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United States (United States) (search for this): article 8
1861. Gor. B. Magoffin.: A military necessity having required me to occupy this town. I have taken possession of it by the forces under my command. The circumstances leading to this act were reported promptly to the President of the Confederate States. His reply was the necessity justified the action. A copy of my proclamation I have the honor to transmit you by mail. Respectfully, Leonidas Polk. Major General Commanding Columbus, Ky., Sept. 9. 1861. Gor. B. Magoffin, Franilitary work on the Missouri shore, immediately opposite, and commanding Columbus, evidently intended to cover the landing of troops for the seizure of that town. It has become a military necessity worth the defence of the territory of the Confederate States that the Confederate forces occupy Columbus in advance. The Major-General commanding has, therefore, not felt himself at liberty to risk the loss of so important a position, but has decided to occupy it. In pursuance of this decision,
Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 8
1. Gor. B. Magoffin.: A military necessity having required me to occupy this town. I have taken possession of it by the forces under my command. The circumstances leading to this act were reported promptly to the President of the Confederate States. His reply was the necessity justified the action. A copy of my proclamation I have the honor to transmit you by mail. Respectfully, Leonidas Polk. Major General Commanding Columbus, Ky., Sept. 9. 1861. Gor. B. Magoffin, Frankfort, Ky I should have dispatched you immediately as the troops under my command took possession of this position, the very few words I addressed to the people here, but my duties since that time have so pressed me that I have but now the first leisure time to communicate with you. It will be sufficient for me to inform you, which my short address here will do. that I had information, on which I could rely, that the Federal forces intended and were preparing to seize Columbus. I need n
Columbus, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 8
ll withdraw the Confederate troops from Kentucky, provided that she will agree that the troops of the Federal Government be withdrawn simultaneously, with a guarantee which I will give reciprocally for the Confederate Government, that the Federals shall not be allowed to enter or occupy any point of Kentucky in the future. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant,Respectfully, Leonidas Polk, Major-General Commanding Proclamation of Gen. Polk and corporate authorities of Columbus, Ky. The Federal Government having in defiance of the wishes of the people of Kentucky disregarded their neutrality by establishing camps and depots of armies, and by organizing military companies within their territory, and by constructing a military work on the Missouri shore, immediately opposite, and commanding Columbus, evidently intended to cover the landing of troops for the seizure of that town. It has become a military necessity worth the defence of the territory of the Confeder
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 8
Tennessee and Kentucky. Gov. Magoffin transmitted the following messages to the Legislature of Kentucky on the 9th inst., which were referred to the Committees on Federal Relations: Commonwealth of Ky., Ex. Department, Sept. 9, 1861. Grt, Sept. 9, 1861. To his Excellency, Gor. Magoffin: The undersigned, who have been accredited by the Governor of Tennessee to your Excellency, to preserve friendly relations between the States of Kentucky and Tennessee, and to prevent, if in Tennessee, and to prevent, if in their power social estrangement and war between the people of the two States, are very desirous to omit nothing that might promote the objects of their mission The undersigned yesterday received a verbal message, through a messenger, from Gov. , that the Federal forces intended and were preparing to seize Columbus. I need not describe the danger resulting to West Tennessee from such success. In evidence of the information I possessed, I will state as the Confederate forces occupied this
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 8
Harris had telegraphed to Secretary Walker, at Richmond, requesting that Gen. Polk be ordered to withdraw his troops from Kentucky, and that such order was issued from the War Department of the Confederacy; that Gen. Polk replied to the War Department that the retention of the post was a military necessity, and that the retiring from it would be attended by the loss of many lives. This embraces the message received. The messenger it is true, in conversation said that he had heard in Nashville that Secretary Walker had sent a dispatch to Gen. Buckner, giving Gen Polk a discretion to hold or withdraw from the occupation of the post in Kentucky. The undersigned understood the messenger to say that he saw no dispatch of the kind just alluded to and that he heard of it after he last saw Gov. Harris. They have no further information on this subject. They have no knowledge or information that President Davis has issued any order in relation to the occupation of Kentucky, or
