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Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 37
ich the troops were to be encamped, and tents and cooking utensils were brought up. The troops had been without these from the time of crossing the Mississippi up to this time. All was now ready for the pick and spade. Prentiss and Hurlbut were ordered to send forward every man that could be spared. Cavalry especially was wanted to watch the fords along the Big Black, and to observe Johnston. I knew that Johnston was receiving reinforcements from Bragg, who was confronting Rosecrans in Tennessee. Vicksburg was so important to the enemy that I believed he would make the most strenuous efforts to raise the siege, even at the risk of losing ground elsewhere. My line was more than fifteen miles long, extending from Haines' Bluff to Vicksburg, thence to Warrenton. The line of the enemy was about seven. In addition to this, having an enemy at Canton and Jackson, in our rear, who was being constantly reinforced, we required a second line of defence facing the other way. I had not
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 37
he navy holding the river, the investment of Vicksburg was complete. As long as we could hold our s; and four hundred miles of the river, from Vicksburg to Port Hudson, had become ours. The Union he field after the battle. The enemy had at Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, Jackson, and on the roads betwepied the right starting from the river above Vicksburg, McPherson the centre (McArthur's division nwho was confronting Rosecrans in Tennessee. Vicksburg was so important to the enemy that I believe miles long, extending from Haines' Bluff to Vicksburg, thence to Warrenton. The line of the enemy all possible dispatch. The ground about Vicksburg is admirable for defence. On the north it is strong for defence against the garrison of Vicksburg as they were against us; but I knew that Johnews of the arrival of the Union army behind Vicksburg reached the North, floods of visitors began low. There were eight roads leading into Vicksburg, along which and their immediate sides, our [1 more...]
Champion's Hill (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 37
ss than forty-three thousand men. One division of these, Blair's, only arrived in time to take part in the battle of Champion's Hill, but was not engaged there; and one brigade, Ransom's of McPherson's corps, reached the field after the battle. Theil: at Port Gibson seven or eight thousand; at Raymond, five thousand; at Jackson, from eight to eleven thousand; at Champion's Hill, twenty-five thousand; at the Big Black, four thousand. A part of those met at Jackson were all that was left of thn13171925 South Fork Bayou Pierre..1 Skirmishes, May319 Fourteen Mile Creek624[7] Raymond6633937 Jackson422517 Champion's Hill4101,844187 Big Black392373 Bridgeport..1 Total6953,425[266] Of the wounded many were but slightly so, and co reinforcements from the east. He had at this time a larger force than I had had at any time prior to the battle of Champion's Hill. As soon as the news of the arrival of the Union army behind Vicksburg reached the North, floods of visitors beg
Yazoo River (United States) (search for this): chapter 37
m were disabled for any length of time. After the unsuccessful assault of the 22d the work of the regular siege began. Sherman occupied the right starting from the river above Vicksburg, McPherson the centre (McArthur's division now with him) and McClernand the left, holding the road south to Warrenton. Lauman's division arrived at this time and was placed on the extreme left of the line. In the interval between the assaults of the 19th and 22d, roads had been completed from the Yazoo River and Chickasaw Bayou, around the rear of the army, to enable us to bring up supplies of food and ammunition; ground had been selected and cleared on which the troops were to be encamped, and tents and cooking utensils were brought up. The troops had been without these from the time of crossing the Mississippi up to this time. All was now ready for the pick and spade. Prentiss and Hurlbut were ordered to send forward every man that could be spared. Cavalry especially was wanted to watch
Big Black (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 37
by the garrison in his front, and there was no army organizing in his rear to raise the siege. On the 3d of June a brigade from Hurlbut's command arrived, General Kimball commanding. It was sent to Mechanicsburg, some miles north-east of Haines' Bluff and about midway between the Big Black and the Yazoo. A brigade of Blair's division and twelve hundred cavalry had already, on Blair's return from the Yazoo, been sent to the same place with instructions to watch the crossings of the Big Black river, to destroy the roads in his (Blair's) front, and to gather or destroy all supplies. On the 7th of June our little force of colored and white troops across the Mississippi, at Milliken's Bend, were attacked by about 3,000 men from Richard Taylor's trans-Mississippi command. With the aid of the gunboats they were speedily repelled. I sent [Gen. Joseph A.] Mower's brigade over with instructions to drive the enemy beyond the Tensas Bayou; and we had no further trouble in that quarter
