all, 1798-1800.
James Cutter, 1799—declined.
Ebenezer Cutter, 1800.
David Hill, 1801, 1802.
John Estabrook, 1801.
Jonathan Whittemore, 1802.
Ichabod Fessenden, 1803, 1804.
Daniel Reed, 1803-07.
Jonas Peirce, 1805-07.
William Hill Jr., 1806.
Precinct Collectors.
John Winship, 1733.
Ephraim Cook, 1734—fined for failing to serve.
Jason Winship, 1734.
William Cutter, 1735.
Zechariah Hill, 1736.
Joseph Bemis, 1737.
David Dunster, 1738—fined for refusemoval from town).
James Brown, 1831.
Isaac Locke, 1832 (resigned).
George A. Locke, 1833, 1834, 1849.
David Dodge.
1834-38 (excused), 1842 (excused).
Rev. David Damon, 1836-38.
Henry Whittemore, Esq., 1837, 1838, 1847, 1848.
William Hill, 2d, 1837, 1838.
Philip B. Fessenden, 1838.
William W. Wellington, 1838 (excused).
Samuel L. Cutter, 1838.
Rev. Timothy C. Tingley, 1839-41.
William Locke, 2d, 1839 (excused).
John Fowle, 1839, 1840.
Abner Peirce, 1839.
46, 1846.
William Dickson, 1847-60, 1854-57.
Albert Winn, 1847-50, 1862, 1863, 1866, 1857.
Amos Hill, Jr., 1849.
Joseph O. Wellington, 1850, 1854.
Lewis P. Bartlett, 1851, 1862.
Moses Proctor, 1851.
Washington J. Lane, 1854, 1858-63.
George C. Russell, 1855.
Samuel Butterfield, 1858-66.
Samuel F. Woodbridge, 1858-62 (resigned, and thanks of town voted).
William Stowe, 1862 (declined).
Samuel S. Davis, 1863-67.
Reuben Hopkins, 1864.
Joseph S. Potter, 1865-67.
George Hill, 1867 (declined).
George Prentiss, 1808-11, 1816.
Benjamin Locke, 1808-19.
Samuel Butterfield, 1808-11, 1814, 1815.
Daniel Adams, 1812, 1813.
Isaac Locke, 1812-16, 1820-25, 1835-38.
John Adams, 1816.
James Hill, 1817-19.
William Locke, Jr., 1817-19, 2d, 1820, 1821, Jr., 1822, 2d, 1823-25, Esq., 1842, 1843, 1846.
Joshua Avery, 1820-22, 1838.
Miles Gardner, 1823-25, 1827, 1828.
Jonathan Frost, 2d, 1826-28 (excused 1828).
John Perry, 1826-31
Butterfield, 1863.
Joseph S. Potter, 1865-67.
Jonathan Whittemore, 1807, 1808.
Daniel Adams, 1807-12.
John Tufts, 1807, 1808.
Samuel Locke, Esq., 1807 (1808—excused).
William Whittemore, Jr., 1807, Esq. 1808.
James Hill, 1808.
George Prentiss, 1809-12.
Thomas Russell, Jr., 1809-25.
James Perry, 1813-22.
Walter Russell, 1813-18.
Benjamin Locke, 1819-22.
William Locke, 2d, 1823-26, 1836 (thanks of town voted 1837, for his long and faithful servorge Hill, 1867 (declined).
George Prentiss, 1808-11, 1816.
Benjamin Locke, 1808-19.
Samuel Butterfield, 1808-11, 1814, 1815.
Daniel Adams, 1812, 1813.
Isaac Locke, 1812-16, 1820-25, 1835-38.
John Adams, 1816.
James Hill, 1817-19.
William Locke, Jr., 1817-19, 2d, 1820, 1821, Jr., 1822, 2d, 1823-25, Esq., 1842, 1843, 1846.
Joshua Avery, 1820-22, 1838.
Miles Gardner, 1823-25, 1827, 1828.
Jonathan Frost, 2d, 1826-28 (excused 1828).
