Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for McClellan or search for McClellan in all documents.

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y's scattering pickets only being visible in the distance. Gen. McClellan returned yesterday afternoon from the other side of the river. the forenoon, as caused dispatches to be sent here that induced Gen. McClellan to hasten over there some what earlier in the day than usual. bye, remained Saturday night over the river with the staff of General McClellan, at Smoot's house, a point between Lewinsville and Prospect hill. We hear that General McClellan, at 2 A. M. yesterday morning, telegraphed to the President that B. seemed disposed to open the balle of the enemy's scouts will venture upon it. Its occupation by Gen. McClellan, as explained above, is equivalent to a forward movement of his advance of perhaps two miles. At one time yesterday forenoon Gens. McClellan, Barry, Stoneman, Fitz. John Porter, Butterfield, and Morell--sUmpqua, and Scranton. Capt. McMahon, recently appointed on Gen. McClellan's staff, started for Washington, overland, on the 6th inst.
ssful operations. It will be remembered, also, that we are fighting a subjugating army. Munson's hill was evacuated, and we fell back to Fairfax for a time, where a better field for a fair fight offered itself. This was a direct challenge to McClellan, which he refused to accept, and for a month every opportunity was offered, with the advantage of position and point of attack decidedly in his favor. For two weeks our force kept the "grand army" within good running distance of their fortifice topographical maps and drawings of every hill, wood, and valley, as well as the course and condition of every road and bye-way. If, then, they offer battle here, it will be with as good knowledge of the country as we have ourselves. Whether McClellan will accept this as the battle ground, or will choose some other, makes no difference; there is none, probably, that would offer his army of occupation better opportunities. These of course are mere speculations in regard to a movement, th