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, Mingerode, Wurmb, and Loos, were also highly esteemed; four or five others had served with distinction. The excuse of the British ministry for yielding to all the exactions of the landgrave, was their eagerness to obtain the troops early in February. Often, wrote Suffolk, as I have urged expedition, I must repeat it once more, nothing is so much to be guarded against as delay, which will mar the expected advantage. The landgrave freely consented that thirteen battalions should be prepared troops were among the worst in Germany; and besides, the court was so sold to Austria and France that the prince himself thought proper to warn the British diplomatist against speaking of the proposal to his own ministers. On the last day of February, the treaties with Brunswick and Hesse were considered in the house of commons. Lord North said: The troops are wanted; the terms on which they are procured, are less than we could have expected; the force will enable us to compel America to sub
he would chain one hundred Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Feb. of them together by the neck. Both parties ay the Americans; under the Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Feb. harmonizing influence of the continental commit so he wrote to Washington on the last day of February, the provincial congress and inhabitants willmand the army as brigadier; Chap. LVII.} 1776. Feb. next him in rank was Donald Macleod. The firped on the Cape Fear river, Chap. LVII.} 1776. Feb. four miles below Cross Creek. On that same dndred, was marching through Chap. LVII.} 1775. Feb. Duplin county, to effect a junction with Moore,ed for want of boats. The Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Feb. royalists were in extreme danger; but at a poinho was himself confined to Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Feb. his tent by illness, numbered between fifteen ang into the deep and muddy Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Feb. water of the creek. Macleod, who was greatly eers from the council, dis- Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Feb. armed the Highlanders and Regulators of the bac[2 more...]
Chapter 59: Boston delivered. February—March, 1776. in February, 1776, the commander in chief of Chap. LIX.} 1776. Feb. the American army found himself supplied with only money enough toFeb. the American army found himself supplied with only money enough to answer claims antecedent to the last day of December; his want of powder was still Feb. so great as to require the most careful concealment. Congress had strangely lavished its resources on the equiFeb. so great as to require the most careful concealment. Congress had strangely lavished its resources on the equipment of a navy; leaving him in such dearth of the materials of war, that he was compelled to look for them in every direction, and at one time had even asked if something could be spared him from theould suggest, he set before congress the ruinous imperfections of their mili- Chap. LIX.} 1776. Feb. tary system. To the vast numbers of mercenary troops that were to come over in spring to reenforDorchester Heights would give Washington the command of Boston and of a large Chap. LIX.} 1776. Feb. part of the harbor. Ill supplied as he was with powder, and having no resource for artillery but
ter 60: The first act of independence. February—April, 1776. on the ninth day of February John Adams re- Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. sumed his seat in congress, with Elbridge Gerry for a colleaguesteem was his chief blemish; Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. and if he compared himself with his great felloht, and cheery, and brave; he Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. was the hammer and not the anvil; and it was fotality was prompt and hearty. Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. He loved homage, and it made him blind; to thosh elevated by the greatness of Chap LX.} 1776. Feb. his work, to think of himself; too anxiously de the sands of North Carolina, Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. and continuing his journey through Georgetown t wished first to secure a pro- Chap. LX} 1776. Feb. tective treaty with a foreign power. Harrison ing more was determined. The Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. debate on opening the ports was then continued;cipitated the fate of Montgom- Chap. LX} 1776. Feb. ery, had exposed his own position to imminent p[1 more...]
Chapter 62: The example of the Carolinas and Rhode Island. February—May, 1776. The American congress needed an impulse from Chap. LXII.} 1776. Feb. the resolute spirit of some colonial convention, and an example of a government springinFeb. the resolute spirit of some colonial convention, and an example of a government springing wholly from the people. Massachusetts had followed closely the forms of its charter; New Hampshire had deviated as little as possible from its former system; neither of the two had appointed a chief executive officer. On the eighth of February thesented the standard which was to be used by the American navy, representing in a yellow field a rat- Chap. LXII.} 1776. Feb. tlesnake of thirteen full-grown rattles, coiled to strike, with the motto: Don't Tread on me. When, on the tenth, the repoast to the king's government. The fleet and transports, designed to act under Clinton, did not leave Cork harbor till February; they were scattered by a storm soon after going to sea; for two weeks they met constant and most violent adverse gales;
persuaded, that it could not be long before his constituents would think it necessary to take up some more stable form of government than what they then exercised; that there were little or no hopes of commissioners coming to treat of peace; and that therefore America ought to be in a situation to preserve her liberties another way. This preamble contains a reflection upon the conduct of some people in America, interposed Wilson, referring to the assembly of Pennsylvania, which so late as February had required oaths of allegiance of Reed and Rittenhouse. If the preamble passes, he continued, there will be an immediate dissolution of every kind of authority in this province; the people will be instantly in a state of nature. Before we are prepared to build the new house, why should we pull down the old one The delegates of Pennsylvania declined to vote on the question; those of Maryland announced, that, under their instructions, they should consider their colony as unrepresented, un