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Roxbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
Remington, John, of Newbury 1637, freeman 1639, rem. to Andover, and thence to Rowley and to Roxbury. (Farmer.) By w. Elizabeth he had John; Thomas; Jonathan, b. 12 Feb. 1639-40; Daniel, b. 2 Octe Elizabeth the mother d. 24 Oct. 1658. John the f. was Lieut. of militia 1647, and removed to Roxbury, where he d. 8 June 1667. 2. John, s. of John (1), by w. Abigail, had in Rowley, John, b. 12m. William Butterfield. Na-Thaniel the f. d. 26 Jan. 1761-2, and his w. Mary m. Samuel Lyon of Roxbury 24 Nov. 1742; she d. 2 Mar. 1760, a. 83 years. 7. John, s. of Nathaniel (5), m. Abigail AdamStephen Bacon 23 Nov. 1797. Amelia, m. Ebenezer Brown 21 Ap. 1799. Sarah, m. John Williams of Roxbury 7 May 1804. The last five were m. on the south side of the river. Thomas, d. at Menot. 25 Se, b. 28 Nov. 1678, m. Thomas Prentice 28 Dec. 1696, (2d) Nathaniel Robbins, (3d) Samuel Lyon of Roxbury 24 Nov. 1742, and d. in her third widowhood 2 Mar. 1760, in the 84th year of her age according
New Hampshire (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
rench War. In 1761 he removed with his family to Bennington, and was one of the most prominent inhabitants. He was a Justice of the Peace, and active in resistance against the encroachments by New York; he went to England as an agent for the New Hampshire Grants in 1766, and d. at London 1767, of small-pox. His w. Mercy d. 5 June 1792, a. 82. 6. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (4), by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, b. 20 June 1732; Jonathan, b. 29 Sept. 1733; Jacob, b. 3 Feb. 1738-9. Jonathan the r, who d. at Boston in Jan. 1835, a. 37, and was buried at Arlington; Thomas, b. 9 June 1767, m. Margaret Adams 25 Nov. 1788; a son. b. and d. 8 Oct. 1769; Hannah, b. 8 Feb. 1772, m. Isaac Hill about 1788, and was mother of Gov. Isaac Hill of New Hampshire; Nathaniel, b. 15 Ap. 1774; John, b. 29 Aug. 1776; Joseph, b. 15 Mar. 1779; a dau. b. and d. 17 Feb. 1782. Walter the f. res. at Menot. on the Chs. side, and d. 5 Mar. 1782; his wid. Hannah m. Enos Jones of Ashburnham 26 Dec. 1790, and d.
Swanton, Vt. (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
Lydia, b. 29 Aug. 1718, m. Caleb Simons; Hannah, b. 8 Jan. 1720-21. Jonathan the f. was a weaver, and resided at Lex. His will, dated 2 Feb. 1748, was proved 18 Feb. 1754; his w. Ruth survived. 5. Samuel, s. of Samuel (3), m. Mercy Leonard of Southborough May 1732, resided a short time in Grafton, and removed to Hardwick in 1735 or 1736. His chil., all recorded in Hardwick, were Elizabeth, b. 24 Dec. 1733; Leonard, b. 16 July 1736, m. Rebecca Billings of Hardwick 31 Aug. 1758, d. at Swanton, Vt., 29 Sept. 1827 (his son Samuel Leonard settled in Hardwick, d. 18 Jan. 1863, a. nearly 96, and left posterity there); Samuel, b. 9 Aug. 1738, was an Adjutant in the French War, at the age of about 20, m. Esther Safford of Bennington, Vt., was a Captain in the Bennington Battle, afterwards Colonel of Militia, actively engaged in the American Revolution, and d. 3 May 1813; loses, b. 15 Mar. 1741, m. Mary, dau. of Capt. Stephen Fay, settled in Bennington, was the first Colonel of Militia in
St. Albans, Vt. (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
