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send the veterans back from Spain; he was further authorised to raise soldiers in Spain, and Valerius Antias even related that he went to Sicily to enlist troops, and that on his way back he was thrown by a storm on the coast of Africa. Whether this is true or not cannot be ascertained; but when he had properly reinforced himself, he carried on a successful war in Spain : he besieged and took the wealthy and fortified town of Litabrum, and made Corribilo, a Spanish chief, his prisoner. In B. C. 185 he obtained the consulship, together with M. Aemilius Lepidus, in opposition to whom he defended, at the beginning of the year, M. Fulvius ; for the senate assigned the Ligurians as the province of the two consuls, and Lepidus, dissatisfied, wanted to have the province, of which M. Fulvius had had the administration for the last two years. At last, however, C. Flaminius and Aemilius Lepidus marched into their province against the Ligurians, and Flaminius, after having gained several battle
Flami'nius 2. C. Flaminius, a son of No. 1, was quaestor of P. Scipio Africanus the Elder in Spain, B. C. 210. Fourteen years later, B. C. 196, he was curule aedile, and distributed among the people a large quantity of grain at a low price, which was furnished to him by the Sicilians as a mark of gratitude and distinction towards his father and himself. In B. C. 193 he was elected praetor, and obtained Hispania Citerior as his province. He took a fresh army with him, and was ordered by the senate to send the veterans back from Spain; he was further authorised to raise soldiers in Spain, and Valerius Antias even related that he went to Sicily to enlist troops, and that on his way back he was thrown by a storm on the coast of Africa. Whether this is true or not cannot be ascertained; but when he had properly reinforced himself, he carried on a successful war in Spain : he besieged and took the wealthy and fortified town of Litabrum, and made Corribilo, a Spanish chief, his prisoner. In
Flami'nius 2. C. Flaminius, a son of No. 1, was quaestor of P. Scipio Africanus the Elder in Spain, B. C. 210. Fourteen years later, B. C. 196, he was curule aedile, and distributed among the people a large quantity of grain at a low price, which was furnished to him by the Sicilians as a mark of gratitude and distinction towards his father and himself. In B. C. 193 he was elected praetor, and obtained Hispania Citerior as his province. He took a fresh army with him, and was ordered by the senate to send the veterans back from Spain; he was further authorised to raise soldiers in Spain, and Valerius Antias even related that he went to Sicily to enlist troops, and that on his way back he was thrown by a storm on the coast of Africa. Whether this is true or not cannot be ascertained; but when he had properly reinforced himself, he carried on a successful war in Spain : he besieged and took the wealthy and fortified town of Litabrum, and made Corribilo, a Spanish chief, his prisoner. In
Flami'nius 2. C. Flaminius, a son of No. 1, was quaestor of P. Scipio Africanus the Elder in Spain, B. C. 210. Fourteen years later, B. C. 196, he was curule aedile, and distributed among the people a large quantity of grain at a low price, which was furnished to him by the Sicilians as a mark of gratitude and distinction towards his father and himself. In B. C. 193 he was elected praetor, and obtained Hispania Citerior as his province. He took a fresh army with him, and was ordered by the senate to send the veterans back from Spain; he was further authorised to raise soldiers in Spain, and Valerius Antias even related that he went to Sicily to enlist troops, and that on his way back he was thrown by a storm on the coast of Africa. Whether this is true or not cannot be ascertained; but when he had properly reinforced himself, he carried on a successful war in Spain : he besieged and took the wealthy and fortified town of Litabrum, and made Corribilo, a Spanish chief, his prisoner. In
ribe, reduced them to submission, and deprived them of their arms. Hereupon he proceeded against the Apuani, another Ligurian tribe, who had invaded the territories of Pisa and Bononia. They also were subdued, and peace was thus restored in the north of Italy. But to prevent his troops from remaining idle in their camp, he made them construct a road from Bononia to Arretium, while his colleague made another from Placentia to Ariminum, to join the Flaminian road. Strabo (v. p.217), who confounds C. Flaminius, the father, with his son, states that the latter made the Flaminian road from Rome to Ariminum, and Lepidus from thence to Bononia and Aquileia. But it is highly improbable that the road was continued to Aquileia, before this place became a Latin colony, i. e. before B. C. 181, on which occasion C. Flaminius was one of the triumvirs who conducted the colony thither. (Liv. 26.47, 49, 33.42, 34.54, &c., 35.2, 22, 38.42, &c., 39.2, 55, 40.34 ; Oros. 4.20; Zonar. 9.21; V. Max. 6.6.3.)