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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1860., [Electronic resource].

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France (France) (search for this): article 1
ened with destruction; but, after eighteen hours rioting, the mob were appeased by the appearance of the Archbishop bearing the national tricolor. The London Post reiterates the statement, on good authority, that the Princess Alice has been betrothed to Prince Louis of Hesse. It had been reported that the Emperor Napoleon declared to the Bishop of Versailles, with much sarcasm, that the temporal power of the Pope must be put down. Count Persigny, as Minister of the Interior of France, was issuing important circulars to the Prefects. In one he promises the utmost liberty of discussion to the press. It was reported that the Austrian Cabinet had discussed the expediency of declaring martial law throughout Hungary. It was also rumored that the Hungarian Committee, at Milan, had proposed to tender the Hungarian cause to Prince Napoleon. General O' Donnell had been fired upon and shot in the shoulder, as he was leaving the Spanish Senate. The French Ambass
Turquie (Turkey) (search for this): article 1
shop of Versailles, with much sarcasm, that the temporal power of the Pope must be put down. Count Persigny, as Minister of the Interior of France, was issuing important circulars to the Prefects. In one he promises the utmost liberty of discussion to the press. It was reported that the Austrian Cabinet had discussed the expediency of declaring martial law throughout Hungary. It was also rumored that the Hungarian Committee, at Milan, had proposed to tender the Hungarian cause to Prince Napoleon. General O' Donnell had been fired upon and shot in the shoulder, as he was leaving the Spanish Senate. The French Ambassador to Turkey was urging the extension of the French occupation of Syria, but the Porte objects. Commercial. Liverpool. December 12. --Cotton generally unchanged — sales Monday and Tuesday of 18000 bales. Flour advanced 6d @1s. Wheat advanced 1d.@3d. Corn advanced 6d. Provisions dull — no quotations. Consols dull at 92 5/8@92
Versailles, Ripley County, Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): article 1
d been suppressed by the Garibaldian and the ringleaders shot. The Archbishop of Naples on his return was mobbed and his palace threatened with destruction; but, after eighteen hours rioting, the mob were appeased by the appearance of the Archbishop bearing the national tricolor. The London Post reiterates the statement, on good authority, that the Princess Alice has been betrothed to Prince Louis of Hesse. It had been reported that the Emperor Napoleon declared to the Bishop of Versailles, with much sarcasm, that the temporal power of the Pope must be put down. Count Persigny, as Minister of the Interior of France, was issuing important circulars to the Prefects. In one he promises the utmost liberty of discussion to the press. It was reported that the Austrian Cabinet had discussed the expediency of declaring martial law throughout Hungary. It was also rumored that the Hungarian Committee, at Milan, had proposed to tender the Hungarian cause to Prince Napol
Milan, Sullivan County, Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 1
rted that the Emperor Napoleon declared to the Bishop of Versailles, with much sarcasm, that the temporal power of the Pope must be put down. Count Persigny, as Minister of the Interior of France, was issuing important circulars to the Prefects. In one he promises the utmost liberty of discussion to the press. It was reported that the Austrian Cabinet had discussed the expediency of declaring martial law throughout Hungary. It was also rumored that the Hungarian Committee, at Milan, had proposed to tender the Hungarian cause to Prince Napoleon. General O' Donnell had been fired upon and shot in the shoulder, as he was leaving the Spanish Senate. The French Ambassador to Turkey was urging the extension of the French occupation of Syria, but the Porte objects. Commercial. Liverpool. December 12. --Cotton generally unchanged — sales Monday and Tuesday of 18000 bales. Flour advanced 6d @1s. Wheat advanced 1d.@3d. Corn advanced 6d. Provisions dull — n
Vienna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
has arrived here. The City of Baltimore had arrived out. The Fulton brings $600,000 in specie. The news is unimportant. Victor Emmanuel was expected back at Naples at any moment. There is nothing later from Gaeta. Francis II. had issued another protest complaining of the apathy of European sovereigns in regard to his position, and denouncing Victor Emmanuel. The tone of his dispatch does not indicate a prolonged occupation of Gaeta. He had concluded a loan at Vienna. Reactionary disturbances are reported to have taken place at several places, but had been suppressed by the Garibaldian and the ringleaders shot. The Archbishop of Naples on his return was mobbed and his palace threatened with destruction; but, after eighteen hours rioting, the mob were appeased by the appearance of the Archbishop bearing the national tricolor. The London Post reiterates the statement, on good authority, that the Princess Alice has been betrothed to Prince Louis