Revolution, and d. 3 May 1813; loses, b. 15 Mar. 1741, m. Mary, dau. of Capt. Stephen Fay, settled in Bennington, was the first Colonel of Militia in Vermont, and with his regiment was often in active service during the war; he was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Senator in Congress, and Governor of the State; he received the honorary degree of A. M. at Y. C. 1789, and at D. C. 1790; he d. 19 May 1813; Paul, b. 17 Dec. 1743, d. 1754; Silas, b. 17 Mar. 1745-6, m. Susanna Weeks, d. at St. Albans, Vt., at an advanced age; Mercy, b. 8 Oct. 1748, m. Col. Joseph Safford of Bennington, and d. 7 May 1814; Sarah, b. 13 Nov. 1751, m. Benjamin, son of Capt. Stephen Fay, and (2d) Gen. Heman Swift of Cornwall, Conn.; David, b. 4 Nov, 1754, settled in Bennington, m. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Stephen Fay, and (2d) Eunice, dau. of Doct. John Dickinson of Middletown, Conn., and (3d) Nancy, wid. of George Church of Hartford, Conn.; he was in the Bennington Battle, and afterwards Major-general of Militi
Newbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
; Jesse, b. 4 June 1797; and perhaps others. Rolfe, John (otherwise written Rolph), prob. s. of John Rolfe who d. at Newbury 8 Feb. 1664, m. Mary Scullard at Newbury 4 Dec. 1656, and had Mary, b. 2 Nov. and d. 10 Dec. 1658; Mary, b. 16 Jan. 1660Newbury 4 Dec. 1656, and had Mary, b. 2 Nov. and d. 10 Dec. 1658; Mary, b. 16 Jan. 1660; Rebecca, b. 9 Feb. 1662, m. William Cutter of Cambridge about 1680; John, b. about 1665, sold part of his father's estate to his brother-in-law William Cutter 4 June 1685, and d. before 26 Sept. 1705; Samuel, b. about 1667, sold his share of the h4, a yeoman; Henry, b. 26 Sept. 1678, a ship carpenter; Moses, b. 14 Oct. 1681. The first three births are recorded at Newbury (see Coffin's Hist. Newb.), the last three at Camb., and the intermediate three are gathered from deeds. All the sons now Lex., formerly the estate of Col. George Cooke. He was taken suddenly sick at the house of his brother Benjamin at Newbury, executed a nuncupative will 30 Sept. 1681, and died before the next morning. His w. Mary survived, and was here 2 Oct.
Accomack (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
6. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel (5), m. Hannah——; she d. 15 Sept. 1718, a. 43, and he m. Mary, wid. of Thomas Prentice. His chil. were Thomas, b. about 1696, d. young; Nathaniel, bap. 19 June 1698; Mary, bap. 27 July 1701, m. Joseph Russell 9 Oct. 1724; Thomas. b. 11 Aug. 1703; Hannah, bap. 9 Sept. 1705, m. Zebadiah Johnson; Rebecca, bap. 7 Sept. 1707, m. Luxford Patten 11 May 1727; Philemon, bap. 25 Sept. 1709, H. C. 1729, minister at Branford, Conn., was f. of Rev. Chandler Robbins of Plymouth, and Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins of Norfolk, Conn., d. 1781; Deborah, bap. 30 Mar. 1712, living unm. 1737; Sarah,——, m. William Butterfield. Na-Thaniel the f. d. 26 Jan. 1761-2, and his w. Mary m. Samuel Lyon of Roxbury 24 Nov. 1742; she d. 2 Mar. 1760, a. 83 years. 7. John, s. of Nathaniel (5), m. Abigail Adams 4 Ap. 1705, and had John, b. 1 Feb. 1705-6; Daniel, b. 25 Nov. 1707, pub. Hannah Trowbridge, Newton, 23 Oct. 1731; Mary, b. 20 May 1711; Roger, bap. 26 Sept. 1714, resided in Lan
Kittery (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
han (4), m. Lucy, dau. of Rev. Simon Bradstreet of New London (whose wid. had m. Daniel Epps, and at the time of this marriage was residing in Medf. being a second time a widow), 5 Sept. 1711, and had Lucy, b. 17 Aug. 1712, m. Rev. William Hobby of Reading 21 Oct. 1734; Martha, b. 24 July 1714, m. Judge Edmund Trowbridge 15 Mar. 1737-8, and d. without issue 31 July 1772; Jonathan, b. 11 June 1716, grad. H. C. 1736, d. unm. 24 Dec. 1738; Mary, b. 22 July 1718, m. Rev. Benjamin Stevens of Kittery 28 Sept. 1752, and d. 27 May 1763 (she was grandmother of Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster, who grad. H. C. 1800, and d. 1812); John, b. 24 Oct. 1720; Simon, b. 31 July 1722, prob. d. young; Ann, b. 19 Feb. 1724-5, m. William Ellery, Esq., of Newport, R. I., 11 Sept. 1750, and d. 7 Sept. 1764, a. 39 (she was mother of Elizabeth, who m. Chief Justice Dana 5 Aug. 1773, and d. 31 Aug. 1807, a. 56; and of Lucy, who m. William Channing, of which marriage issued William E. Channing, D. D., Walte
