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Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 184 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2 92 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 88 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 81 1 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3 80 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 68 0 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 62 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 56 0 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 52 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 52 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments.. You can also browse the collection for Appomattox (Virginia, United States) or search for Appomattox (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Second regiment Massachusetts Cavalry. (search)
175 recruits were added. In February, 1865, as part of the 1st Division, Reserve Brigade, the regiment advanced to Petersburg; after the evacuation of Richmond it engaged in the pursuit of the Confederates until the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox. Having encamped for a time near Petersburg, it took part under General Sheridan against Johnston's army; participated afterward in the grand review at Washington, and, after remaining in camp in Fairfax County until July 20, 1865, was mustere encamped for a time near Petersburg, it took part under General Sheridan against Johnston's army; participated afterward in the grand review at Washington, and, after remaining in camp in Fairfax County until July 20, 1865, was mustered out at Fair. fax Court House, being finally paid off and discharged Aug. 3, 1865, at Readville, Mass. Present also at Fort Reno, Poolesville, Summit Point, Luray, Tom's Brook, South Anna, White Oak Road, Dinwiddie Court House, Sailor's Creek and Appomattox.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Eleventh battery Massachusetts Light Artillery. (search)
It was employed during its whole term of service in picket duty about Centerville, Va., and was mustered out, at expiration of its 9 months term of service, May 29, 1863. Reorganized, it was mustered in for 3 years service, Jan. 2, 1864; and was almost continuously active throughout the remaining years of the war. Leaving the State for the second time, Feb. 5, 1864, the battery joined the 2d Division, 9th Army Corps, April 9, and was present at the Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864; it was engaged at North Anna, Va., temporarily attached to the 2d Corps, and at the Weldon Railroad with the 5th Corps; engaged in the siege of Petersburg from June 17, 1864, to March 24, 1865. After its withdrawal from the lines on the latter date, the attack upon Fort Stedman, March 25, brought it once again into action. It followed the Confederate army to Appomattox after the fall of Petersburg, April 3; and returning to Massachusetts at the close of the war, was mustered out at Readville June 16, 1865.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Eleventh regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
of the Wilderness, May 5, 6 and 7, 1864, taking part in the struggle at the Angle during the battle of Spotsylvania Court House May 12, and joining afterward in the engagements about North Anna and Cold Harbor. June 12 the regiment's original term of enlistment expired, and the men whose service was ended returned to Massachusetts and were mustered out. Many men had re-enlisted, and these with the recruits formed a battalion of five companies, commanded by Colonel Blaisdell and moved with the army to Petersburg, taking part in the assault of June 16-18, and engaging afterward in the siege. Colonel Blaisdell was killed on the skirmish line June 23. The regiment took part in the final operations about Petersburg in March and April, 1865, was active in the pursuit of the Confederates, and present at the surrender of General Lee's Army at Appomattox. At the close of the campaign the regiment was stationed at Washington until its return to Massachusetts and its discharge, July 14, 1865.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Eleventh regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
ay 10, Yorktown, Va,––1––––––––––1 Aug. 5, Malvern Hill, Va.,––––––––2––––2 Aug. 29, 30, Manassas, Va., or Bull Run, 2d.121311251343–27 Place unknown,–––––––––2–1–3 1863. May 2, 3, Chancellorsville, Va.,–2–121312111–15 July 1-3, Gettysburg, Pa.,–12534242327–35 Nov. 27, Mine Run (Locust Grove), Va.––1––––1–11––4 1864. May 5, 6, Wilderness, Va.,––11–1–1––11–6 May 8-13, Spotsylvania, Va.,–––––––1–1–1–3 May 12, Petersburg, Va.,––––––1––––––1 June 16, Petersburg, Va.,––––41–––––––5 June 23–Oct. 27, before Petersburg, Va.111–1––––2–2–8 Oct. 27, Hatcher's Run or Boydtown Plank Road, Va.–1–––––––––1–2 Place unknown,––1––1–1–––2–5 1865. March 31, Hatcher's Run or Boydtown Plank Road, Va.–––11––––––1–3 Place unknown,–––1–––––––––
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
