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A. Perrin (search for this): article 6
d Scales's North Carolina brigades, McGowan's South Carolina brigade, under Col. A. Perrin, (14th S. C.,) and Thomas's Georgia brigade, moved from their encampments oy engaged with the enemy, the division was formed in line of battle as follows: Perrin and Scales on the right, and Lane and Thomas on the left of the turnpike. In tngaged with the enemy.--About 4 o'clock the three brigades of Lane, Scales, and Perrin, were ordered by Major Gen. Pender to advance and to pass Major-Gen. Heth's divs; the same that was occupied the next day by Pegram's battalion of artillery. Perrin, after passing Heth's division, reformed his brigade in a ravine and moved rapiy. Upon reaching the edge of the grove which covers the crest of the ridge, Col. Perrin finding himself without support either on his right or his left, Gen. Lane hle the artillerists to make off with their guns. It is needless to say that Col. Perrin and his gallant brigade deserve all credit for the manner and spirit with wh
January, 7 AD (search for this): article 6
d the town occupied by a large force of cavalry — supported, it was said, by a considerable body of infantry. Under these circumstances, Gen. P. did not attempt to enter the town, but returned to camp near Cashtown. On the morning of the 1st of July, Heth's division of infantry, accompanied by Pegram's battalion of artillery, broke up camp near Caslitown, and at 5 A. M. began to move in the direction of Gettysburg by the turn-pike road. As the division neared Gettysburg it became evident onsisting of Lane's and Scales's North Carolina brigades, McGowan's South Carolina brigade, under Col. A. Perrin, (14th S. C.,) and Thomas's Georgia brigade, moved from their encampments on the east side of South Mountain on the morning of the 1st of July, at 8 A. M., along the turnpike, through Cashtown, in the direction of Gettysburg, following the advance of Major-Gen. Heth. When within three miles of Gettysburg, Major-Gen. H. being already engaged with the enemy, the division was formed in
Mary Davis (search for this): article 6
sburg, and was disposed as follows: Archer's brigade of Tennessean on the right of the turnpike, Davis's brigade of Mississippians, except one regiment, was in line on the left of the same road. Petth's (old) Virginia brigade, under Col. John M. Brockenbrough, were hold in reserve. Archer and Davis were soon ordered to advance, in order to feel the enemy, make a forced reconnaissance, and deter no they were massing forces in Gettysburg. Heavy columns of the enemy were soon encountered. Davis's brigade, on the left, drove the enemy back and captured his batteries, but was unable to hold rced back losing some of their artillery, which as before mentioned were temporarily captured by Davis's brigade, were reforming and were awaiting the arrival of reinforcements then rapidly hasteningrcher's brigade on the right, Pettigrew in the centre, and Brockenbrough on the left centre, and Davis on the left. After the division had rested an hour or more it was again ordered forward, and so
John M. Brockenbrough (search for this): article 6
ade of Mississippians, except one regiment, was in line on the left of the same road. Pettigrew's N C brigade, and Heth's (old) Virginia brigade, under Col. John M. Brockenbrough, were hold in reserve. Archer and Davis were soon ordered to advance, in order to feel the enemy, make a forced reconnaissance, and determine what forcettysburg, the division was formed in line of battle on the right and left of the road, as follows: Archer's brigade on the right, Pettigrew in the centre, and Brockenbrough on the left centre, and Davis on the left. After the division had rested an hour or more it was again ordered forward, and soon encountered the enemy in heavybeing killed, and Lieut.-Col. Lane being severely wounded. The 11th also lost its Major, (Ross,) who was killed, whilst Col. Leventhorp was severely wounded. Brockenbrough's gallant Virginians were no idle spectators in these bloody scenes — they were emphatically heroes in the strife. Fighting with their usual gallantry and das
Leventhorp (search for this): article 6
n, fighting as it went, and during the whole way under a perfect storm of shot and shell. Pettigrew's men now became engaged with a large body of the enemy, and fought with a courage worthy of their gallant leader. The 11th North Carolina, Col. Leventhorp, and the 26th, Col. Bergwyn, displayed conspicuous gallantry. The 26th, indeed, lost more than half its numbers; among them Col. Bergwyn being killed, and Lieut.-Col. Lane being severely wounded. The 11th also lost its Major, (Ross,) who was killed, whilst Col. Leventhorp was severely wounded. Brockenbrough's gallant Virginians were no idle spectators in these bloody scenes — they were emphatically heroes in the strife. Fighting with their usual gallantry and dash, they bore down every opposing foe, capturing two stands of colors and a number of prisoners. This division had now broken through and driven back two lines of the enemy, when it was found that most of the brigades were without ammunition. The division of Major-Gen
