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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 26, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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Lewisburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
was turning his attention to the operations in Greenbrier county, and that, with an escort of twenty-five men, he had gone over to the camp of Gen. Floyd, beyond Lewisburg at Meadow Bluff, to look after operations in that field. He is to be followed by several thousand of his troops from Huntersville. The Government has also dispnly that the Government has resolved upon a new programme for Western Virginia, which contemplates a forward movement, with a strong force, from the direction of Lewisburg upon Clarksburg, Parkersburg, and Charleston, in Kanawha. Provided a competent force be put at the command of our Generals on that line, much may be expecteshall receive advices of further reinforcements being forwarded with much satisfaction. The only fear to be apprehended for the success of operations beyond Lewisburg, is from the too great circumspection of General Lee. In mountain warfare the learning of the books and of the strategists is of little use. In a country where i
Meadow Bluff (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ions just now going on in Kentucky, the campaign in Western Virginia becomes doubly important, and is doubtless enlisting the especial attention of the Confederate authorities. It would seem from the late advices reaching us from that direction, that Gen. Lee, failing in his forward movement upon Cheat mountain, was turning his attention to the operations in Greenbrier county, and that, with an escort of twenty-five men, he had gone over to the camp of Gen. Floyd, beyond Lewisburg at Meadow Bluff, to look after operations in that field. He is to be followed by several thousand of his troops from Huntersville. The Government has also dispatched all the regiments available at Lynchburg to the reinforcement of General Floyd; insomuch, that if a fight does not come off with Rosencranz in the meantime, we shall have on that line of operations, by the end of this week, nearly twelve thousand men, counting the sick and the well, exclusive of General Lee's army from Huntersville. T
Parkersburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ral Floyd; insomuch, that if a fight does not come off with Rosencranz in the meantime, we shall have on that line of operations, by the end of this week, nearly twelve thousand men, counting the sick and the well, exclusive of General Lee's army from Huntersville. These circumstances show very plainly that the Government has resolved upon a new programme for Western Virginia, which contemplates a forward movement, with a strong force, from the direction of Lewisburg upon Clarksburg, Parkersburg, and Charleston, in Kanawha. Provided a competent force be put at the command of our Generals on that line, much may be expected from this new programme. We should expect much quicker work from it, however, and much more certain success, if the column numbered thirty thousand men, instead of fifteen or twenty; and we shall receive advices of further reinforcements being forwarded with much satisfaction. The only fear to be apprehended for the success of operations beyond Lewisb
James Sullivan (search for this): article 1
Mayor's Court yesterday --Timothy Consimline, charged with breaking into the house of Bridget McDonough, and threatening personal violence to her, was required to furnish a surety in $150 for his good behavior in future; failing to do which, as be certainly will, he must take a place in the chain gang. Matthew Cavanaugh, James Sullivan, and Daniel Keys, were arraigned upon the charge of keeping ill-governed and disorderly houses, where divers persons do assemble and make a great noise, to the disturbance of the people of the neighborhood, and required to give surety in $150 each for their future good behavior. A son of one of the accused pleaded, in mitigation of the offence, that his father's tenement, which he rented from the complainant, was not worth twenty-five cents per month; but His Honor overruled the plea as not responsive to the charge. William Mitchell, who is evidently becoming demented, and who will soon be a lunatic if not furnished with some employment
William Mitchell (search for this): article 1
n the charge of keeping ill-governed and disorderly houses, where divers persons do assemble and make a great noise, to the disturbance of the people of the neighborhood, and required to give surety in $150 each for their future good behavior. A son of one of the accused pleaded, in mitigation of the offence, that his father's tenement, which he rented from the complainant, was not worth twenty-five cents per month; but His Honor overruled the plea as not responsive to the charge. William Mitchell, who is evidently becoming demented, and who will soon be a lunatic if not furnished with some employment for his hands and brain, was brought up to answer the charge of being disorderly in the Spotswood Hotel. His Honor took the only step he could humanely take in the matter — namely, measures for his safe-keeping. John, a slave, was ordered twenty lashes for having in his possession, without being able to prove his property therein, a lot of wrought and cast iron. Peggy Bak