John Perry, 1826
n Locke, 1763.
Thomas Reed, 1764.
Ephraim Cook, 1765.
Samuel Swan, 1767—dismissed.
Ebenezer Prentice, 1767.
William Whittemore, 1768, 1769.
Francis Locke, Jr., 1769.
James Perry, 1770.
Joseph Belknap, Jr., 1771.
Walter Russell, 1772—excused.
Zechariah Hill, 1772.
Samuel Cutter, Jr., 1773, 1774.
Aaron Swan, 1774—excused.
Joshua Kendall, 1775—excused.
Joseph Wellington, 1775.
William Cutler, 1776—excused.
Samuel Whittemore, Jr., 1776, 1777.
Samuel Hill 1777, 1780.
Amos Warren, 1779—excused.
(A committee was chosen to hire a collector in 1779.)
William Cutter, 1781, 1785.
Jeduthun Wellington, 1782.
Jonathan Perry, 1783, 1790, 1791.
Seth Stone, 1784, 1788 (The collectorship set up at vendue, 1788.)
Dea. Joseph Adams, 1786.
Enoch Wellington, 1787.
Eben'r Hall (collector for Mr. Fiske's settlement), 1788.
Noah Russell, 1789, 1804, 1805.
George Prentice, 1792, 1795-1801, 1806, 1807.
Samuel Hunt, 1793.
Samuel Butterfield, 1785, 1786.
Jeduthun Wellington, 1786-90, 1794, 1796.
Seth Wyman, 1786-90, 1794.
George Prentice, 1787-90, 1799, 1800, 1803-05.
Samuel Locke, 1791-93, 1795.
Philip Whittemore, 1791.
James Russell, 1792.
Jonathan Perry, 1793.
Benjamin Cutter, 1795, 1796, 1801, 1802.
Capt. Stephen Frost, 1796, 1797.
Daniel Reed, 1797-99.
Seth Frost, 1797, 1798.
Ebenezer Hall, 1798-1800.
James Cutter, 1799—declined.
Ebenezer Cutter, 1800.
David Hill, 1801, 1802.
John Estabrook, 1801.
Jonathan Whittemore, 1802.
Ichabod Fessenden, 1803, 1804.
Daniel Reed, 1803-07.
Jonas Peirce, 1805-07.
William Hill Jr., 1806.
Precinct Collectors.
John Winship, 1733.
Ephraim Cook, 1734—fined for failing to serve.
Jason Winship, 1734.
William Cutter, 1735.
Zechariah Hill, 1736.
Joseph Bemis, 1737.
David Dunster, 1738—fined for refusing to serve.
John Fillebrown, 1738.
William Butterfield, 1738.
Moses Har<
Thomas P. Peirce, 1850 (excused), 1863.
John P. Wyman, 1850, 1856.
Dr. Howland Holmes, 1850.
Rev. George Hill, 1850, 1851-56, 1868, 1859.
Stephen Symmes, Jr., 1851, 1854, 1859-1861.
Joseph O. Wellington, 1851, 1852, 1857.
Addison Hill, 1851, 1853-55.
Joseph Burrage, 1852, 1853.
James E. Bailey, 1852.
Rev. Joseph Banvard, 1853.
Dr. Joseph Underwood, 1854, 1855, 1857.
Dr. J. L. Alexander, 1865.
Rev. Samuel B. Swaim, 1856, 1860-62.
William E. Parmenter, Esq., 1856-6 1878, 1879.
Henry Swan, 1873.
John Schouler, 1874-77.
William G. Peck, 1874-77.
William H. Allen, 1878, 1879.
James A. Bailey, 1879.
Stephen Symmes, Jr., 1867.
Albert Winn, 1867, 1868.
Abel R. Proctor, 1867.
Addison Hill, 1868-71.
John F. Allen, 1868-72.
George C. Russell, 1869-71.
Ira O. Carter, 1872.
Henry Mott, 1872, 1873-79.
B. Delmont Locke, 1873-79.
Charles Schwamb, 1873.
