Found 3,516 total hits in 2,398 results.
se on the Constitution, 341
Discovery of America, the, 193
Discovery of North America, 185
Discovery of Pike County, The, 75 n.
Discussion and explanation o
Foxe, John, 521
F. P. A. See Adams, Franklin P.
France and England in North America, 190
France et Espagne, 592, 593
Francesca da Rimini, 268, 269
Francdianapolis journal, the, 60
Indian Herald, the, 87
Indian language of North America, the, 448
Indians of today, 150
Indian summer, 81
Industrial progremes, 512, 514, 515
Jessie Brown, 268
Jesuit relations, 179
Jesuits in North America, the, 190
Jevons, 442
Jewett, John P., 306
Jewett, Sarah Orne, 86rope, a, I 12
Newton, Heber, 219
Newton, Isaac, 234, 524
New Tracks in North America, 157
New variorum Shakespeare, 483
New views of Society, 399
New Worl, 37
On the adoption of a uniform orthography for the Indian languages of North America, 449
On the Crown, 465
On the Fens and Marshes of Rome, 446
On the nat
rs, Rachel, 286, 295
Cruising in the Caribbees, 165
Crumbling Idols, 92
Cudworth, 228
Culture's Garland, 28
Cummins, Maria S., 69
Curiosities of the American Theatre, 273
Curtis, George Ticknor, 348
Curtis, George William. 60, 83, 100, 110 113-116, 118, 163, 309, 313, 326, 353, 354, 415, 417, 488
Curtius, Ernst, 460, 462, 463
Cushing, Caleb, 144
Cushing, Frank H., 159, 615, 610, 622
Cushman, Charlotte, 268
Custer, Elizabeth Bacon, 160
Custer, G. A., 159
Cycle of Cathay, a, 155
Cygne ou Mingo, 592
Daffy-down-dilly, 416
Daily news (Chicago), 328, 334
Daily news (London), 326
Daily Sentinel, the, 405
Daisy Miller, 99, 103
Dakolar, 277
Dalcour, 596
Dall, W. H., 166
Daly, Augustin, 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 275
Damnation of Theron Ware, the, 92
Dana, Charles A., 121, 122, 164, 182, 324, 331
Dana, J. D, 477
Dana, R. H., 139
Danbury [Conn.] News, 21
Danites, the, 275, 290
Dante, 77, 116, 231, 238, 450, 455, 459, 488, 489
Charles Francis Adams, an autobiography, 198
Charles Francis Adams, the first, 198
Charles Sealsfield.
See Postl, Karl
Charles the Bold, 188
Charlevoix, 179
Charlie's town, 510
Charlotte Temple, 69
Chartres, 490
Chateaubriand, 579, 595
Chatterton, Thomas, 35, 517
Chaucer, 77, 471, 484, 485, 486, 487, 555
Chaucer as a literary artist, 486
Chaucer in literary history, 486
Cheever, Ezekiel, 390, 416, 444
Cheke, Sir, John, 475
Chekhov, 606
Chesterfield, 391
Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani, the, 92
Cheves, Langdon, 341
Chicago (University), 62, 207, 212, 357, 412, 586
Child, F. J., 5, 464, 479, 484-485, 485 n., 486, 507, 509
Child and the curriculum, 423
Children in the Wood, the, 511
Children of earth, 291, 294
Children of the King, the, 88
Chinese characteristics, 212
Chinese repository, 144
Chittenden, H. M., 134, 135
Choate, Rufus, 126
Choir invisible, the, 91
Chopin, Kate, 597
Chorus Lady, the, 295
onant, Charles A., 362, 440
Conception of God, The, 246 n.
Concert, the, 282
Concordance (to the Divina Commedia), 490
Concord School of Philosophy, 121
Condillac, 227
Cone, Orello, 207
Confessions of a Hyphenated American, 420
Congo and other poems, the, 133
Congo and the founding of its free State, the, 163
Congregational Seminary (Andover, Mass.), 203
Congressional government, 360
Conkling, Roscoe, 353
Connecticut Courant, the, 494
Connecticut Yankee at the CCongo and the founding of its free State, the, 163
Congregational Seminary (Andover, Mass.), 203
Congressional government, 360
Conkling, Roscoe, 353
Connecticut Courant, the, 494
Connecticut Yankee at the Court of King Arthur, a, 17, 18, 19, 20
Connelley, W. E., 144
Conquest of Mexico, 458
Conquest of New Mexico and Califor, nia, the, 143
Conquest of Peru, 58
Conquest of the United States by Spain, 363-4
Conrad, 268
Conried, Heinrich, 587, 588, 589, 590
Considerations on Lowering the value of Gold Coins, 426
Considerations on the currency and banking system of the United States, 430
Considerations upon the Act of Parliament whereby a duty is laid . . . on Molasses, 428
435, 467
Williamson, Hugh, 179
Willie and Mary, 511
Willis, N. P., 35, 40, 109-10, 549
Willkomm, 579
Willoughby, W. W., 361
Willow tree, the, 292
Will Widder Buwele Sei, 585
Wilson, Francis, 280
Wilson, Woodrow, 114, 129, 306, 361, 365, 417
Winchevsky, Morris, 603
Winds of Doctrine, 258 n., 260 n., 261 n.
