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Bowling Green (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 24
form definitely as to the number. All of our field officers were absent sick, and the senior Captain present commanded the regiment. It would be impossible to single out any instances of particular distinction, when all officers and men conducted themselves with such determined coolness and unflinching bravery. General Floyd, after the battle, highly complimented the Fifty-sixth Virginia. Prior to being sent to Donelson, we were stationed under the command of General Floyd at Bowling Green and Russellville, Kentucky. Our loss in killed and wounded was small compared to the enemy's — theirs, no doubt, four times as great as ours. Floyd's brigade is now ordered to this place, and will be here in a day or two. Our sick are sent to Atlanta and Rome, Ga. The principal fighting at Donelson was done by Virginians, Mississippians, Texans, and Kentuckians. The troops from each State won unfading laurels in that contest. The men from all the South place implicit confid
Sylvania (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 24
fidence in the coolness and resolute courage of Virginians; and, whether at home or upon the soil of a sister State, the men have proved themselves worthy sons of the "Old Dominion" We have suffered a terrible disaster; but let us not despond, but make united, repeated, and determined efforts to repel the vandal hordes of the North; and, if necessary, let every mountain pass be a Thermopy , before the foot of the fanatical invader shall again poliute the soil of the Confederate States. Sylvania. In addition to the foregoing, the editors of the Dispatch have received a letter from 1st Lieutenant James H. Mason, company K, 56th Regiment, giving the following statement of easualties in his company: Killed--Captain Dabney Carr Harrison. Wounded--Private John T Tucker; not mertally. Taken prisoners — Lieuts P H Clopton and Geo. W Hay; Privates H C Earnest, H T Tucker, E M Peace, W H Wood, B F Marshall, E. H. Acree, Jno Adams; D. W Anderson, R Baskett, Wm Balley, L W
Rome, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 24
uch determined coolness and unflinching bravery. General Floyd, after the battle, highly complimented the Fifty-sixth Virginia. Prior to being sent to Donelson, we were stationed under the command of General Floyd at Bowling Green and Russellville, Kentucky. Our loss in killed and wounded was small compared to the enemy's — theirs, no doubt, four times as great as ours. Floyd's brigade is now ordered to this place, and will be here in a day or two. Our sick are sent to Atlanta and Rome, Ga. The principal fighting at Donelson was done by Virginians, Mississippians, Texans, and Kentuckians. The troops from each State won unfading laurels in that contest. The men from all the South place implicit confidence in the coolness and resolute courage of Virginians; and, whether at home or upon the soil of a sister State, the men have proved themselves worthy sons of the "Old Dominion" We have suffered a terrible disaster; but let us not despond, but make united, repeated, a
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 24
From Tennessee. the Fifty-sixth Virginia Regiment in the Fort Donetson battles. [Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb, 28, 1862. The desperate and determined struggle at "Dover" near Fort Donelson, is still the principal topic in this section. Probably your readers would like to hear something of the bearing and casualties of the "56th Virginia" and other items of interest, by one, who was an actor in that terrible conflict. On Wednesday, the 12th, instant, the call to the battle-Reld was made. With an alacrity and promptness worthy of all praise — the "56th" responded to the call, and with one exulting shout marched to the scene of action. At first we were placed on the right wing of our army but later in the day were removed to the left where a position was assigned us. We then felled the surrounding trees and hastily threw up breastworks of logs and dirt. We worked all Wednesday night without sleep or rest, and as the
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 24
selves with such determined coolness and unflinching bravery. General Floyd, after the battle, highly complimented the Fifty-sixth Virginia. Prior to being sent to Donelson, we were stationed under the command of General Floyd at Bowling Green and Russellville, Kentucky. Our loss in killed and wounded was small compared to the enemy's — theirs, no doubt, four times as great as ours. Floyd's brigade is now ordered to this place, and will be here in a day or two. Our sick are sent to Atlanta and Rome, Ga. The principal fighting at Donelson was done by Virginians, Mississippians, Texans, and Kentuckians. The troops from each State won unfading laurels in that contest. The men from all the South place implicit confidence in the coolness and resolute courage of Virginians; and, whether at home or upon the soil of a sister State, the men have proved themselves worthy sons of the "Old Dominion" We have suffered a terrible disaster; but let us not despond, but make united
