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The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], Financial condition of South Carolina. (search)
General Assembly of Virginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Monday, Jan, 21, 1861. Called to order at 12 o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Read, of the Presbyterian Church. A communication was received from the House, announcing the passage by that body of Senate bill authorizing the County Courts and any incorporated cities or towns to arm their militia and provide means therefore, and various other bills; also, joint resolutions in relation to the ultimate destiny of Virginia in case of a formal dissolution of the Union, and the principles upon which the Union might be reconstructed. On motion of Mr. Brannon, the resolutions were laid on the table. The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Governor, transmitting a letter from Wm. M. Brooks, President of the Alabama State Convention, enclosing a copy of the Ordinance of Secession adopted by the State on the 11th inst. The communication was ordered to be printed. Bills Reported.
House of Delegates. Monday, Jan. 21, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock, by Speaker Crutchfield. Federal Relations.--The adoption by the Senate of the following resolution was communicated to the House, with a request that it concur therein: Resolved, by the General Assembly of Virginia. That if all efforts to reconcile the unhappy differences existing between the two sections of the country shall prove to be abortive, then, in the opinion of the General Assembly, every consideration of honor and interest demands that Virginia should unite her destiny with the slaveholding States of the South. Mr. Hackley moved to lay on the table and print. Mr. Robertson, of Richmond, sustained the motion. Mr. Anderson advocated the immediate adoption of the resolution. He spoke of the wrongs inflicted on the South, and alluded to the fact that the whole North were now arming for her further subjugation. Mr. Myers, called for the reading of the r
The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], The capture of the New Orleans Barracks. (search)
the part of those whom I have had the honor to represent for the past twelve years in the City Council, and now honored with a seat in the Legislature of Virginia. excited in my bosom the liveliest emotions. The position is one, in my humble judgment, which should be neither sought nor avoided, unless for good reasons; but as I am now holding two offices by your kindness, and the Convention and General Assembly will be sitting at the same time, both demanding The constant attention of the members, would make it incompatible with your interest that I should accept of a seat in the Convention, if it were your pleasure to bestow it upon me, I must, therefore, respectfully decline becoming a candidate. I will say in conclusion, that I most earnestly desire that the interests of this proud old Commonwealth may not be placed in the hands of any who will not secure her safety in the Union, if practicable; if not, out of it. David J. Saunders. Richmond, Jan. 21st, 1861. ja 22--11
To Charles H. Rhodes. Esq. Being desirous of having the services of our best and wisest men to represent our interests in the State Convention, to meet on the 13th of February, and believing that your views on the principal subject to be acted upon by that Convention represent the feelings of a large majority of the citizens of Chesterfield county, we beg that you will immediately announce yourself a candidate for a seat in said Convention. Many Voters. Chesterfield, January 21st, 1861. ja 22--2t
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.canvassing for the Convention — excitingtimes — suspicious character, &c., &c. Amelia Co.,, Jan. 21, 1861. Last Friday there was quite an exciting debate at the Court-House between Messrs. Harvie Gregory and Weisiger, candidates for the Convention. The friends of each gentleman seemed satisfied and to be hopeful as to the result. I hear that there are three other candidates in this District, so that the people will have a large enough number out of which to select a suitable man. A man who was operating in this county as a daguerreo typist was ordered off a few days once, as his antecedents were not known, and be seemed to be on rather too familiar terms with the colored friends, crowds of whom visited his tent to have their pretty faces taken. He was wise enough to take a hint, so that the day after he was notified that his room was better than his company, he left for parts unknown. It is well for the people to keep a sharp l