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Browsing named entities in P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding).

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Alexandria (Egypt) (search for this): book 9, card 764
day prolongd The tyme, oft feyning siknesse, oft pretending shee had seene Ill tokens of successe. At length all shifts consumed beene. The wedding day so oft delayd was now at hand. The day Before it, taking from her head the kercheef quyght away, And from her daughters head likewyse, with scattred heare she layd Her handes upon the Altar, and with humble voyce thus prayd: O Isis, who doost haunt the towne of Paretonie, and The feeldes by Maraeotis lake, and Pharos which dooth stand By Alexandria, and the Nyle divided into seven Great channels, comfort thou my feare, and send mee help from heaven, Thyself, O Goddesse, even thyself, and theis thy relikes I Did once behold and knew them all: as well thy company As eke thy sounding rattles, and thy cressets burning by, And myndfully I marked what commaundement thou didst give. That I escape unpunished, that this same wench dooth live, Thy counsell and thy hest it is. Have mercy now on twayne, And help us. With that word
But if perchaunce that Amathus the rich in mettals, weere Demaunded if it would have bred the Propets it would sweare, Yea even as gladly as the folke whose brewes sumtyme did beare A payre of welked homes: whereof they Cerastes named are. Before theyr doore an Altar stood of Jove that takes the care Of alyents and of travellers, which lothsome was to see, For lewdnesse wrought theron. If one that had a straunger bee Had lookt thereon, he would have thought there had on it beene killd Sum sucking calves or lambes. The blood of straungers there was spilld. Dame Venus sore offended at this wicked sacrifyse, To leave her Cities and the land of Cyprus did devyse. But then bethinking her, shee sayd: What hath my pleasant ground, What have my Cities trespassed? what fault in them is found? Nay rather let this wicked race by exyle punnisht beene, Or death, or by sum other thing that is a meane betweene Both death and exyle. What is that? save only for to chaunge Theyr shape. In musing
love with him: wherby He did revenge the outrage of his mothers villanye. For as the armed Cupid kist Dame Venus, unbeware An arrow sticking out did raze hir brest uppon the bare. The Goddesse being wounded, thrust away her sonne. The wound Appeered not to bee so deepe as afterward was found. It did deceyve her at the first. The beawty of the lad Nor unto Paphos where the sea beats round about the shore, Inflaamd her. To Cythera Ile no mynd at all shee had. Nor fisshy Gnyde, nor Amathus that hath of metalls store. Yea even from heaven shee did absteyne. Shee lovd Adonis more Than heaven. To him shee clinged ay, and bare him companye. And in the shadowe woont shee was to rest continually, And for to set her beawtye out most seemely to the eye By trimly decking of her self. Through bushy grounds and groves, And over Hills and Dales, and Lawnds and stony rocks shee roves, Bare kneed with garment tucked up according to the woont Of Phebe, and shee cheerd the hounds with
Othris and on Pyndus growing were, And what Olympus (greater than mount Pyndus far) did beare. Such herbes of them as liked hir she pullde up roote and rinde Or cropt them with a hooked knife. And many she did finde Upon the bankes of Apidane agreeing to hir minde: And many at Amphrisus foords: and thou Enipeus eke Didst yeelde hir many pretie weedes of which she well did like. Peneus and Sperchius streames contributarie were, And so were Boebes rushie bankes of such as growed there. About Anthedon which against the Ile Euboea standes, A certaine kind of lively grasse she gathered with her handes, The name whereof was scarsly knowen or what the herbe could doe Untill that Glaucus afterward was chaunged thereinto. Nine dayes with winged Dragons drawen, nine nights in Chariot swift She searching everie field and frith from place to place did shift. She was no sooner home returnde but that the Dragons fell Which lightly of hir gathered herbes had taken but the smell, Did cast their
talk and streyght the companye brake. And Neryes daughters parting thence, swam in the gentle lake. Dame Scylla home ageine returnd. (Shee durst not her betake To open sea) and eyther roamd uppon the sandy shore Stark naakt, or when for weerinesse shee could not walk no more, Shee then withdrew her out of syght and gate her to a poole, And in the water of the same, her heated limbes did coole. Behold the fortune. Glaucus (whoo then being late before Transformed in Ewboya Ile uppon Anthedon shore, Was new becomme a dweller in the sea) as he did swim Along the coast was tane in love at syght of Scylla trim, And spake such woordes as he did think myght make her tarry still. Yit fled shee still, and swift for feare shee gate her to a hill That butted on the Sea. Ryght steepe and upward sharp did shoote A loftye toppe with trees, beneathe was hollowe at the foote. Heere Scylla stayd and being sauf by strongnesse of the place, (Not knowing if he monster were, or God, that did her
