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rried the daughter of Timotheus; and in B. C. 356 was chosen commander in the Social war, his father and his father-in-law, according to C. Nepos, being appointed to aid him with their counsel and experience. They were all three impeached by their colleague, CHARES, for alleged misconduct and treachery in the campaign; but Iphicrates and Menestheus were acquitted in B. C. 355. (Nep. Tim. 3; Dion Hal. Dem. p. 667; Rehdantz, Vit. Iphic. &c., 6.7, 7. §§ 5, 7; comp. Diod. 16.21; Wess. ad loc.; Isocr. peri/ a)ntid. § 137.) Menestheus was distinguished for his military skill; and we find him again appointed commander of a squadron of 100 galleys, sent out, in B. C. 335, to check the Macedonians, who had intercepted some Athenian ships on their voyage down from the Euxine. We do not know the exact period of his death, but it took place before B. C. 325. (Plut. Phoc. 7; Pseudo-Dem., peri/ tw=n pro\s *A)lec. sunq. p.217, Epist. iii. p. 1482; Rehdantz, Vit. Iphic. &c., 7.8.) [IPHICRATES.] [E
he was called on, while yet a boy, to undertake leitoupgiai, a demand which Iphicrates resisted. (Arist. Rhet. 2.23.17.) He married the daughter of Timotheus; and in B. C. 356 was chosen commander in the Social war, his father and his father-in-law, according to C. Nepos, being appointed to aid him with their counsel and experience. They were all three impeached by their colleague, CHARES, for alleged misconduct and treachery in the campaign; but Iphicrates and Menestheus were acquitted in B. C. 355. (Nep. Tim. 3; Dion Hal. Dem. p. 667; Rehdantz, Vit. Iphic. &c., 6.7, 7. §§ 5, 7; comp. Diod. 16.21; Wess. ad loc.; Isocr. peri/ a)ntid. § 137.) Menestheus was distinguished for his military skill; and we find him again appointed commander of a squadron of 100 galleys, sent out, in B. C. 335, to check the Macedonians, who had intercepted some Athenian ships on their voyage down from the Euxine. We do not know the exact period of his death, but it took place before B. C. 325. (Plut. Phoc. 7
hat the latter, as far as in him lay, had made him a Thracian; the former had made him an Athenian. (Nep. Iph. 3; comp. Vol. II. p. 617a.) He was born probably about B. C. 377 (see Rehdantz, Vit. Iphic. Chabr. Timoth. 2.4); and, as he grew up, his great height and size caused him to be thought older than he really was, so that he was called on, while yet a boy, to undertake leitoupgiai, a demand which Iphicrates resisted. (Arist. Rhet. 2.23.17.) He married the daughter of Timotheus; and in B. C. 356 was chosen commander in the Social war, his father and his father-in-law, according to C. Nepos, being appointed to aid him with their counsel and experience. They were all three impeached by their colleague, CHARES, for alleged misconduct and treachery in the campaign; but Iphicrates and Menestheus were acquitted in B. C. 355. (Nep. Tim. 3; Dion Hal. Dem. p. 667; Rehdantz, Vit. Iphic. &c., 6.7, 7. §§ 5, 7; comp. Diod. 16.21; Wess. ad loc.; Isocr. peri/ a)ntid. § 137.) Menestheus was disti
Menestheus (*Menesqeu/s), son of Iphicrates, the famous Athenian general, by the daughter of Cotys, king of Thrace. Hence he said that he owed more to his mother than to his father; for that the latter, as far as in him lay, had made him a Thracian; the former had made him an Athenian. (Nep. Iph. 3; comp. Vol. II. p. 617a.) He was born probably about B. C. 377 (see Rehdantz, Vit. Iphic. Chabr. Timoth. 2.4); and, as he grew up, his great height and size caused him to be thought older than he really was, so that he was called on, while yet a boy, to undertake leitoupgiai, a demand which Iphicrates resisted. (Arist. Rhet. 2.23.17.) He married the daughter of Timotheus; and in B. C. 356 was chosen commander in the Social war, his father and his father-in-law, according to C. Nepos, being appointed to aid him with their counsel and experience. They were all three impeached by their colleague, CHARES, for alleged misconduct and treachery in the campaign; but Iphicrates and Menestheus were
rried the daughter of Timotheus; and in B. C. 356 was chosen commander in the Social war, his father and his father-in-law, according to C. Nepos, being appointed to aid him with their counsel and experience. They were all three impeached by their colleague, CHARES, for alleged misconduct and treachery in the campaign; but Iphicrates and Menestheus were acquitted in B. C. 355. (Nep. Tim. 3; Dion Hal. Dem. p. 667; Rehdantz, Vit. Iphic. &c., 6.7, 7. §§ 5, 7; comp. Diod. 16.21; Wess. ad loc.; Isocr. peri/ a)ntid. § 137.) Menestheus was distinguished for his military skill; and we find him again appointed commander of a squadron of 100 galleys, sent out, in B. C. 335, to check the Macedonians, who had intercepted some Athenian ships on their voyage down from the Euxine. We do not know the exact period of his death, but it took place before B. C. 325. (Plut. Phoc. 7; Pseudo-Dem., peri/ tw=n pro\s *A)lec. sunq. p.217, Epist. iii. p. 1482; Rehdantz, Vit. Iphic. &c., 7.8.) [IPHICRATES.] [E