Cumberland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
d, m. Abigail, dau. of John Marrett, 27 Ap. 1687. Abigail, m. Thomas Harrington 5 Feb. 1712-13, Susanna, m. Joseph Shed 16 Dec. 1720. Richardson, Abiel, parentage not ascertained, had w. Sarah, who d. 24 May 1751, a. nearly 28, and he m. Abigail Convers 9 July 1751. His chil. were Sarah, b. 15 Nov. 1749, m. Jonathan Winship 4 May 1769; Susanna, b. 2 May 1751; Abiel, b. 28 June 1753; Abigail, bap. 19 Jan. 1755; Frances, b. 2 Feb. 1756; Godfrey, b. 15 Sept. 1757. Abiel the f. rem. to Cumberland, N. S., where he and his son Abiel were drowned 14 Nov. 1765. 2. Moses, s. of Theophilus (who was s. of Ezekiel, gr. s. of Theophilus, and gr. gr. s. of the original Ezekiel), was born in Woburn 8 Ap. 1722; he m. Wary, dau. of Henry Prentice, and had Mary, b. 10 June 1753, m. William Russell of Boston 16 Jan. 1772; Moses, b. 10 Sept. 1755; Katherine, b. 16 Aug. 1757, m. James Smith of Boston 11 Sept. 1788; Elias, b. 27 Sept. 1760; Raham, b. 4 Nov. 1762; Elizabeth, b. 14 July 1767. Mos
Sudbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
. 1719, a. nearly 59, and he m. wid. Sybil Rice of Sudbury 24 May 1721. His chil. were Abigail, b. 6 Feb. 16t this Richard was ancestor of the numerous race in Sudbury and Marlborough, distinguished for longevity. Their ancestor was Edmund, freeman 1640, first of Sudbury and afterwards of Marlborough, where he d. in May 1663, and as the Record says, was buried at Sudbury. Jonathan, m. Rebecca Watson 1 Nov. 1677. Timothy, of Concord,age 431); Benjamin Franklin, b. 6 Feb. 1823; and in Sudbury, Samuel Wadsworth, b. 30 Nov. 1824, a Lieut.-coloneHenry the f. res. at Framingham, and afterwards at Sudbury, where he d.—Aug. 1871; his w. Relief d. 17 Sept. 1had Rebecca, bap. 21 Nov. 1708; Samuel the f. d. at Sudbury about 1748, naming in his will, 1743, w. Rebecca anov. 1658; Joyce, b. 31 Mar. 1660, m. Edmund Rice of Sudbury before 1681. It is not known that this family was (a cordwainer), at Camb., Samuel (a cordwainer), at Sudbury, Mary, at Stow, Josiah, at Lex., Sarah and Abigail,
Lancaster, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 42
and Jonas settled in Rutland. 7. Joshua, s. of William (4), m. Elizabeth Russell 21 Jan. 1724-5, and had Elizabeth, b. 28 Feb. 1725-6, m. Jonathan Winship; Hepzibah, b. 8 Mar. 1727-8, d. young; Joshua, b. 15 May 1730, m. Susanna Houghton of Lancaster, and d. 11 Aug. 1798; Joseph, b. 21 June 1739, m. Anna Blood of Sterling. Joshua the f. res. in Lex., and d. 5 Oct. 1755; his w. Elizabeth d. 29 Feb. 1743, a. 41.. 8. Jonathan, s. of Timothy of Woburn, b. 10 May 1718, m. Kezia Converse 26 1760, a. 83 years. 7. John, s. of Nathaniel (5), m. Abigail Adams 4 Ap. 1705, and had John, b. 1 Feb. 1705-6; Daniel, b. 25 Nov. 1707, pub. Hannah Trowbridge, Newton, 23 Oct. 1731; Mary, b. 20 May 1711; Roger, bap. 26 Sept. 1714, resided in Lancaster; Eliphalet, bap. 26 Jan. 1717-18; Solomon, bap. 25 Sept. 1720; Abigail, b. 24 Feb. 1723-4, m.——Parker. John the f. prob. lived on the south side of the river, and d. 10 June 1751; his 2d w. Hepzibah d. about 1762. 8. Samuel, s. of Nathanie
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