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Browsing named entities in a specific section of John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2. Search the whole document.

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. Demosthenes); and by making use of it here Virg. has escaped the awkwardness of either bringing Hippolytus himself into the field or giving him a son with an unknown name; indeed he may be said to have distinguished between the Greek Hippolytus and the Italian hero Virbius. For insignem we might have expected insignis, as in 9. 583 (a passage parallel in other respects), Insignis facie, genitor quem miserat Arcens: but there is force in the acc., whether we take the word with Wagn. of the splendour of his arms and accoutrements, provided by his mother (comp. 9. 547, vetitisque ad Troiam miserat armis), or of his personal beauty, which would also be naturally associated with the mother. It seems better, on a comParison of the two passages just cited, to make Aricia an eponymous nymph, mother of Virbius, than Virbius' native place, in spite of Populonia mater 10. 172. See however on 9. 177, which is itself doubtful, though on the whole the balance there seems to incline the other way.