Dover, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): article 24
From Tennessee. the Fifty-sixth Virginia Regiment in the Fort Donetson battles. [Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb, 28, 1862. The desperate and determined struggle at "Dover" near Fort Donelson, is still the principal topic in this section. Probably your readers would like to hear something of the bearing and casualties of the "56th Virginia" and other items of interest, by one, who was an actor in that terrible conflict. On Wednesday, the 12th, instant, the call to the battle-Reld was made. With an alacrity and promptness worthy of all praise — the "56th" responded to the call, and with one exulting shout marched to the scene of action. At first we were placed on the right wing of our army but later in the day were removed to the left where a position was assigned us. We then felled the surrounding trees and hastily threw up breastworks of logs and dirt. We worked all Wednesday night without sleep or rest, and as the
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 24
From Tennessee. the Fifty-sixth Virginia Regiment in the Fort Donetson battles. [Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb, 28, 1862. The desperate and determined struggle at "Dover" near Fort Donelson, is still the principal topic in this section. Probably your readers would like to hear something of the bearing and casualties of the "56th Virginia" and other items of interest, by one, who was an actor in that terrible conflict. On Wednesday, the 12th, instant, the call to the battle-Reld was made. With an alacrity and promptness worthy of all praise — the "56th" responded to the call, and with one exulting shout marched to the scene of action. At first we were placed on the right wing of our army but later in the day were removed to the left where a position was assigned us. We then felled the surrounding trees and hastily threw up breastworks of logs and dirt. We worked all Wednesday night without sleep or rest, and as the
Charlotte county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 24
e "56th" came up on a steamboat to Nashville. The loss of the Fifty-sixth in killed and wounded was 47; taken prisoners, 90 men, besides 6 Lieutenants. In Captain Boswell's Company, "A," 5 were wounded, none prisoners. In Captain Davis's Company, "B," 2 were killed, and Lieutenants Turner and Moseley and 25 privates taken prisoners. In Captain Taylor's Company, "E." Lieutenants Flournoy and Field, and 25 men, were taken prisoners. In Captain T. D. Jeffressis Company, "G," (from Charlotte county,) T. N. Cole and J. H. Jeffress were killed, 3 men and one officer wounded, prisoners none. In Company "K," the gallant and chivalrous Captain D. C. Harrison was killed, and Lieutenants P. H. Clopton and G. W. Hay and all except 5 men prisoners. In other companies there were killed and wounded, but I cannot inform definitely as to the number. All of our field officers were absent sick, and the senior Captain present commanded the regiment. It would be impossible to single ou
Donelson (Indiana, United States) (search for this): article 24
bravery. General Floyd, after the battle, highly complimented the Fifty-sixth Virginia. Prior to being sent to Donelson, we were stationed under the command of General Floyd at Bowling Green and Russellville, Kentucky. Our loss in killed and wounded was small compared to the enemy's — theirs, no doubt, four times as great as ours. Floyd's brigade is now ordered to this place, and will be here in a day or two. Our sick are sent to Atlanta and Rome, Ga. The principal fighting at Donelson was done by Virginians, Mississippians, Texans, and Kentuckians. The troops from each State won unfading laurels in that contest. The men from all the South place implicit confidence in the coolness and resolute courage of Virginians; and, whether at home or upon the soil of a sister State, the men have proved themselves worthy sons of the "Old Dominion" We have suffered a terrible disaster; but let us not despond, but make united, repeated, and determined efforts to repel the vandal
Russellville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 24
the number. All of our field officers were absent sick, and the senior Captain present commanded the regiment. It would be impossible to single out any instances of particular distinction, when all officers and men conducted themselves with such determined coolness and unflinching bravery. General Floyd, after the battle, highly complimented the Fifty-sixth Virginia. Prior to being sent to Donelson, we were stationed under the command of General Floyd at Bowling Green and Russellville, Kentucky. Our loss in killed and wounded was small compared to the enemy's — theirs, no doubt, four times as great as ours. Floyd's brigade is now ordered to this place, and will be here in a day or two. Our sick are sent to Atlanta and Rome, Ga. The principal fighting at Donelson was done by Virginians, Mississippians, Texans, and Kentuckians. The troops from each State won unfading laurels in that contest. The men from all the South place implicit confidence in the coolness an
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