.36
with a military salute of eleven guns. He said that I would always be his commander and so gave me a review of his entire regiment. In the march past, commanding a company, was my former aid-de-camp, Captain M. C. Wilkinson, who in the Nez Perces War in the battle of the Clearwater, July 11 and 12, 1877, had under my eye performed such gallant services in action that he was brevetted a major on October 5, 1898. He was killed in leading an attack against the Indians at Bear Island, Leech Lake, Minn. While in Portland we lived near our daughter, Mrs. James T. Gray, and her family, and also had the companionship of my aid, Captain Joseph A. Sladen. When I saw him a clerk of the United States Court and a prominent leader in all good works, it gave me a peculiar satisfaction. I continued my writings, and while returning to the East filled lecture engagements in California, Colorado, and elsewhere. At Denver we visited my half brother, Judge Rodelphus Howard Gilmore, who is a p
Yucatan (Yucatan, Mexico) (search for this): chapter 3.36
transport steamer Comal, which was fastened to the dock in the inner harbor. From this ship I had a clear view of many streets of Santiago. Here I saw crowds of Cubans, wretched, impoverished, and almost blind with starvation, working their way to get at the food which Clara Barton had been providing for them. Touching the work of the Y. M. C. A. Christiaa Commission I wrote: We rejoice indeed at what was done and only regret that it was so limited. Mr. Howland and I came back on the Yucatan as far as the Tampa quarantine station, then we went on board the Seguranga, where there were at least 200 sick people. Every available place in the social hall held a sick man, bolstered by his knapsack. The majority were afflicted with severe malarial fever. It was difficult to find any relief from the gloom of that ship. Of course, Howland and I did what we could to alleviate the situation all the way from Tampa to New York City. I have given a detailed account of all this with o
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.36
Lloyd. I enjoyed the passage from New York to Gibraltar exceedingly. On Sunday morning we had a public religious service at which I read selections from the sermons of Bishop Brooks. Noticing that an Italian Catholic priest, on his way from Kansas to Italy, did not participate in the service, I rallied him pleasantly on the subject. lie said that he had had a headache and that was the reason he did not come out. I then said to him: Father, why don't you preach the Gospel? He answered: Whgan habitually about seven o'clock in the morning and met audiences, as a rule, every half hour during the day, and often had meetings that lasted until eleven o'clock at night. We passed through Illinois, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and finished in Pennsylvania. To carry it through and meet all the expenses of this extensive tour, cost General Alger upward of $25,000. As we met the old soldiers, their children, and their grandchildren in
Gottingen (Lower Saxony, Germany) (search for this): chapter 3.36
more melodious than what they sang. The father was glad of this opportunity and didn't mind my sitting with him on the throne. See the details of this visit to Spain in my book, Isabella of Castile; Mr. Treat and I visited every part of Spain where we could find that Isabella had been from the time of her birth till her death and burial. It was an interesting journey and one very helpful to me in the work I was prosecuting. My son James's wife and child were visiting her home in Gottingen and I met them at Bremen in order to accompany them home. Mr. Treat had left me for England while I was en route to Bremen. Mrs. James Howard and her little girl were there on my arrival, and the next day we set out for home on the steamer Spree. At Southampton, England, I was delighted to see Mr. D. L. Moody and his son Will Moody come on board. After this accession, Adelheid, my daughter-in-law, having many friends on the vessel, we had the prospect of a happy voyage. On the steame
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.36
Tampa to New York City. I have given a detailed account of all this with other experiences in the Spanish War in a book entitled Fighting for humanity, written the same year. My son Guy Howard was sent early before the struggle began to Atlanta, Ga., and controlled an important supply station for the army. When I was at Camp Alger, he was chief quartermaster of the Second Army Corps, then commanded by General William M. Graham. One incident at that time indicated to me the marked executisummer rest. Thus far my rest has been the rest of change. It is very gratifying to me that personal strength has continued so long, and that I have been so well received and kindly treated in every part of the country. Recently I went to Atlanta, Ga., to be present at the unveiling of a monument to General W. H. T. Walker; it was erected on the spot where he fell on the Confederate side in the battle of Atlanta. McPherson's monument and his are the same in form, and about 600 yards apart.