Thomas. P. Peirce, 1873-79.
Town Clerks.
Abel R. Proctor, 1867
hn D. Freeman, 1858-63 (resigned).
Rev. Daniel R. Cady, 1861-67.
Rev. William E. Gibbs, 1862-67.
Rev. Samuel Abbot Smith, 1863-66 (deceased).
Henry Swan, 1864-67.
Samuel G. Damon, 1866-67.
Rev. Amos Harris, 1867 (declined).
Rev. Charles C. Salter, 1867.
Principal town officers of Arlington, 1867-1879.
Joseph S. Potter, 1867.
Jesse Bacon, 1869.
J. Winslow Peirce, 1872.
Samuel D. Hicks, 1875.
William G. Peck, 1877, 1879.
Samuel S. Davisttee.
Josiah Crosby, Henry Swan and Samuel G. Damon, elected by West Cambridge, continued in office after the name of the town was changed to Arlington, their terms being unexpired.
Rev. Daniel R. Cady, 1867-77 (removed from town).
Rev. Charles C. Salter, 1867-69 (resigned).
William E. Parmenter, 1867-79—term expires 1880.
Rev. J. W. Keyes, 1868-69 (left town).
Dr. R. L. Hodgdon, 1868-71.
John Field, 1868-70.
Henry J. Wells, 1868-72.
Josiah Crosby, 1868-76.
Henry Swan, 18
George Prentice, 1787-90, 1799, 1800, 1803-05.
Samuel Locke, 1791-93, 1795.
Philip Whittemore, 1791.
James Russell, 1792.
Jonathan Perry, 1793.
Benjamin Cutter, 1795, 1796, 1801, 1802.
Capt. Stephen Frost, 1796, 1797.
Daniel Reed, 1797-99.
Seth Frost, 1797, 1798.
Ebenezer Hall, 1798-1800.
James Cutter, 1799—declined.
Ebenezer Cutter, 1800.
David Hill, 1801, 1802.
John Estabrook, 1801.
Jonathan Whittemore, 1802.
Ichabod Fessenden, 1803, 1804.
Daniel Reed, 1803-07.
Jonas Peirce, 1805-07.
William Hill Jr., 1806.
Precinct Collectors.
John Winship, 1733.
Ephraim Cook, 1734—fined for failing to serve.
Jason Winship, 1734.
William Cutter, 1735.
Zechariah Hill, 1736.
Joseph Bemis, 1737.
David Dunster, 1738—fined for refusing to serve.
John Fillebrown, 1738.
William Butterfield, 1738.
Moses Harrington, 1739.
Walter Russell, Jr., 1740.
James Cutler, Jr., 1741.
Joseph Belknap, 1742—fined.
n, since 1827.
See History of town for that year.
Timothy Wellington, 1827, 1831, 1834, 1835.
Miles Gardner, 1827.
Walter Russell, 1827.
Col. Thomas Russell, 1827, 1831, 1837.
James Russell, Esq., 1828, 1829, 1882, 1839-41.
Charles Wellington, 1828.
Jonathan M. Dexter, 1828, 1829, 1835-1837.
Rev. Ebenezer Nelson, 1829, 1830, 1832, 1833—thanks of the town extended for his faithful services as one of the school committee, in 1834.
Rev. F. H. Hedge, 1830, 1832, 1833.
James Nason, 1830, 1832 (vacant by removal from town).
James Brown, 1831.
Isaac Locke, 1832 (resigned).
George A. Locke, 1833, 1834, 1849.
David Dodge.
1834-38 (excused), 1842 (excused).
Rev. David Damon, 1836-38.
Henry Whittemore, Esq., 1837, 1838, 1847, 1848.
William Hill, 2d, 1837, 1838.
Philip B. Fessenden, 1838.
William W. Wellington, 1838 (excused).
Samuel L. Cutter, 1838.
Rev. Timothy C. Tingley, 1839-41.
William Locke, 2d, 1839 (excused).
John Fowle, 1839, 1840.