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Mississippi (United States) (search for this): chapter 7
ence batteries further marches of troops running of batteries at Grand Gulf crossing of Mississippi river by Grant's advance demonstration by Sherman against Haine's bluff Grant's confidence of draw at will, without danger of exhausting the supply. This post was now the key to the Mississippi river, and to the magnificent valley which it fertilizes. At Grand Gulf, where the bluffs againtained. Three means of obviating this difficulty suggested themselves: First, to turn the Mississippi river from its course, and, by cutting a canal across the peninsula in front of Vicksburg, creat added in his own behalf: I am confident that you will do every thing possible to open the Mississippi river. And, indeed, it is not surprising that the government should have urged him on. No substt men were attributing to him the conception of the campaign which resulted in opening the Mississippi river. Sherman, doubtless, was induced to take this step by his anxiety for the success of th
Ouachita (United States) (search for this): chapter 7
eck: January 31. I am pushing every thing to gain a passage, avoiding Vicksburg. Grant gave orders for cutting a way from the Mississippi to Lake Providence and went himself to that place on the 4th of February, remaining there several days. This sheet of water is a portion of the old bed of the river, and lies about a mile west of the present channel. It is six miles long, and connected by Bayou Baxter with Bayou Macon, a navigable stream communicating in its turn with the Tensas, Washita, and Red rivers. Through these various channels it was thought possible to open a route by which transports of light draught might reach the Mississippi again, below, and thus enable Grant to reinforce Banks (then on either the Red river or the Atchafalaya), and to cooperate with him against Port Hudson. The levee was cut, and a canal opened between the river and the lake, through which the water passed rapidly; but peculiar difficulties were encountered in clearing Bayou Baxter of the
Duckport (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
nd Chicago, and, on the 29th of March, Mc-Clernand was sent by the circuitous roads that lead from Milliken's bend, by way of Richmond and west of Roundaway bayou, to New Carthage, twenty-seven miles below. McPherson and Sherman were to follow McClernand, as rapidly as ammunition and rations could be forwarded. The movement was necessarily slow; the roads though level, were intolerably bad, the effects of the long overflow having not yet disappeared. A new canal was being constructed at Duckport, to connect the Mississippi with Roundaway bayou, and there was danger of McClernand's route becoming overflowed from this canal. The wagonroad, even where built up, was only twenty inches above water in the swamp; and the river was four and a half inches higher than the land, at the point where the water was to be let into the canal. Grant, at this time, wrote to Halleck: The embarrassment I have had to contend against, on account of extreme high water, cannot be appreciated by any one n
Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
Memphis, Helena, Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, and Port Hudson are points of this kind, and rise from eighstill another, of even greater strength, at Port Hudson, a hundred and fifty miles from the sea. PoPort Hudson and Grand Gulf were, in reality, the outworks of Vicksburg, and between them the mighty r directed to put forth every effort against Port Hudson; while to Grant and his subordinates was asas the mouth of the Red river is just above Port Hudson. The third, and apparently only other poss, and combine with Banks to operate against Port Hudson; and, after that place should fall, begin at this plan was not now feasible; and until Port Hudson was taken and the river opened to New Orleabeen abandoned; he had found the capture of Port Hudson as difficult a task as that of Vicksburg harant could not cooperate with Banks against Port Hudson. On the 9th, also, he wrote: You are too wto cooperate with Banks in the reduction of Port Hudson. After that place should have fallen, Bank[4 more...]