uring the whole way under a perfect storm of shot and shell. Pettigrew's men now became engaged with a large body of the enemy, and fought with a courage worthy of their gallant leader. The 11th North Carolina, Col. Leventhorp, and the 26th, Col. Bergwyn, displayed conspicuous gallantry. The 26th, indeed, lost more than half its numbers; among them Col. Bergwyn being killed, and Lieut.-Col. Lane being severely wounded. The 11th also lost its Major, (Ross,) who was killed, whilst Col. LeventhCol. Bergwyn being killed, and Lieut.-Col. Lane being severely wounded. The 11th also lost its Major, (Ross,) who was killed, whilst Col. Leventhorp was severely wounded. Brockenbrough's gallant Virginians were no idle spectators in these bloody scenes — they were emphatically heroes in the strife. Fighting with their usual gallantry and dash, they bore down every opposing foe, capturing two stands of colors and a number of prisoners. This division had now broken through and driven back two lines of the enemy, when it was found that most of the brigades were without ammunition. The division of Major-General Pender was at once ordered
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
of artillery, broke up camp near Caslitown, and at 5 A. M. began to move in the direction of Gettysburg by the turn-pike road. As the division neared Gettysburg it became evident that the enemy was in the vicinity of the town in some force, but in what numbers was as yet unknown to the commanding General. When Heth, however, reached the second ridge of hills west of Gettysburg, it became clear that there were infantry, artillery, and cavalry around the town. Braxton's battery, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, (formerly commanded by Maj. C. M. Braxton, of that town, a brave and accomplished officer, and now by Capt. Marye,) was placed in position, and a few shots were fired, scattering the enemy's cavalry videttes and killing Major--General Reynolds, then commanding the Yankee forces at Gettysburg, Meade not having arrived. This, be it remembered, was the opening of the ball. Ewell did not come into action until some time later in the day. The division was now within one and a hal
Fairfield, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 6
ff, and Brig.-Gen. Scales, though suffering very much from a severe wound in the leg, soon rallied the brigade, which again pushed on to the charge, under command of Lieut. Colonel Gordon, 34th regiment N. C. T., driving the enemy through and beyond the town of Gettysburg. The troops of this division which had been sent into town to gather up prisoners were now withdrawn, and the whole division was formed in line along the ridge opposite the town and Cemetery Hill, the left resting on the Fairfield road.--And thus ended the first day's fight at Gettysburg — the most successful to the Southern cause, by far, of the three day's carnival of blood, which will ever make memorable the time, the place, and the actors. Much blood had been shed with the going down of this day's sun, but more was yet to be spilled before the butchery was complete or the slaughter was ended. On the second day's engagement, I will speak in my next. It will be observed that thus far the "war horse" of this
Cemetery Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 6
ont to his left, and attacked most furiously on their flanks the enemy who were posted on the right behind a stone wall, and on the left behind a breastwork of rails. The enemy were soon put to flight, and rapidly retired through the town to Cemetery hill. The retirement of the enemy caused the artillery on the left to limber up and move rapidly to the rear. Much of this artillery would have been captured, but the two left regiments met a second force of the enemy posted behind a stone fencedriving the enemy through and beyond the town of Gettysburg. The troops of this division which had been sent into town to gather up prisoners were now withdrawn, and the whole division was formed in line along the ridge opposite the town and Cemetery Hill, the left resting on the Fairfield road.--And thus ended the first day's fight at Gettysburg — the most successful to the Southern cause, by far, of the three day's carnival of blood, which will ever make memorable the time, the place, and th
Cashtown (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 6
the reader will pardon the method I have chosen to pursue in the recital. On the morning of the 30th of June, 1863, Maj.-Gen. Heth, who was then lying at Cashtown, Pa., with his division, ordered Brig.-Gen. Pettigrew to march his brigade to Gettysburg and search the town for supplies, especially shoes. On reaching the suburbry — supported, it was said, by a considerable body of infantry. Under these circumstances, Gen. P. did not attempt to enter the town, but returned to camp near Cashtown. On the morning of the 1st of July, Heth's division of infantry, accompanied by Pegram's battalion of artillery, broke up camp near Caslitown, and at 5 A. Mmas's Georgia brigade, moved from their encampments on the east side of South Mountain on the morning of the 1st of July, at 8 A. M., along the turnpike, through Cashtown, in the direction of Gettysburg, following the advance of Major-Gen. Heth. When within three miles of Gettysburg, Major-Gen. H. being already engaged with the e
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