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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 5
fety.--Under the righteous condemnation of all statesmen of intelligence and patriotism, President Lincoln, now tremblingly, beholds written "upon the plaster of the wall," mene, mene, tekel upharsin. The Governor adverts to the impolicy of the action of the Florida Convention in adopting the ordinance disbanding the State forces, the effect of which was the abandonment of Apalachicola and other important positions, the Governor having vainly applied for assistance to the Governors of Georgia and Alabama, and to the Confederate Government. The Conscript Law then comes under review.--The Governor forbears the expression of any opinion in its constitutionality, deeming I a judicial question. He thus patriotically expresses himself on this topic: "God forbid that you or I should do, directly or indirectly, aught to impede the victory of our arms. Let us do all in our power to animate our brave and suffering soldiers, and to expedite the glorious triumph which awaits th
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 5
th." The amount of the war tax was promptly paid, and that required to pay the regiments ordered from Florida in the service of the Confederate Government advanced in Florida Treasury notes. Of the Treasury notes authorized to be issued, ($500,000,) only $233,000 have been issued, and the Governor recommends the deposit of suitable funds in solvent banks in other States to sustain their credit. The policy of suppressing the distillation of spirits from grain is strongly urged as necessary, in the view of a deficient corn crop, and for the prevention of the arts of speculators and monopolists, as well as the preservation of the morals of the soldiery. The message closes with a notice of a controversy that has arisen in Florida of a precisely similar character to that which has taken place in South Carolina, as regards the assumption of legislative and executive power by the Florida Convention. The Governor expresses the opinion that this assumption was an usurpation.
United States (United States) (search for this): article 5
measures, closing this part of his message with the following spirited and patriotic language; The Proclamation has been regarded by the people of the Confederate States with scorn and contempt, and the effect produced by it upon the minds of enlightened and patriotic statesmen in the United States and Europe, have presentedUnited States and Europe, have presented to the consideration of President Lincoln his own despicable character as a perjured usurper and malignant tyrant Thus placed hors de combat with the judgment of civilized nations, his pitying sympathizers to relieve the distinguished President from the disreputable position, have insinuated that he issued the proclamation todaring. Let Florida always be ready to yield upon the altar of the country her last son and last dollar to maintain the struggle against the usurpation of the United States in attempting to degrade the women, children, and freemen of the South." The amount of the war tax was promptly paid, and that required to pay the regimen
Denmark (Denmark) (search for this): article 5
nlightened and patriotic statesmen in the United States and Europe, have presented to the consideration of President Lincoln his own despicable character as a perjured usurper and malignant tyrant Thus placed hors de combat with the judgment of civilized nations, his pitying sympathizers to relieve the distinguished President from the disreputable position, have insinuated that he issued the proclamation to convince pestiferous fanatics of their folly, as an ancient King of England and Denmark did when, "to confound his flatterers, he seated himself upon the strand and commanded the waves to retire." But, unfortunately for his Excellency, his proclamation illustrates the wicked folly of Belshazzar rather than the wisdom of Canute. Belshazzar sacrilegiously polluted the golden vessels that were taken out of the house of God which was at Jerusalem. Lincoln, with a traitor's ambition, has desecrated the Constitution of his country, which was revered as the palladium of civil
Appalachicola (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 5
Constitution of his country, which was revered as the palladium of civil liberty and the ark of its political safety.--Under the righteous condemnation of all statesmen of intelligence and patriotism, President Lincoln, now tremblingly, beholds written "upon the plaster of the wall," mene, mene, tekel upharsin. The Governor adverts to the impolicy of the action of the Florida Convention in adopting the ordinance disbanding the State forces, the effect of which was the abandonment of Apalachicola and other important positions, the Governor having vainly applied for assistance to the Governors of Georgia and Alabama, and to the Confederate Government. The Conscript Law then comes under review.--The Governor forbears the expression of any opinion in its constitutionality, deeming I a judicial question. He thus patriotically expresses himself on this topic: "God forbid that you or I should do, directly or indirectly, aught to impede the victory of our arms. Let us do all