And sumtyme stopping up his spring, he makes his chanell drye. Men drank the waters of the brooke Anigrus heretofore, Which now is such that men abhorre to towche them any more. Which commes to passe, (onlesse wee will discredit Poets quyght) Bycause the Centaures vanquisshed by Hercules in fyght Did wash theyr woundes in that same brooke. But dooth not Hypanis That springeth in the Scythian hilles, which at his fountaine is Ryght pleasant, afterward becomme of brackish bitter taste? Antissa, and Phenycian Tyre, and Pharos in tyme past Were compast all about with waves: but none of all theis three Is now an Ile. Ageine the towne of Lewcas once was free From sea, and in the auncient tyme was joyned to the land. But now environd round about with water it dooth stand. Men say that Sicill also hath beene joynd to Italy Untill the sea consumde the bounds beetweene, and did supply The roome with water. If yee go to seeke for Helicee And Burye which were Cities of Achaia, you sha
all the Iles that in those seas doe sit. Anon the Iles Astypaley and Anaphey both twaine The first constreynde for feare of war, the last in hope of gaine, Tooke part with him. Low Myconey did also with him hold So did the chalkie Cymoley, and Syphney which of olde Was verie riche with veynes of golde, and Scyros full of bolde And valiant men, and Seryphey the smooth or rather fell, And Parey which for Marblestone doth beare away the bell. And Sythney which a wicked wench callde Arne did betray For mony: who upon receit thereof without delay Was turned to a birde which yet of golde is gripple still, And is as blacke as any cole, both fethers, feete and bill. A Cadowe is the name of hir. But yet Olyarey, And Didymey, and Andrey eke, and Tene, and Gyarey, And Pepareth where Olive trees most plenteously doe grow, In no wise would agree their helpe on Minos to bestow. Then Minos turning lefthandwise did sayle to Oenope Where reignde that time King Aeacus. This Ile had ca
Athens (Greece) (search for this): book 6, card 1
loudes, appeares a compast bow of gleames Which bendeth over all the Heaven: wherein although there shine A thousand sundry colours, yet the shadowing is so fine, That looke men nere so wistly, yet beguileth it their eyes: So like and even the selfsame thing eche colour seemes to rise Whereas they meete, which further off doe differ more and more. Of glittring golde with silken threede was weaved there good store. And stories put in portrayture of things done long afore. Minerva painted Athens towne and Marsis rocke therein, And all the strife betweene hirselfe and Neptune, who should win The honor for to give the name to that same noble towne. In loftie thrones on eyther side of Jove were settled downe Six Peeres of Heaven with countnance grave and full of Majestie, And every of them by his face discerned well might be. The Image of the mightie Jove was Kinglike. She had made Neptunus standing striking with his long thre tyned blade Upon the ragged Rocke: and from
Athens (Greece) (search for this): book 8, card 260
And now forwearied Daedalus alighted in the land Within the which the burning hilles of firie Aetna stand. To save whose life King Cocalus did weapon take in hand, For which men thought him merciful. And now with high renowne Had Theseus ceast the wofull pay of tribute in the towne Of Athens. Temples decked were with garlands every where, And supplications made to Jove and warlicke Pallas were, And all the other Gods, to whome more honor for to show, Gifts, blud of beasts, and frankincense the people did bestow As in performance of their vowes. The right redoubted name Of Theseus through the lande of Greece was spred by flying fame. And now the folke that in the land of rich Achaia dwelt, Praid him of succor in the harmes and perils that they felt. Although the land of Calydon had then Meleager: Yet was it faine in humble wise to Theseus to prefer A supplication for the aide of him. The cause wherfore They made such humble suit to him was this. There was a Bore The which
Athens (Greece) (search for this): book 15, card 335
eeing bace hath nothing left of all her welth to showe, Save ruines of the auncient woorkes which grasse dooth overgrowe, And tumbes wherin theyr auncetours lye buryed on a rowe. Once Sparta was a famous towne: Great Mycene florisht trim: Bothe Athens and Amphions towres in honor once did swim. A pelting plot is Sparta now: great Mycene lyes on ground. Of Theab the towne of Oedipus what have we more than sound? Of Athens, king Pandions towne, what resteth more than name? Now also of the race oAthens, king Pandions towne, what resteth more than name? Now also of the race of Troy is rysing (so sayth fame) The Citie Rome, which at the bank of Tyber that dooth ronne Downe from the hill of Appennyne) already hath begonne With great advysement for to lay foundation of her state. This towne then chaungeth by increase the forme it had alate, And of the universall world in tyme to comme shall hold The sovereintye, so prophesies and lotts (men say) have told. And as (I doo remember mee) what tyme that Troy decayd, The prophet Helen, Priams sonne, theis woordes ense
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