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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 1,463 127 Browse Search
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Jonesboro (Georgia, United States) 693 51 Browse Search
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Red Oak (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
-Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Near Atlanta, Ga., September 12, 1864. Sir: I have the honor of submitting the following report of operations of the Ninety-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry in this campaign, under the command of Col. P. Sidney Post: The regiment, being detailed on picket when the brigade moved, was left on the picket-line with orders to move at 11 p. m. August 26, 1864. Rejoining the brigade at 5 a. m. on the 27th of August, moved with the brigade at 8 a. m., around to Red Oak, on the 28th. The regiment assisted in destroying the Montgomery railroad on tie 29th; returned to camp on the same day. Broke camp at 6 a. m. on the 30th and marched to a point near the Decatur road; found the enemy in line on the morning of the 31st. The regiment was placed in line of battle and commenced constructing rifle-pits. The enemy evacuating about 11 a. m., an advance was ordered; struck the Macon railroad about 5 p. m.; during the night constructed rifle-pits. The regimental
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
orts of Lieut. Col. Daniel Bowman, Ninety-third Ohio Infantry. Hdqrs. Ninety-Third Regt. Ohio Vol. Infty., Before Atlanta, Ga., August 17, 1864. Sir: I have the honor of submitting to you the following report of the operations of the Ninety-t across Peach Tree Creek with the loss of 1 enlisted man wounded. July 22, moved into position in line of trenches near Atlanta, which we now occupy, and in which we have lost 1 enlisted man wounded by stray ball. I am, very respectfully, your he 5th of September; during that time had 4 men wounded. At 8 p. m. September 5 the forces commenced moving back toward Atlanta. On the 6th the regiment was detailed as advance guard for the corps supply train; arrived at Atlanta on the 8th of SepAtlanta on the 8th of September. Rejoined brigade at 12 m. on the 9th, and went into camp. Very respectfully, Daniel Bowman, Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Ninety-third Regiment. Capt. John Crowell, Jr., Assistant Adjutant-General, Second Brigade.
Decatur, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
campaign, under the command of Col. P. Sidney Post: The regiment, being detailed on picket when the brigade moved, was left on the picket-line with orders to move at 11 p. m. August 26, 1864. Rejoining the brigade at 5 a. m. on the 27th of August, moved with the brigade at 8 a. m., around to Red Oak, on the 28th. The regiment assisted in destroying the Montgomery railroad on tie 29th; returned to camp on the same day. Broke camp at 6 a. m. on the 30th and marched to a point near the Decatur road; found the enemy in line on the morning of the 31st. The regiment was placed in line of battle and commenced constructing rifle-pits. The enemy evacuating about 11 a. m., an advance was ordered; struck the Macon railroad about 5 p. m.; during the night constructed rifle-pits. The regimental pioneers were detailed to destroy the Macon railroad. On the 1st of September marched in rear of wagon train, arriving at camp about 7 p. m., near Jonesborough, Ga. On the morning of the 2d of S
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
ed through Marietta, Ga. July 4, skirmished with the enemy, losing 3 enlisted men wounded. July 5, four companies were detailed to assist in holding the rebel pontoon bridge at Pace's Ferry. July 19, moved across Peach Tree Creek with the loss of 1 enlisted man wounded. July 22, moved into position in line of trenches near Atlanta, which we now occupy, and in which we have lost 1 enlisted man wounded by stray ball. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Danl. Bowman, Lieut.--Col., Comdg. Ninety-third Regt. Ohio Vol. Infty. Capt. John Crowell, Jr., Asst. Adjt. Gen., 2d Brig., 3d Div., 4th Army Corps. Hdqrs. Ninety-Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Near Atlanta, Ga., September 12, 1864. Sir: I have the honor of submitting the following report of operations of the Ninety-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry in this campaign, under the command of Col. P. Sidney Post: The regiment, being detailed on picket when the brigade moved, was left on the picket-line with orders to m
Catoosa Springs (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
No. 67. reports of Lieut. Col. Daniel Bowman, Ninety-third Ohio Infantry. Hdqrs. Ninety-Third Regt. Ohio Vol. Infty., Before Atlanta, Ga., August 17, 1864. Sir: I have the honor of submitting to you the following report of the operations of the Ninety-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry in this campaign: Left encampment at McDonald's Station, Tenn., May 3, 1864; regiment detailed as train guard, rejoining the brigade at Catoosa Springs on the night of the 4th. At Tunnel Hill, on the 8th, two companies had a slight skirmish with the enemy, but suffered no loss. On the 9th, in line of battle at foot of Rocky Face Ridge, 4 enlisted men were wounded. On the 14th and 16th was engaged in battle near Resaca, Ga., suffering a loss of 4 enlisted men killed and 16 wounded. Also engaged May 27, near Dallas, Ga., with a loss of 11 enlisted men killed, 32 wounded, and 6 missing. June 1, while on picket near Dallas, Ga., lost 1 enlisted man killed and 1 wounded. June 17, our loss was 1