Gainsville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 5
Message of the Governor of Florida. The Gainsville (Fla.) Cotton States has a synopsis of the excellent Message of Gov. Dunlop to the Legislature of Florida, for which we have not space, but condense its principal statements. It commences with a denunciation of Lincoln's emancipation measures, closing this part of his message with the following spirited and patriotic language; The Proclamation has been regarded by the people of the Confederate States with scorn and contempt, and the effect produced by it upon the minds of enlightened and patriotic statesmen in the United States and Europe, have presented to the consideration of President Lincoln his own despicable character as a perjured usurper and malignant tyrant Thus placed hors de combat with the judgment of civilized nations, his pitying sympathizers to relieve the distinguished President from the disreputable position, have insinuated that he issued the proclamation to convince pestiferous fanatics of their foll
Canute (Oklahoma, United States) (search for this): article 5
ment of civilized nations, his pitying sympathizers to relieve the distinguished President from the disreputable position, have insinuated that he issued the proclamation to convince pestiferous fanatics of their folly, as an ancient King of England and Denmark did when, "to confound his flatterers, he seated himself upon the strand and commanded the waves to retire." But, unfortunately for his Excellency, his proclamation illustrates the wicked folly of Belshazzar rather than the wisdom of Canute. Belshazzar sacrilegiously polluted the golden vessels that were taken out of the house of God which was at Jerusalem. Lincoln, with a traitor's ambition, has desecrated the Constitution of his country, which was revered as the palladium of civil liberty and the ark of its political safety.--Under the righteous condemnation of all statesmen of intelligence and patriotism, President Lincoln, now tremblingly, beholds written "upon the plaster of the wall," mene, mene, tekel upharsin.
John W. Brown (search for this): article 6
"the Reign of the CÆsars" in Augusta. --Governor Brown, of Georgia, acting under the authority of the Legislature of that State, has seized from $300,000 to $400,000 worth of goods in Augusta, for the use of the soldiers, to be paid for, of course, at reasonable rates. The Augusta Chronicle thus tells the story of the seizure: There was considerable excitement among the merchants and dealers of this city yesterday morning. The agents appointed by Governor Brown to seize certain artGovernor Brown to seize certain articles of necessity commenced their work, and went through several stores, seizing factory goods, jeans, shoes, and leather. A detachment of police was detailed to guard the outlets from the city, and to aid in making the seizures — The "seizers" were our own citizens, and were clothed, for the time being, with almost as extra ordinary power as the Cæsars of old. But they must have done their work well, as a very large number of drays were brought into requisition to haul away the product of the
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 6
"the Reign of the CÆsars" in Augusta. --Governor Brown, of Georgia, acting under the authority of the Legislature of that State, has seized from $300,000 to $400,000 worth of goods in Augusta, for the use of the soldiers, to be paid for, of course, at reasonable rates. The Augusta Chronicle thus tells the story of the seizure: There was considerable excitement among the merchants and dealers of this city yesterday morning. The agents appointed by Governor Brown to seize certain articles of necessity commenced their work, and went through several stores, seizing factory goods, jeans, shoes, and leather. A detachment of police was detailed to guard the outlets from the city, and to aid in making the seizures — The "seizers" were our own citizens, and were clothed, for the time being, with almost as extra ordinary power as the Cæsars of old. But they must have done their work well, as a very large number of drays were brought into requisition to haul away the product of th
James E. Johnston (search for this): article 8
Providential escape. --A few days ago the train which brought the members of Gen. Jas. E. Johnston's staff from Virginia to Knoxville, ran off the track, about ten miles the other side of that city; and completely demolished one car and damaged a few others slightly. Fortunately, none of the party were hurt. Several fine horses, belonging to officers of the staff, were so severely injured that they had to be left behind. A box car ran off while the train was crossing Tennessee bridge, but the wheels ran along the sleepers, and, fortunately, did not get off the bridge, though running all the time unpleasantly close to the edge. Had the single car toppled over, the whole train might have been precipitated into the stream. The train had barely crossed the bridge before the box was jerked completely off the track, and was broken to pieces. Chattanooga Rebel.
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