Wings of the Dove, the, 98, 101
Winsor, Justin, 186-87
Winter, William, 36, 40, 46, 47, 128, 272-73
Winthrop, R. C., 337
Winthrop, Theodore, 68, 69, 155
Wisconsin idea, the, 365
Wisconsin (University), 177, 210, 412, 479
Wise, H. A., 142
Wise, John, 426
Wister, Owen, 95, 162
Witching hour, the, 283
Witch of Prague, the, 88
Witherspoon, Pres., 229
Within the law, 293
Within the Rim, 102
Without a home, 74
Wittenberg (University), 207
Wolcott, 430
Wolf, the (planned by Norris, Frank) 93
Wolf, the (a play), 293
Wolf, F. A., 453, 460
Wolff, 282
Wolfskill, William, 138
Wollenweber, L. A., 582
Woman, the, 28
Coin's financial school, 357
Colden, Cadwallader, 179
Coleridge, 54, 228, 234, 475
Colgate College, 205
Colleen Bawn, the, 268
College Fetich, A, 459 n.
College of Mirania, 394
College widow, the, 289
Collier, J. P., 481, 482
Collier's weekly, 293, 333
Collins, J. A., 437
Colman, John, 426
Colonel Carter of Cartersville, 95, 283
Colonel Nimrod Wildfire, 275
Colonial girl, 280
Colonial records (N. C.), 176
Colonial records of Pennsylvania, the, 175
Colorado River exploring expedition, 158
Colton, Calvin, 435
Colton, Walter, 144
Columbiad, 544
Columbia University, 50, 52, 177, 273, 290, 342, 392, 393, 394, 402, 413, 433, 446, 450, 461 466 n., 473, 475, 479
Columbus, 156, 183, 184, 185, 524, 525
Columbus, 55
Columbus et Filibustero, 268
Colvocoresses, Lieut., 136
Colwell, S., 436
Combe, George, 406
Comenius, 391
Commedia, 488
Commencement poem (Sill, E. R.), 56
Commentaries on American law, 402
Commerce of Ame
, 590
Considerations on Lowering the value of Gold Coins, 426
Considerations on the currency and banking system of the United States, 430
Considerations upon the Act of Parliament whereby a duty is laid . . . on Molasses, 428
Conspiracy of Pontiac, 189
Constance Trescott, 90
Constitutional history of England, 197
Constitutional view of the late War between the States, 182
Contrast, the, 493
Control of Trusts, the, 442
Convict 999, 287
Convito, 488
Conway, Moncure D., 120 y (Potter), 434
Political economy (Walker), 441
Political economy of slavery, 341
Political essays on the nature and operation of money, 429
Political ethics, 342
Pollard, E. A., 182, 352
Pollock, Channing, 296
Polyglott, 479
Pontiac, 189
Poore, B. P., 351
Poor Floella, 512
Poor Florella, 515
Poor little rich girl, the, 292
Poor Lorella, 512
Poor of New York, the, 270
Poor Richard's Almanac, 393
Pope, 77, 487, 539, 542
Popular Science Monthly, 236, 243
ou, 420
Emory, W. H., 144, 153
Enamoured Architect of Airy rhyme, 37
Encyclopedia of the philosophical sciences, the, 247
End of the World, the, 76
Englehardt, Fr. Zephyrin, 139
English and Scottish popular ballads, 484, 485
English grammar (Murray), 401 English-Greek Lexicon (Yonge), 461
English lands, letters, and kings, 112
English Phonology, 448
English reader (Murray), 401
Enquiry into the principles and tendencies of certain public measures, 432
Enterprise (Virginia City), 3
Epictetus, 119, 445, 460
Equitable Commerce, 437
Erato, 597
Esmeralda, 285
Essai Historique, 592
Essais Poetiques, 596
Essay concerning silver and paper, an, 426
Essay on currency, 426
Essay on the causes of the decline of foreign trade, an, 429
Essay on the domestic debts of the United States, an, 429
Essay on the laws of trade in reference to the works of internal improvement, an, 434
Essay on the principles of political
Economy (An American), 434
Theological Seminary, 50
Genetic theory of reality, 257
Geographical and geological Survey of the territories, 158
Geographical and statistical Review of Massachusetts, a, 432
Geographical surveys West of the 100th meridian, 158
Geography made easy, 401
Geology (Lyell), 229
George, Henry, 82, 285, 358, 359, 441 W. T., 264
Maryland, 497
Marzio's Crucifix, 88
Mason, Lowell, 495, 499, 500
Mason, Walt, 498
Masque of judgment, the, 63
Masquerier, L., 438
Massachusetts, its historians and history, 198
Massacre of Cheyenne Indians, 148
Masses, 333
Masters, Edgar Lee, 65, 76, 615
Mater, 277
Mather, Cotton, 73, 389, oughts on the increasing wealth . . . of the United States, 432
Thousand years ago, a, 277
Three decades of Federal legislation, 351
Three episodes of Massachusetts history, 198
Three Fates, the, 87, 88
Three of us, the, 286, 295
Three Phi Beta Kappa addresses, 198
Three Philosophic Poets, 258 n.
Three p