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
ng report of the operations of the Ninety-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry in this campaign: Left encampment at McDonald's Station, Tenn., May 3, 1864; regiment detailed as train guard, rejoining the brigade at Catoosa Springs on the night of the 4th. At Tunnel Hill, on the 8th, two companies had a slight skirmish with the enemy, but suffered no loss. On the 9th, in line of battle at foot of Rocky Face Ridge, 4 enlisted men were wounded. On the 14th and 16th was engaged in battle near Resaca, Ga., suffering a loss of 4 enlisted men killed and 16 wounded. Also engaged May 27, near Dallas, Ga., with a loss of 11 enlisted men killed, 32 wounded, and 6 missing. June 1, while on picket near Dallas, Ga., lost 1 enlisted man killed and 1 wounded. June 17, our loss was 1 enlisted man killed and 5 wounded. June 23, near Kenesaw Mountain, had a severe skirmish, losing 1 captain and 2 enlisted men killed and 37 enlisted men wounded. July 3, moved through Marietta, Ga. July 4, skirmished wit
Rowland (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
No. 67. reports of Lieut. Col. Daniel Bowman, Ninety-third Ohio Infantry. Hdqrs. Ninety-Third Regt. Ohio Vol. Infty., Before Atlanta, Ga., August 17, 1864. Sir: I have the honor of submitting to you the following report of the operations of the Ninety-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry in this campaign: Left encampment at McDonald's Station, Tenn., May 3, 1864; regiment detailed as train guard, rejoining the brigade at Catoosa Springs on the night of the 4th. At Tunnel Hill, on the 8th, two companies had a slight skirmish with the enemy, but suffered no loss. On the 9th, in line of battle at foot of Rocky Face Ridge, 4 enlisted men were wounded. On the 14th and 16th was engaged in battle near Resaca, Ga., suffering a loss of 4 enlisted men killed and 16 wounded. Also engaged May 27, near Dallas, Ga., with a loss of 11 enlisted men killed, 32 wounded, and 6 missing. June 1, while on picket near Dallas, Ga., lost 1 enlisted man killed and 1 wounded. June 17, our loss was 1 e
Jonesboro (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
k the Macon railroad about 5 p. m.; during the night constructed rifle-pits. The regimental pioneers were detailed to destroy the Macon railroad. On the 1st of September marched in rear of wagon train, arriving at camp about 7 p. m., near Jonesborough, Ga. On the morning of the 2d of September moved through Jonesborough and about four and a half miles south of that place. In the afternoon the regiment was deployed and placed in the second line; an advance was made near sundown, but the NinetJonesborough and about four and a half miles south of that place. In the afternoon the regiment was deployed and placed in the second line; an advance was made near sundown, but the Ninety-third did not become engaged. The regiment was moved to the right of the front line and ordered to build breastworks; continued in the pits until the evening of the 5th of September; during that time had 4 men wounded. At 8 p. m. September 5 the forces commenced moving back toward Atlanta. On the 6th the regiment was detailed as advance guard for the corps supply train; arrived at Atlanta on the 8th of September. Rejoined brigade at 12 m. on the 9th, and went into camp. Very respectful
Kenesaw Mountain (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
ut suffered no loss. On the 9th, in line of battle at foot of Rocky Face Ridge, 4 enlisted men were wounded. On the 14th and 16th was engaged in battle near Resaca, Ga., suffering a loss of 4 enlisted men killed and 16 wounded. Also engaged May 27, near Dallas, Ga., with a loss of 11 enlisted men killed, 32 wounded, and 6 missing. June 1, while on picket near Dallas, Ga., lost 1 enlisted man killed and 1 wounded. June 17, our loss was 1 enlisted man killed and 5 wounded. June 23, near Kenesaw Mountain, had a severe skirmish, losing 1 captain and 2 enlisted men killed and 37 enlisted men wounded. July 3, moved through Marietta, Ga. July 4, skirmished with the enemy, losing 3 enlisted men wounded. July 5, four companies were detailed to assist in holding the rebel pontoon bridge at Pace's Ferry. July 19, moved across Peach Tree Creek with the loss of 1 enlisted man wounded. July 22, moved into position in line of trenches near Atlanta, which we now occupy, and in which we have lost
Dallas, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 71
no loss. On the 9th, in line of battle at foot of Rocky Face Ridge, 4 enlisted men were wounded. On the 14th and 16th was engaged in battle near Resaca, Ga., suffering a loss of 4 enlisted men killed and 16 wounded. Also engaged May 27, near Dallas, Ga., with a loss of 11 enlisted men killed, 32 wounded, and 6 missing. June 1, while on picket near Dallas, Ga., lost 1 enlisted man killed and 1 wounded. June 17, our loss was 1 enlisted man killed and 5 wounded. June 23, near Kenesaw Mountain, hDallas, Ga., lost 1 enlisted man killed and 1 wounded. June 17, our loss was 1 enlisted man killed and 5 wounded. June 23, near Kenesaw Mountain, had a severe skirmish, losing 1 captain and 2 enlisted men killed and 37 enlisted men wounded. July 3, moved through Marietta, Ga. July 4, skirmished with the enemy, losing 3 enlisted men wounded. July 5, four companies were detailed to assist in holding the rebel pontoon bridge at Pace's Ferry. July 19, moved across Peach Tree Creek with the loss of 1 enlisted man wounded. July 22, moved into position in line of trenches near Atlanta, which we now occupy, and in which we have lost 1 enlisted
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