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over from Sicily with his fleet to Locri. And, to make an attack upon the walls possible from the landward side also, they ordered that a part of the force which was serving as a garrison should be brought from Tarentum to Locri.B.C. 208 Hannibal, being informed by some men of Thurii that this was about to be done, sent men to lie in wait along the road from Tarentum. There, beneath the hill of Petelia,The town crowned a hill 1,100 feet high, and could be reduced only by starvation in 216 B.C.; cf. XXIII. xx. 4 ff.; xxx. 1 ff. three thousand horsemen and two thousand foot were posted in hiding. When the Romans, as they advanced without reconnoitring, encountered this force, about two thousand of their armed men were slain, about fifteen hundred taken alive. The rest, scattering in flight over the farms and through the woods, returned to Tarentum. Between the Carthaginian and the Roman campsFor the scene we revert to the region of Venusia; cf. xxv. 13; xxviii. 5; Plutar
ad to be recovered unless it had been lost.Cicero Cato Maior 11, Certe, nam nisi tu amisisses, numquam recepissem; de Oratore, II. 273; Plutarch, Fabius xxiii. 3. Of the consuls one, Titus Quinctius Crispinus, set out for Lucania with additional recruits to join the army which Quintus Fulvius Flaccus had held. Marcellus was detained by religious scruples one after another, as they were impressed upon his mind. One of them was that, although he had vowed at Clastidium, in the Gallic War,222 B.C., in his first consulship. a temple to Honour and Valour, the dedication of the temple was being blocked by the pontiffs. These said that one cella was not properly dedicated to more than a single divinity, since, if it should be struck by lightning, or some portent should occur in it, expiation would be difficult, because it could not be known to which god sacrifice should be offered; for, with the exception of certain deities,Doubtless those specified in the books of the pontiffs as