Michael Kearney (search for this): article 1
able to prove his property therein, a lot of wrought and cast iron. Peggy Baker, a free negress in the wrong place, was ordered to go back to Chesterfield. Jeremiah Dwyer, who was recently drummed out of his regiment as an incorrigible rogue, was up on the charge of vagrancy, and, in default of surety in $150 for his future good behavior, will go into the chain gang — the best place for him. John, a slave, was ordered to be kept till called for by his owner or hirer. Michael Kearney, charged with unlawful gaming with a negro, was required to give surety in $150 for his good behavior for twelve months. Robert Lovelace was discharged from jail at the request of his officers. Mrs. Mary Mull was arraigned upon the double charge of keeping her house, where ardent spirits are sold, open on Sunday last, and of selling ardent spirits without license. She was required to furnish surety for her appearance to answer an indictment to be found against her in the Hust
Robert Lovelace (search for this): article 1
, a lot of wrought and cast iron. Peggy Baker, a free negress in the wrong place, was ordered to go back to Chesterfield. Jeremiah Dwyer, who was recently drummed out of his regiment as an incorrigible rogue, was up on the charge of vagrancy, and, in default of surety in $150 for his future good behavior, will go into the chain gang — the best place for him. John, a slave, was ordered to be kept till called for by his owner or hirer. Michael Kearney, charged with unlawful gaming with a negro, was required to give surety in $150 for his good behavior for twelve months. Robert Lovelace was discharged from jail at the request of his officers. Mrs. Mary Mull was arraigned upon the double charge of keeping her house, where ardent spirits are sold, open on Sunday last, and of selling ardent spirits without license. She was required to furnish surety for her appearance to answer an indictment to be found against her in the Hustings Court on the latter charge.
Mary Mull (search for this): article 1
n, a lot of wrought and cast iron. Peggy Baker, a free negress in the wrong place, was ordered to go back to Chesterfield. Jeremiah Dwyer, who was recently drummed out of his regiment as an incorrigible rogue, was up on the charge of vagrancy, and, in default of surety in $150 for his future good behavior, will go into the chain gang — the best place for him. John, a slave, was ordered to be kept till called for by his owner or hirer. Michael Kearney, charged with unlawful gaming with a negro, was required to give surety in $150 for his good behavior for twelve months. Robert Lovelace was discharged from jail at the request of his officers. Mrs. Mary Mull was arraigned upon the double charge of keeping her house, where ardent spirits are sold, open on Sunday last, and of selling ardent spirits without license. She was required to furnish surety for her appearance to answer an indictment to be found against her in the Hustings Court on the latter charge.
Jeremiah Dwyer (search for this): article 1
ed with some employment for his hands and brain, was brought up to answer the charge of being disorderly in the Spotswood Hotel. His Honor took the only step he could humanely take in the matter — namely, measures for his safe-keeping. John, a slave, was ordered twenty lashes for having in his possession, without being able to prove his property therein, a lot of wrought and cast iron. Peggy Baker, a free negress in the wrong place, was ordered to go back to Chesterfield. Jeremiah Dwyer, who was recently drummed out of his regiment as an incorrigible rogue, was up on the charge of vagrancy, and, in default of surety in $150 for his future good behavior, will go into the chain gang — the best place for him. John, a slave, was ordered to be kept till called for by his owner or hirer. Michael Kearney, charged with unlawful gaming with a negro, was required to give surety in $150 for his good behavior for twelve months. Robert Lovelace was discharged from jai
Timothy Consimline (search for this): article 1
Mayor's Court yesterday --Timothy Consimline, charged with breaking into the house of Bridget McDonough, and threatening personal violence to her, was required to furnish a surety in $150 for his good behavior in future; failing to do which, as be certainly will, he must take a place in the chain gang. Matthew Cavanaugh, James Sullivan, and Daniel Keys, were arraigned upon the charge of keeping ill-governed and disorderly houses, where divers persons do assemble and make a great noise, to the disturbance of the people of the neighborhood, and required to give surety in $150 each for their future good behavior. A son of one of the accused pleaded, in mitigation of the offence, that his father's tenement, which he rented from the complainant, was not worth twenty-five cents per month; but His Honor overruled the plea as not responsive to the charge. William Mitchell, who is evidently becoming demented, and who will soon be a lunatic if not furnished with some employment
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