ery desirous to omit nothing that might promote the objects of their mission The undersigned yesterday received a verbal message, through a messenger, from Gov. Harris. The message was, that he (Gov H) had, by telegraphic dispatch, requested Gen Polk to withdraw the Confederate troops from Kentucky, and that Gen. Polk had declined to do so; that Gov. Harris had telegraphed to Secretary Walker, at Richmond, requesting that Gen. Polk be ordered to withdraw his troops from Kentucky, and that such order was issued from the War Department of the Confederacy; that Gen. Polk replied to the War Department that the retention of the post was a military necessity in Kentucky. The undersigned understood the messenger to say that he saw no dispatch of the kind just alluded to and that he heard of it after he last saw Gov. Harris. They have no further information on this subject. They have no knowledge or information that President Davis has issued any order in relation to the occu
, requesting that Gen. Polk be ordered to withdraw his troops from Kentucky, and that such order was issued from the War Department of the Confederacy; that Gen. Polk replied to the War Department that the retention of the post was a military necessity, and that the retiring from it would be attended by the loss of many lives. This embraces the message received. The messenger it is true, in conversation said that he had heard in Nashville that Secretary Walker had sent a dispatch to Gen. Buckner, giving Gen Polk a discretion to hold or withdraw from the occupation of the post in Kentucky. The undersigned understood the messenger to say that he saw no dispatch of the kind just alluded to and that he heard of it after he last saw Gov. Harris. They have no further information on this subject. They have no knowledge or information that President Davis has issued any order in relation to the occupation of Kentucky, or any place in it. This note is written for the purpo
The messenger it is true, in conversation said that he had heard in Nashville that Secretary Walker had sent a dispatch to Gen. Buckner, giving Gen Polk a discretion to hold or withdraw from the occupation of the post in Kentucky. The undersigned understood the messenger to say that he saw no dispatch of the kind just alluded to and that he heard of it after he last saw Gov. Harris. They have no further information on this subject. They have no knowledge or information that President Davis has issued any order in relation to the occupation of Kentucky, or any place in it. This note is written for the purpose of removing any false impressions that may have been made as to the nature or extent of the message received. The undersigned beg leave to express the hope that something yet may be done to avert the calamities of war which threatens the people of both States, and restore to them not only peace, but a sense of security at their firesides Very respectfully.
er, from Gov. Harris. The message was, that he (Gov H) had, by telegraphic dispatch, requested Gen Polk to withdraw the Confederate troops from Kentucky, and that Gen. Polk had declined to do so; thaGen. Polk had declined to do so; that Gov. Harris had telegraphed to Secretary Walker, at Richmond, requesting that Gen. Polk be ordered to withdraw his troops from Kentucky, and that such order was issued from the War Department of thGen. Polk be ordered to withdraw his troops from Kentucky, and that such order was issued from the War Department of the Confederacy; that Gen. Polk replied to the War Department that the retention of the post was a military necessity, and that the retiring from it would be attended by the loss of many lives. This eGen. Polk replied to the War Department that the retention of the post was a military necessity, and that the retiring from it would be attended by the loss of many lives. This embraces the message received. The messenger it is true, in conversation said that he had heard in Nashville that Secretary Walker had sent a dispatch to Gen. Buckner, giving Gen Polk a discretioGen Polk a discretion to hold or withdraw from the occupation of the post in Kentucky. The undersigned understood the messenger to say that he saw no dispatch of the kind just alluded to and that he heard of it afte
Leonidas Polk (search for this): article 8
House of Representatives I have received the following dispatches by telegraph from General Leonidas Polk, which I deem proper to lay before you B. Magoffin Columbes, Ky., Sept. 9, 18action. A copy of my proclamation I have the honor to transmit you by mail. Respectfully, Leonidas Polk. Major General Commanding Columbus, Ky., Sept. 9. 1861. Gor. B. Magoffin, Frankforf Kentucky in the future. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant,Respectfully, Leonidas Polk, Major-General Commanding Proclamation of Gen. Polk and corporate authorities of ColumGen. Polk and corporate authorities of Columbus, Ky. The Federal Government having in defiance of the wishes of the people of Kentucky disregarded their neutrality by establishing camps and depots of armies, and by organizing military compcaution will be taken to insure their quiet, the protection of their property with their personal and corporate rights. Dated Columbus, the fourth (4th) day of September, 1861. Leonidas Polk.
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