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United States (United States) 54 0 Browse Search
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Found 19 total hits in 8 results.

Savannah, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 23
ower part of the breast and came out of the shoulder. The Oxford (Miss.) Intelligencer, of June 5th, says the fruit crop in that region is very fine, and gives every promise of abundance. "King Cotton" still has egress from the port of Savannah. On the 4th inst., over 3,300 bales were shipped to Liverpool. The Memphis Avalanche, of the 11th, contradicts the statement that any levees on the Mississippi had been cut. A negro boy was so seriously wounded recently by the explosil has egress from the port of Savannah. On the 4th inst., over 3,300 bales were shipped to Liverpool. The Memphis Avalanche, of the 11th, contradicts the statement that any levees on the Mississippi had been cut. A negro boy was so seriously wounded recently by the explosion of a soda fountain in New Orleans, that he has since died. There is ice enough in Savannah to last until December. The cotton subscriptions to the Confederate loan are liberal. The work goes nobly on.
Oxford (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): article 23
The merchants of Louisville requests that the Confederate States postmasters will not cancel the Federal postage stamps, as they are not acknowledged, on reaching the Federal dominions, when cancelled South. An Oregon paper mentions that General Joseph Lane accidentally shot himself near his residence in Douglas county. The ball entered the lower part of the breast and came out of the shoulder. The Oxford (Miss.) Intelligencer, of June 5th, says the fruit crop in that region is very fine, and gives every promise of abundance. "King Cotton" still has egress from the port of Savannah. On the 4th inst., over 3,300 bales were shipped to Liverpool. The Memphis Avalanche, of the 11th, contradicts the statement that any levees on the Mississippi had been cut. A negro boy was so seriously wounded recently by the explosion of a soda fountain in New Orleans, that he has since died. There is ice enough in Savannah to last until December. The cotton subs
Oregon (Oregon, United States) (search for this): article 23
The merchants of Louisville requests that the Confederate States postmasters will not cancel the Federal postage stamps, as they are not acknowledged, on reaching the Federal dominions, when cancelled South. An Oregon paper mentions that General Joseph Lane accidentally shot himself near his residence in Douglas county. The ball entered the lower part of the breast and came out of the shoulder. The Oxford (Miss.) Intelligencer, of June 5th, says the fruit crop in that region is very fine, and gives every promise of abundance. "King Cotton" still has egress from the port of Savannah. On the 4th inst., over 3,300 bales were shipped to Liverpool. The Memphis Avalanche, of the 11th, contradicts the statement that any levees on the Mississippi had been cut. A negro boy was so seriously wounded recently by the explosion of a soda fountain in New Orleans, that he has since died. There is ice enough in Savannah to last until December. The cotton subs
United States (United States) (search for this): article 23
The merchants of Louisville requests that the Confederate States postmasters will not cancel the Federal postage stamps, as they are not acknowledged, on reaching the Federal dominions, when cancelled South. An Oregon paper mentions that General Joseph Lane accidentally shot himself near his residence in Douglas county. The ball entered the lower part of the breast and came out of the shoulder. The Oxford (Miss.) Intelligencer, of June 5th, says the fruit crop in that region is very fine, and gives every promise of abundance. "King Cotton" still has egress from the port of Savannah. On the 4th inst., over 3,300 bales were shipped to Liverpool. The Memphis Avalanche, of the 11th, contradicts the statement that any levees on the Mississippi had been cut. A negro boy was so seriously wounded recently by the explosion of a soda fountain in New Orleans, that he has since died. There is ice enough in Savannah to last until December. The cotton subs
Joseph Lane (search for this): article 23
The merchants of Louisville requests that the Confederate States postmasters will not cancel the Federal postage stamps, as they are not acknowledged, on reaching the Federal dominions, when cancelled South. An Oregon paper mentions that General Joseph Lane accidentally shot himself near his residence in Douglas county. The ball entered the lower part of the breast and came out of the shoulder. The Oxford (Miss.) Intelligencer, of June 5th, says the fruit crop in that region is very fine, and gives every promise of abundance. "King Cotton" still has egress from the port of Savannah. On the 4th inst., over 3,300 bales were shipped to Liverpool. The Memphis Avalanche, of the 11th, contradicts the statement that any levees on the Mississippi had been cut. A negro boy was so seriously wounded recently by the explosion of a soda fountain in New Orleans, that he has since died. There is ice enough in Savannah to last until December. The cotton sub
The merchants of Louisville requests that the Confederate States postmasters will not cancel the Federal postage stamps, as they are not acknowledged, on reaching the Federal dominions, when cancelled South. An Oregon paper mentions that General Joseph Lane accidentally shot himself near his residence in Douglas county. The ball entered the lower part of the breast and came out of the shoulder. The Oxford (Miss.) Intelligencer, of June 5th, says the fruit crop in that region is very fine, and gives every promise of abundance. "King Cotton" still has egress from the port of Savannah. On the 4th inst., over 3,300 bales were shipped to Liverpool. The Memphis Avalanche, of the 11th, contradicts the statement that any levees on the Mississippi had been cut. A negro boy was so seriously wounded recently by the explosion of a soda fountain in New Orleans, that he has since died. There is ice enough in Savannah to last until December. The cotton sub
stmasters will not cancel the Federal postage stamps, as they are not acknowledged, on reaching the Federal dominions, when cancelled South. An Oregon paper mentions that General Joseph Lane accidentally shot himself near his residence in Douglas county. The ball entered the lower part of the breast and came out of the shoulder. The Oxford (Miss.) Intelligencer, of June 5th, says the fruit crop in that region is very fine, and gives every promise of abundance. "King Cotton" still has egress from the port of Savannah. On the 4th inst., over 3,300 bales were shipped to Liverpool. The Memphis Avalanche, of the 11th, contradicts the statement that any levees on the Mississippi had been cut. A negro boy was so seriously wounded recently by the explosion of a soda fountain in New Orleans, that he has since died. There is ice enough in Savannah to last until December. The cotton subscriptions to the Confederate loan are liberal. The work goes nobly on.
ostmasters will not cancel the Federal postage stamps, as they are not acknowledged, on reaching the Federal dominions, when cancelled South. An Oregon paper mentions that General Joseph Lane accidentally shot himself near his residence in Douglas county. The ball entered the lower part of the breast and came out of the shoulder. The Oxford (Miss.) Intelligencer, of June 5th, says the fruit crop in that region is very fine, and gives every promise of abundance. "King Cotton" still has egress from the port of Savannah. On the 4th inst., over 3,300 bales were shipped to Liverpool. The Memphis Avalanche, of the 11th, contradicts the statement that any levees on the Mississippi had been cut. A negro boy was so seriously wounded recently by the explosion of a soda fountain in New Orleans, that he has since died. There is ice enough in Savannah to last until December. The cotton subscriptions to the Confederate loan are liberal. The work goes nobly on.