out the Rappahannock and in the Mine Run Campaign. During the winter of 1863-64 many members of the regiment re-enlisted for another term of service. It was engaged at the Battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864, as part of Gibbon's Division, 2d Corps, and was active in the movements at Spotsylvania, North Anna and Cold Harbor. Crossing the James River June 14, it took part at the assault of Petersburg. losing many from the regiment as prisoners on June 22. Participating afterward in the siege, it shared in the engagements at Deep Bottom, Weldon Railroad, Boydtown Plank Road and Hatcher's Run and was active in the final operations about Petersburg in March and April, 1S65. It engaged in the pursuit of the Confederates to Appomattox, and encamped after the surrender at Burksville, Va., until May, when it returned to the vicinity of Washington. On June 30, 1865, it was mustered out of service, and, returning to Massachusetts, received its final discharge and payment July 20, 1865.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
4–32 July 1, Malvern Hill, Va.,––––––2––––1–3 Sept. 17, Antietam, Md.,–1–3–141332––18 Dec. 11-14, Fredericksburg, Va.,–2271211–312–22 Place unknown,1–442131––21–19 1863. July 3, Gettysburg,Pa.,–21–1211–211–12 Nov. 27, Robinson's Cross Roads, Va.–––––––––––1–1 Place unknown,––11––11–2–––6 1864. May 5-10, Wilderness, Va.,–––1––1––––1–3 May 10-12, Spotsylvania, Va.,–1––2–2––1–––6 May 24, North Anna River, Va.,––2––––––––––2 May 31, Totopotomoy, Va.,–1–––––––––––1 June 3-7, Cold Harbor, Va.,–1–11–––1––––4 June 18-19, Petersburg, Va.,–––––1–––1–––2 June 22, Jerusalem Plank Road, Va.––––1––––––––1 Aug. 25, Deep Bottom, Va.,–––––1–––––––1 Place unknown,––2–––1–3–12–9 1865. Feb. 5, Hatcher's Run, Va.,–1––––1
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twentieth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
173 members of the regiment enlisted for another term of service. As part of the 2d Corps, the regiment shared in the engagements at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna and Cold Harbor, engaging in the assault of Petersburg and in the siege. On July 18, 1864, those whose term of service bad expired returned to Massachusetts and were mustered out. About 200 men were added to the regiment from the 15th Mass. Infantry, and it continued in service in the trenches, under command of Major Patten. At Reams' Station, August 25, nearly all the members of the regiment were taken prisoners. Its ranks much depleted, it took part in the final operations about Petersburg, and, following the Confederates to Farmville and Appomattox, encamped, after the surrender, at Burke's Station, Va. Taking part in the grand review at Washington May 23, it encamped near the capitol until its muster out on July 15, and, returning to Massachusetts, it received its final discharge and payment July 28, 1865.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twentieth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
t. 17, Antietam, Md.,1––21–33–322–17 Dec. 11-13, Fredericksburg, Va.,–21–17–4–1145–35 Place unknown,–1222–1––3–1–12 1863. May 3, Chancellorsville, Va.,–––––––––1–––1 July 2-3, Gettysburg, Pa.,124228343252–38 Oct. 14, Bristoe Station, Va.,–––1–––––––––1 Place unknown,––12–125–112–15 1864. May 6-12, Wilderness, Va.,1–325264411–1–39 May 10-18, Spotsylvania, Va.,–21–1111––2––9 June 3-9, Cold Harbor, Va.,––3–11––1–11–8 June 21-22, Petersburg, Va,–––––––11–11–4 June 23-24, Before Petersburg,,Va.,––––1––2–––––3 Aug. 5, Before Petersburg,Va.,–––––––––––1–1 Aug. 14-17, Deep Bottom, Va.,1–––1––––––––2 Oct. 18, Petersburg,, Va.,–––––––1–––––1 Oct. 29, Hatcher's Run, Va.,––1––––––––––1 Place unknown,–1212113122––16 1865. Feb. 5, Hatcher's Run, V
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-eighth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
Fredericksburg, Va.,–36443332434–39 Place unknown,––––231––1–––7 1863. July 2-3, Gettysburg, Pa.,––12221221–––13 Oct. 14, Auburn, Va,–––––––1–––––1 Dec. 3, Kelly's Ford, Va.,––––––––1––––1 Place unknown,––1––––––1–––2 1864. May 5-7, Wilderness, Va.,–21643–12–21–22 May 10, Po River, Va.,––––2––––––––2 May 12-18, Spotsylvania, Va.,122133122–11–19 May 30-31, Pamunkey River, Va.,––––1–––1––––2 June 3-6, Cold Harbor, Va.,112–1112––3––12 June 16-17, Petersburg, Va.,––––21–––––1–4 July 27, Deep Bottom, Va.,––––––1–––1––2 Aug. 14, Deep Bottom, Va.,–1––––––2–1––4 Aug. 25, Reams' Station, Va,––2––11––––––4 Oct. 10, Before Petersburg, Va.,–––––1–––––––1 Place unknown,––––11111511–12 1865. March 25, Before Petersburg (Hatch
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Thirty-second regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
as mortally wounded. Engaging afterward in the siege, it took part at the Weldon Railroad August 18-21 and at Poplar Spring Church September 30. It was active in the final operations about Petersburg, took part in the pursuit of Lee's Army to Appomattox, and as part of the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, received the arms of General Lee's forces at the formal surrender, April 11, 1865. Encamping near Appomattox until May 1, it reached Washington May 12 and remained until the termination gade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, received the arms of General Lee's forces at the formal surrender, April 11, 1865. Encamping near Appomattox until May 1, it reached Washington May 12 and remained until the termination of its service. Before its muster out, June 28, 1865, the re-enlisted men and recruits of the 9th, 12th, 13th, 18th, 22d and 39th Mass. Infantries had been added to its numbers. Reaching Boston July 1, it received its final discharge and payment at Gallop's Island July 11, 1865.
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