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become gray, and the bright sun be shorn of his glory, ere he again looks down on such a festival." The Third Alabama regiment has just marched along Main street, and will halt at the square of the Academy to receive their flag. The regiment presented a very warlike appearance marching and manœuvring in splendid style, and illiciting the commendation of crowds of observers. I learn that the Virginia Banks, in this city, will shortly issue five and ten cent tickets for the purpose of furnishing the public with change. Wm. Hutchinson, an alien enemy, who has been for sometime confined in Richmond, will be among the passengers to-day for Old Point in the steamer that will go down with a flag of truce. He will go to one of the Northern cities. He expresses thanks for the kind treatment which he has received from the Virginia people. A member of company "A," a German, stationed at Entrenched Camp, near this city, committed suicide yesterday by cutting his throat.
gton. A schoone freighted with shoes, is said to have been comfored by our forces. It is believed that the Federals are gradually advancing through Fairfax county, entraining at various points to guard a retreal the event of a battle, and to prevent a posiblity our cavalry. At last accounts every thing was quiet in that direction. The official report of Col. Ashby's engagement with the enemy at Bolivar, received the War Department, does not essential differ in its statement of facts from the account published in this paper on Saturday except the number of prisoners captures was not more than seven or eight, a of whom have arrived in Richmond, except , who was wounded. A ery of rumors were in circulatic last evening lative to the operations of the enemy on the North Carolina coast, none of which are believed to have any foundation The large number of Federal vessel about Old Point and Newport News show that preparations for sanguinary work as actively progressing.
our battery, as if she intended to give us a dare. She came, however, in the same undertermined manner in which the other did — sometimes under slow headway, and then at a stand still. She came, I suppose, within three or two-and-a-half miles of our battery.--Lieut. Carter then called for a crew to man a certain big, ugly gun, that holds no very conspicuous position on the bank of the river James. A large crowd gathered on the beach, and the Yankee villaius discovering. Its put out to Old Point at the rates of 2:40 to the minute. Drafting soldiers. The Fort Smith (Ark.) Times, of the 1st instant, says: We have learned from a gentleman of this city that intelligence has been received from Little Rock that a proclamation is about to be issued by the Governor, ordering a draft of one-fifth of the able-bodied men of the border edunties, stating as a reason, that the people of those counties, who are most exposed to danger, but possessing the least patriotism, do no