Walnut Hills (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 37
and more was to be seen without exposure. I therefore took them to Sherman's headquarters and presented them. Before starting out to look at the lines-possibly while Sherman's horse was being saddled — there were many questions asked about the late campaign, about which the North had been so imperfectly informed. There was a little knot around Sherman and another around me, and I heard Sherman repeating, in the most animated manner, what he had said to me when we first looked down from Walnut Hills upon the land below on the 18th of May, adding: Grant is entitled to every bit of the credit for the campaign; I opposed it. I wrote him a letter about it. But for this speech it is not likely that Sherman's opposition would have ever been heard of. His untiring energy and great efficiency during the campaign entitle him to a full share of all the credit due for its success. He could not have done more if the plan had been his own. When General Sherman first learned of the move I p
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 37
y between the Big Black and the Yazoo. A brigade of Blair's division and twelve hundred cavalry had already, on Blair's return from the Yazoo, been sent to the same place with instructions to watch the crossings of the Big Black river, to destroy the roads in his (Blair's) front, and to gather or destroy all supplies. On the 7th of June our little force of colored and white troops across the Mississippi, at Milliken's Bend, were attacked by about 3,000 men from Richard Taylor's trans-Mississippi command. With the aid of the gunboats they were speedily repelled. I sent [Gen. Joseph A.] Mower's brigade over with instructions to drive the enemy beyond the Tensas Bayou; and we had no further trouble in that quarter during the siege. This was the first important engagement of the war in which colored troops were under fire. These men were very raw, having all been enlisted since the beginning of the siege, but they behaved well. On the 8th of June a full division arrived from
Fort Pierre (South Dakota, United States) (search for this): chapter 37
say the least, in meeting them in detail: at Port Gibson seven or eight thousand; at Raymond, five thousand; at Jackson, from eight to eleven thousand; at Champion's Hill, twenty-five thousand; at the Big Black, four thousand. A part of those met at Jackson were all that was left of those encountered at Raymond. They were beaten in detail by a force smaller than their own, upon their own ground. Our loss up to this time was: AtKilledWoundedMissing Port Gibson13171925 South Fork Bayou Pierre..1 Skirmishes, May319 Fourteen Mile Creek624[7] Raymond6633937 Jackson422517 Champion's Hill4101,844187 Big Black392373 Bridgeport..1 Total6953,425[266] Of the wounded many were but slightly so, and continued on duty. Not half of them were disabled for any length of time. After the unsuccessful assault of the 22d the work of the regular siege began. Sherman occupied the right starting from the river above Vicksburg, McPherson the centre (McArthur's division now with him) a
West Point (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 37
was against us, was very great. The problem was also complicated by our wanting our line as near that of the enemy as possible. We had but four engineer officers with us. Captain [Frederick] Prime, of the Engineer Corps, was the chief, and the work at the beginning was mainly directed by him. His health soon gave out, when he was succeeded by Captain [C. B.] Comstock, also of the Engineer Corps. To provide assistants on such a long line I directed that all officers who had graduated at West Point, where they had necessarily to study military engineering, should in addition to their other duties assist in the work. The chief quartermaster and the chief commissary were graduates. The chief commissary, now the Commissary-General of the Army, begged off, however, saying that there was nothing in engineering that he was good for unless he would do for a sap-roller. As soldiers require rations while working in the ditches as well as when marching and fighting, and as we would be s
Port Gibson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 37
n country, where no rear guards were necessary. The country is admirable for defence, but difficult for the conduct of an offensive campaign. All their troops had to be met. We were fortunate, to say the least, in meeting them in detail: at Port Gibson seven or eight thousand; at Raymond, five thousand; at Jackson, from eight to eleven thousand; at Champion's Hill, twenty-five thousand; at the Big Black, four thousand. A part of those met at Jackson were all that was left of those encountered at Raymond. They were beaten in detail by a force smaller than their own, upon their own ground. Our loss up to this time was: AtKilledWoundedMissing Port Gibson13171925 South Fork Bayou Pierre..1 Skirmishes, May319 Fourteen Mile Creek624[7] Raymond6633937 Jackson422517 Champion's Hill4101,844187 Big Black392373 Bridgeport..1 Total6953,425[266] Of the wounded many were but slightly so, and continued on duty. Not half of them were disabled for any length of time. Afte
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