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Wayland (Massachusetts, United States) 214 4 Browse Search
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Osgood, Miss, Lucy, letters to, 61, 76, 80, 81, 84, 89, 91, 95, 99, 139, 143, 162, 169, 174, 179, 185, 188, 192, 200, 203, 204, 209, 211, 212, 214. P. Paine, Thomas, grave of, 16. Palfrey, John G. D. D., liberates the slaves bequeathed to him, 56; influenced by Mrs. Child's Appeal, 77. Parker, Theodore, his first return from Europe, 57; farewell note to Mrs. Child, 139; Weiss's biography of, 179; magnetic power of, 191. Parsons, Mrs. S. M., letters to, 137, 229, 242, 243. Paul, the Apostle, 201,202. Personal Liberty Bill of Massachusetts, effort to repeal the, 145. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 229. Phillips, Wendell, confronts a mob, 147-149; defends the Chinese, 251; tribute of, at Garrison's funeral, 254; his remarks at Mrs. Child's funeral, 263. Philothea, by Mrs. Child, XI., 21. Pierce, Mrs. E. C,, letter to, 42. Pierce, Senator, of Maryland, on Uncle Tom's Cabin, 69. Pocasset tragedy, the, 254. Princess of Thule, A, by William Black, 223.
Isaac T. Hopper (search for this): chapter 191
with Dr. Channing on the anti-slavery movement, 24; hears Angelina Grimke speak, 26; life in Northampton, 29-41 ; discussions with slave-holders, 30; abusive letters to, from Southerners, 41; edits the Standard, in New York, 42 ; lives with Isaac T. Hopper's family; 48 ; interest in New Church doctrines, 43; letters of Dr. Channing to, 44, 45; her reminiscences of Dr. Channing, 48: life in New York, 50-60 ; characterization of, by Rev. Mr. Kent, 55; interview with Dr. Palfrey, 56: reads Emerso people of Lawrence, Kans., 84; speech at an anti-slavery meeting, 149. Hincks, Governor, of the West Indies, 134. History of women, VII. Hoar, Samuel, expelled from South Carolina, 108. Hobomok, Mrs. Child's first story, VII. Hopper, Isaac T., 43; Mrs. Child's Life of, XIII. Hosmer, Harriet, 68. Hovey, Charles F., 82. I. Indians, treatment of the, 218-220. J. Jack, Captain, the Modoc chief, 220. Jackson, General, Andrew, and the Seminole War, 219. Jackson, F
Boston Athenaeum given to, and withdrawn from, her, 195, 264 ; cultivates cheerfulness, 196 ; reads the Spanish Gypsy, 197; her sixty-seventh birthday, 198; on Fourier and. the labor question, 199; her jubilation over Grant's election, 200; reads Taine's papers on art, 200 ; her Freedmen's book and the American Missionary Association, 201; her aversion to newspaper publicity, 201; her judgment of George Sand, 205; lines to George Thompson, 206; her appeal to Mr. Sumner in behalf of the rights ohild's Appeal, 77; the assault on, 78; calls on Mrs. Child, 88S; his position on the Mason and Slidell case, 163; Milmore's bust of, 187; letters to, 207. Swedenborg and the New Church, 20(2. Swedenborg's key of correspondences 75. T. Taine's (H. A.) papers on art 200. Tappan, Arthur, threatened with assassination, 15. Taylor, Father, anecdote of, 213. Texas question, J. Q. Adams's speeches on, VIII. The rebels; a Tale of the Revolution, VII. The right way the Safe w
William P. Andrews (search for this): chapter 191
d for facts on the Texas question, VIII.; maintains the right to proclaim emancipation in war time, 151. Adams, Samuel, Miss Whitney's statue of, 257. Advertisements of fugitive slaves, 128, 129. Alcott, A. Bronson, and family, 239. Allen, Mr., of Alabama, testifies to horrors of slavery, 131. Allyn, Rev. Dr., letter to, 9. American Anti-Slavery Society, formation of, VIII. American Missionary Association, refuses to circulate Mrs. Child's Freedmen's book, 201. Andrews, William P., sonnet to Mrs. Child, XXIII. An English governess at the Siamese Court, 210. Animals, the treatment of, 214. Anti-Slavery Society (Mass.), annual meeting of, mobbed, 148-150. Appeal in behalf of that Class of Americans called Africans, by Mrs. Child, IX., 48, 195. Armstrong, General, and Hampton Institute, 241. Arnold, Edwin, 257. Aspirations of the world, by Mrs, Child, XIX., 246. Aurora Leigh, by Mrs. Browning, 87, 197. Autobiography of a female slave, 90,
James Russell Lowell (search for this): chapter 191
of the Unitarians towards, 34; sends Mrs. Child his Essays, 57; speaks at a mobbed anti-slavery meeting, 149. Emerson and the Sphinx, 247. Eminent women of the age, VI. Equality of the sexes, 243-245. F. Fable for critics, A, by J. R. Lowell, XIV. Faneuil Hall, meeting at, in behalf of Anthony Burns, 73. Fingal's Cave, Mendelssohn's overture of, 223. Foote, Henry S., U. S. Senator, 179. Fortress Monroe, fugitive slaves at, 150, 151. Forten, R. R., 184. Fort Pickens (Sunset, by Mrs. Child, success of, 185. Loring, Miss, Anna, letters to, 53, 94. Loring, Ellis Gray, 21; letters to, 43, 65, 74; death of, 95; lines by Mrs. Child in memory of, 101. Loring, Mrs., Ellis Gray, letters to, 15, 28, 62. Lowell, J. R., tribute to Mrs. Child in his Fable for critics, XIV., XVIII.; Fredrika Bremer's estimate of, 66. M. Marm Betty, Mrs. Child's earliest teacher, v. Married Women dead in the law, 74 Martineau, Harriet, anecdote of, 19 ; her letter