By the Governor of Virginia. --A Proclamation.--Whereas, a vacancy has occurred in the house of Delegates of this State by the resignation of G. L. Brown, Esq., late the Delegate from the county of Bedford: Now, therefore, I. John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, have thought proper, by a writ of elation, issued and directed pursuant to law, to require an election to be held pursuant to law, to require an election to be held at the several places of voting in said county, on the twenty-Seventh day of the present month, December, of a member of the House of Delegates for said county, to supply the vacancy aforesaid. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the Less Seal of the commonwealth, this 18th day of December, 1860. By the Governor: John Letcher. Geo. W. Munford, Sec'y of the Commonwealth. de 20--d&ctde
George W. Munford (search for this): article 1
By the Governor of Virginia. --A Proclamation.--Whereas, a vacancy has occurred in the house of Delegates of this State by the resignation of G. L. Brown, Esq., late the Delegate from the county of Bedford: Now, therefore, I. John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, have thought proper, by a writ of elation, issued and directed pursuant to law, to require an election to be held pursuant to law, to require an election to be held at the several places of voting in said county, on the twenty-Seventh day of the present month, December, of a member of the House of Delegates for said county, to supply the vacancy aforesaid. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the Less Seal of the commonwealth, this 18th day of December, 1860. By the Governor: John Letcher. Geo. W. Munford, Sec'y of the Commonwealth. de 20--d&ctde
John Letcher (search for this): article 1
By the Governor of Virginia. --A Proclamation.--Whereas, a vacancy has occurred in the house of Delegates of this State by the resignation of G. L. Brown, Esq., late the Delegate from the county of Bedford: Now, therefore, I. John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, have thought proper, by a writ of elation, issued and directed pursuant to law, to require an election to be held pursuant to law, to require an election to be held at the several places of voting in said county, on the twenty-Seventh day of the present month, December, of a member of the House of Delegates for said county, to supply the vacancy aforesaid. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the Less Seal of the commonwealth, this 18th day of December, 1860. By the Governor: John Letcher. Geo. W. Munford, Sec'y of the Commonwealth. de 20--d&ctde
December 18th, 1860 AD (search for this): article 1
By the Governor of Virginia. --A Proclamation.--Whereas, a vacancy has occurred in the house of Delegates of this State by the resignation of G. L. Brown, Esq., late the Delegate from the county of Bedford: Now, therefore, I. John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, have thought proper, by a writ of elation, issued and directed pursuant to law, to require an election to be held pursuant to law, to require an election to be held at the several places of voting in said county, on the twenty-Seventh day of the present month, December, of a member of the House of Delegates for said county, to supply the vacancy aforesaid. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the Less Seal of the commonwealth, this 18th day of December, 1860. By the Governor: John Letcher. Geo. W. Munford, Sec'y of the Commonwealth. de 20--d&ctde
I. John Letcher (search for this): article 1
By the Governor of Virginia. --A Proclamation.--Whereas, a vacancy has occurred in the house of Delegates of this State by the resignation of G. L. Brown, Esq., late the Delegate from the county of Bedford: Now, therefore, I. John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, have thought proper, by a writ of elation, issued and directed pursuant to law, to require an election to be held pursuant to law, to require an election to be held at the several places of voting in said county, on the twenty-Seventh day of the present month, December, of a member of the House of Delegates for said county, to supply the vacancy aforesaid. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the Less Seal of the commonwealth, this 18th day of December, 1860. By the Governor: John Letcher. Geo. W. Munford, Sec'y of the Commonwealth. de 20--d&ctde
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