Canada (Canada) (search for this): chapter 3.36
econd-class passenger, occupied one of the berths in my stateroom, while I slept under the window with my feet toward the door. The electric light had been revived and my door was held open a little way by a long hook. About three o'clock Monday morning, I opened my eyes and saw Matilda looking in from the hallway smiling. She said in plain English, for her mistress had just taught her the four words: The ship is coming, Herr General. Indeed it was true. The steamer Huron, crossing from Canada, had seen our signals of distress, and she came, just in time, to our relief. We had drifted out of the usual course of ships, and to many on board there appeared very little hope of our rescue. By nine o'clock Monday morning the Huron was towing the Spree by two strong cables, and we were quietly dragged for eight days on a smooth sea back to Queenstown, Ireland. As soon as we touched land, the most of the passengers ran to the nearest church. It was of the Methodist persuasion and wh
ssels loaded and off General Graham answered: Yes, I can. Who is he? Colonel Guy Howard. When can he go? By the next train. Colonel Howard did go by the next train, and the day after his arrival the two vessels had all their supplies and the soldiers on board in good order, and put to sea. During all the operations Colonel Howard gave great satisfaction for the most effective service, so that when the reduction occurred by the mustering out of the volunteers used in Cuba, Porto Rico, and along the coast, he was retained in his department as major and soon sent to the Philippines, where he became the chief quartermaster of General Lawton's division. In Lawton's most important northward expedition he was about to depart from San Isidro, and he needed his important supplies. My son went down the river in a little steamer, the Oceania, and securing two large barges, was slowly pulling them up the crooked channel of the Rio Grande, when near the mouth of the Rio Chico a
Queenstown (Irish Republic) (search for this): chapter 3.36
course of ships, and to many on board there appeared very little hope of our rescue. By nine o'clock Monday morning the Huron was towing the Spree by two strong cables, and we were quietly dragged for eight days on a smooth sea back to Queenstown, Ireland. As soon as we touched land, the most of the passengers ran to the nearest church. It was of the Methodist persuasion and when the house was well filled, Moody mounted the pulpit and preached a sermon from the text, God is love, and we a me and asked me for the facts, I said: Mr. Moody's prayer had been, Please send us a ship, and smooth the waves so that we shall not be drowned. The ship Huron did come in time to our rescue and we had a smooth sea for eight days back to Queenstown, Ireland. What we asked for came, but whether our Heavenly Father performed a miracle to bring this about I do not know. You ask for daily bread and receive it, and that is sufficient. It was remarkable that only one man perished on the Spree.
Wilmington (Delaware, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.36
ecial point of sustaining Governor Higgins, whom some politicians wished to lay aside under false assumptions. As he was a good man, I pleaded his case before the people with ardor. He was elected; he performed his duties during his term of office with marked sincerity and ability. His death has recently occurred, and I am glad to see that all parties now speak of him with esteem and praise. This same year our daughter Bessie was married in Burlington, Vt., to Joseph Bancroft, of Wilmington, Del. Their little daughter Elizabeth is, at this writing, the youngest of the thirteen grandchildren. Two years later my youngest son, Harry Stinson Howard, named for my beloved aid-de-camp, married, also in Burlington, Sue E. Hertz, and they now share in the Burlington home. Harry has been with me as secretary since my retirement from the army, and has ably assisted me in all my varied work. He has, in the meantime, graduated from the New York Law School, and been admitted to the Vermo
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.36
leven years a decided labor of love. The continued success of this enterprise as a last work of an active life I greatly desire and earnestly pray for. In 1896 was the first presidential campaign in which I participated. I had made up my mind, as soon as I was retired from the active list of the army, that I would engage in political work as an example to my children, and also as I wished to carry out my theory as to the importance of citizenship. I began by canvassing Vermont and then Maine, making many addresses in different parts of those two States. Suddenly I received a dispatch from my friend, General R. A. Alger, entreating me to join his special car in Chicago for a political tour. There with General Sickles, General Thomas J. Stewart, Corporal Tanner, and a few others I joined General Alger. We were designated a little later by the opposition as The Wrecks of the Civil War. We made a remarkable campaign, carefully scheduled so as to pass from place to place and give
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