Rodney (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
ise. In his order to McClernand for the attack, dated the 27th of April, he remarked: It may be that the enemy will occupy positions back from the city, out of range of the gunboats, so as to make it desirable to run past Grand Gulf and land at Rodney,. . . or, it may be expedient for the boats to run past, but not the men. In this case, then, the transports would have to be brought back to where the men could land, and move by forced marches to below Grand Gulf, reembark rapidly, and proceed s marched around to that place, on the levee. The gunboats also passed below the batteries. Grant had previously ordered the eastern shore below Grand Gulf explored, to find a landing-place, and hardly hoped to get a footing anywhere north of Rodney; but, that night, information was procured from a negro, that a good road led from Bruinsburg, six miles below Grand Gulf, to Port Gibson, twelve miles in the interior, and on high ground. When the embarkation began in the morning, it was with a
Austin (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
was successful, and as every thing depended on the ability of the gunboats to silence the rebel batteries, and enable the transports to run down and land troops immediately at or on the fort itself, operations were apparently at an end; unless, indeed, the flood should drive out the occupants of the fort. As the site of the work was so little above water, a rise of two feet would accomplish this last object; and the levee on the Mississippi, three hundred miles away, was accordingly cut, at Austin, eighteen miles above Helena, with the hope that so large a volume of water might be induced to take the line of the Coldwater and Tallahatchie, as to flood the country around the fort, The cut, however, did not prove large enough to produce this effect. There is a discrepancy between some of the statements made by subordinate army and navy officers about the Yazoo pass expedition. Each arm of the service blamed the other for delays and mishaps, for which, perhaps, neither was fairly bl
Yazoo River (United States) (search for this): chapter 7
sudden bend below Young's point, opposite the mouth of the Yazoo, and turning towards the northeast, flows in that directionstroying the rebel steamboats and embryo gunboats on the Yazoo river, above Haine's bluff. The pass is a narrow and tortuoussed in former times, as a roundabout way of reaching the Yazoo river with small steamers and light trading craft; but, as the possible, in this direction. The idea was to reach the Yazoo river, above Haine's bluff, with the whole army; the distance larly across from the Tallahatchie to the north bank of the Yazoo. This work they called Fort Pemberton; it was defended by ng another of these labyrinthine routes, that leaves the Yazoo river below Haine's bluff, and, after innumerable windings, red in the rear of Greenwood. The route was by way of the Yazoo river to Steele's bayou, up the latter to Black bayou, throughe river; they thus saved the distance from the mouth of the Yazoo, and also the most difficult part of the navigation in the
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
word levee is in universal use at the Southwest. Breaks in the embankments are called crevasses. has, of late years, afforded a partial barrier. This great basin is nearly fifty miles in width, and extends on the east to the upland plains of Tennessee and Mississippi, while on the west it is bounded by the lesser elevations of drift alone. The bluffs that form the escarpment of the eastern plains are usually quite steep, and thickly overgrown with timber, underbrush, and vines. At variousixteenth, and Seventeenth, commanded by Major-Generals Mc-Clernand, Sherman, Hurlbut, and McPherson, respectively. The Arkansas troops had been assigned to the Thirteenth corps, which, in conjunction with the Sixteenth, now at Memphis and in West Tennessee, was required to protect Grant's rear, and keep open the river to Cairo. St. Louis and Memphis were made the depots for supplies. Porter's cooperating fleet numbered sixty vessels of all classes, carrying two hundred and eighty guns and eig
Eagle Bend (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
d urged him to the support of Ross from the north, saying: Sherman will come in below the enemy you are now contending against, and, between, the two forces, you will find no further difficulties before reaching the ground I so much desire. In all these various operations, Grant never lost sight of his principal aim—to obtain a footing and a secure base from which to prosecute his campaign on dry land. Sherman's troops went up the Mississippi on large transports, about thirty miles, to Eagle bend, where Steele's bayou runs within one mile of the river; they thus saved the distance from the mouth of the Yazoo, and also the most difficult part of the navigation in the bayou. They marched across the strip of land between the river and the bayou, building floating bridges over part of the way, which led through a swamp called Muddy bayou. Small-class steamers then ferried them up the stream, Porter having the advance. The drift-timber soon began to obstruct the channel, and the gunb
Japan (Japan) (search for this): chapter 7
dure the taunts he had himself provoked, and rushed away in a rage. The next day he set fire to his own house, rather than allow it to shelter his enemies. His plantation was one of the loveliest in Louisiana; high enough to be secure from inundation, it overlooked the meanderings of the Mississippi for nearly fifty miles; wide savannas teemed with the wealth of the corn and the cotton-plant, while the spacious lawns were clad in all the charms of precocious summer in this balmy clime. Japan plums and fig-trees grew in the open air, and groves of magnolia and oleander bloomed. The softness of the atmosphere, redolent with unfamiliar fragrance, and the aspect of the landscape, brilliant with blossoms and verdure, enchanted the soldiers. Here, at last, they cried, we have found the sunny South. But desolation and destruction fell like a storm-cloud over the scene. In a few hours a blackened pile was all that remained of the stately mansion; the broad plantation became a campin
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