Bayard Taylor (search for this): chapter 191
Suffrage for women, appeal to Mr. Sumner in behalf of, 207. Sumner, Charles, speaks in Congress against Fugitive Slave Law, 69; influenced by Mrs. Child's Appeal, 77; the assault on, 78; calls on Mrs. Child, 88S; his position on the Mason and Slidell case, 163; Milmore's bust of, 187; letters to, 207. Swedenborg and the New Church, 20(2. Swedenborg's key of correspondences 75. T. Taine's (H. A.) papers on art 200. Tappan, Arthur, threatened with assassination, 15. Taylor, Father, anecdote of, 213. Texas question, J. Q. Adams's speeches on, VIII. The rebels; a Tale of the Revolution, VII. The right way the Safe way, by Mrs. Child, 192. The world that I am passing through, by Mrs. Child, x. Thirteenth Amendment to U. S. Constitution, passage of, 188. Thome, James A., denounces slavery, 131. Thompson, George, threatened with abduction from New York, 15; speaks in the hall of the U. S. House of Representatives, 180; contrast between his first
Sarah M. Grimke (search for this): chapter 191
177. Gibbons, James S., house of, gutted by rioters, 178. Giles, Governor, message of, to Virginia Legislature, 132. Girl's book. The, VII. Goethe and Bettine, 50, 51, Grant's (President U. S.) election, 199; reelection, 213; his Indian policy, 220. Griffith, Miss, Mattie, emancipates her slaves, 89-91; her Autobiography of a female slave, 90, 132. Grimke, Angelina, addresses a committee of the 1;Massachusetts Legislature, 26; her testimony against slavery, 130. Grimke, Sarah M., her testimony against slavery, 129. H. Hampton Institute and General Armstrong, 241. Hedrick. Professor, expelled from North Carolina, 108. Henry the Eighth and the Protestant reformation, 187. Heyrick, Elizabeth, promulgates the doctrine of Immediate Emancipation, 23. Higginson, T. W., his biographical account of Mrs. Child, VI., XIII.; sermon to the people of Lawrence, Kans., 84; speech at an anti-slavery meeting, 149. Hincks, Governor, of the West Indies, 134.
Martin F. Conway (search for this): chapter 191
obbe, 184. Clarke, Edward H., M. D., on Sex in education, 229. Clarke, James Freeman, addresses an anti-slavery meeting, 149; Mr. Garrison's letter to, 243. Cobbe, Frances Power, her Broken lights, and Church of the future, 184. Colored people of Boston commemorate John Brown's death, 137. Constantine, the Emperor, his conversion to Christianity, 187. Constitution, U. S., passage of 13th Amendment to, 188. Contrabands, anecdotes of the, 158: donations for, 165. Conway, Martin F., of Kansas, 168. Correggio's Diana, Toschi's engraving of, 70. Countess of Rudolstaat, The, a novel, 62. Crawford, Mr., of London, 12. Cumaean Sibyl, by Domenichino, 57. Curtis, George William, 79: oration of, 85 ; conducts Sunday services, 233; letter on caucus dictation, 252. D. Davis, Jeff., 152. De Stael, Madame, 247. Devens, Charles, redeems Thomas Sims from slavery, 189. Domenichino's Cumaean Sibyl, 57. Douglass, Frederick, 259. Draft riots of 1863
ard to punishment of slaves, 127; by which the master appropriated a slave's earnings, 128; prohibiting education of the blacks, 128. Leonowens, Mrs. A. H., her book on Siam, 210, 216. Letters from New York, Mrs. Child's, XI., 45. Light of Asia, The, 257. Lincoln, President, faith of the slaves in, 150; reflection of, 183. Lind, Jenny, anecdote of, 63. Linda, the author of, 204. Lives of Madame Roland and Baroness de Stael, by Mrs. Child, XI. Livingstone, Dr., and Stanley, 221. Looking towards Sunset, by Mrs. Child, success of, 185. Loring, Miss, Anna, letters to, 53, 94. Loring, Ellis Gray, 21; letters to, 43, 65, 74; death of, 95; lines by Mrs. Child in memory of, 101. Loring, Mrs., Ellis Gray, letters to, 15, 28, 62. Lowell, J. R., tribute to Mrs. Child in his Fable for critics, XIV., XVIII.; Fredrika Bremer's estimate of, 66. M. Marm Betty, Mrs. Child's earliest teacher, v. Married Women dead in the law, 74 Martineau, Harriet,
Jefferson Davis (search for this): chapter 191
the Emperor, his conversion to Christianity, 187. Constitution, U. S., passage of 13th Amendment to, 188. Contrabands, anecdotes of the, 158: donations for, 165. Conway, Martin F., of Kansas, 168. Correggio's Diana, Toschi's engraving of, 70. Countess of Rudolstaat, The, a novel, 62. Crawford, Mr., of London, 12. Cumaean Sibyl, by Domenichino, 57. Curtis, George William, 79: oration of, 85 ; conducts Sunday services, 233; letter on caucus dictation, 252. D. Davis, Jeff., 152. De Stael, Madame, 247. Devens, Charles, redeems Thomas Sims from slavery, 189. Domenichino's Cumaean Sibyl, 57. Douglass, Frederick, 259. Draft riots of 1863 in New York, 178. Dresel, Mrs., Anna Loring, letter to, 191. Dresser, Amos, publicly flogged at Nashville, Tenn., 184. Dwight, John S., 29, 37, 50. E. Eclectic review, The, VIII. Education of women in Egypt and India, the, 212, 213. Elssler, Fanny, 385. Emancipation Proclamation, 171. Emerson,
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