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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University). Search the whole document.

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iii. 2 ff.; x. 2 —xi. 1; XXIII. xii. 6 —xiii. 6 (216 B.C.). Still prominent according to Appian Pun. 34. At xliv. 5, if not at xlii. 12, another Hasdrubal (Haedus) has taken his place. who, unable to do so by any other means, has ruined our family by the downfall of Carthage. Already foreboding this very thing he had previously put his ships in readiness. Accordingly, after distributing the mass of useless troops, nominally as garrisons, among the few Bruttian towns that were being held rather by fear than by loyalty, he transported the flower of his army to Africa. Many men of Italic race refusing to follow him to Africa had retired to the shrine of Juno Lacinia,Cf. p. 441, n. 3. never desecrated until that day, and had been cruelly slain actually within the temple enclosure.The temple itself would have room for no more than a small number fleeing for refuge. Diodorus Sic. XXVII. 9 makes the number 20,000. Cf. Appian Hann. 59 (