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John Esten Cooke, in Eclectic Magazine, May, 1872. When the army drew closer to Richmond, Mr. Davis's visits to General Lee, which had been previously made as often as his executive labor permitf the progress of the enemy; his temper always became more cheerful as affairs looked darker. Mr. Davis had a childlike faith in the providential care of the Just Cause by Almighty God, and a doubtre so near them, and I thought you ought not to be alone. You ought to have aguard with you. Mr. Davis noticed that he had on broken shoes and proposed to change with him, but the cheerful young p side, and encompassed so perfectly that we could only hope by a miracle to overcome our foes, Mr. Davis's health declined from loss of sleep so that he forgot to eat, and I resumed the practice of cto the brick pavement below. He died a few minutes after we reached his side. This child was Mr. Davis's hope, and greatest joy in life. At intervals, he ejaculated, Not mine, oh, Lord, but thine.
Chapter 51: Yellow Tavern.—Death of Stuart. On the morning of May 13th, Mr. Davis came hurriedly in from the office for his pistols, and rode out to the front, where Generals Gracie and Ransom were disposing their skeleton brigades to repel General Sheridan's raiders, who had been hovering around for some days. At the Execut rear on the Peninsula, beyond the Potomac, and upon the Rapidan, quoting from his own orders, with a last injunction to make haste. About noon, Thursday, President Davis visited his bedside and spent some fifteen minutes in the dying chamber of his young chieftain. The President, taking his hand, said, General, how do you feel? He replied, in his strong, cheery voice, Easy, but willing to die, if God and my country think I have fulfilled my destiny and done my duty. Mr. Davis came home and knelt with me in a prayer in which he entreated that this precious life might be spared to our needy country. As evening approached Stuart's delirium increased, a
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 53: battle of Drury's Bluff, May 16, 1864. (search)
nner and shorter line, closer to the works at Drury's. On the afternoon of the 14th, wrote Mr. Davis, I rode down to visit General Beauregard. A letter from General Beauregard to Generalller Owen: In Camp and Battle. One of the enemy's solid shot struck at the very feet of President Davis as he stood at the edge of the turnpike in conversation with General Beauregard. They, witps moved down the river road as far as Howlett's, but saw no enemy. General Beauregard, President Davis, and his aide, Colonel William Preston Johnston, were standing on the earthworks listening intently. Presently a single gun was heard in the distance. Ah said Mr. Davis, at last! and a smile of satisfaction stole over his face. But that solitary gun was all, and Butler retreated unm General Lee's army, that he should join General Lee, crush Grant, and march to Washington. Mr. Davis, in Rise and Fall. The following is the communication alluded to above. Confederate Sta
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 44: the lack of food and the prices in the Confederacy. (search)
compelled to charge the following rates for boarding horses, on and after the first of March: Board per month$300 Board per day15 Single feed5 Virginia Stables. James C. Johnson, W. H. Sutherland, B. W. Green. The family of the President had no perquisites, and bought their provender as they did their provisions, at the public marts and at the current prices. The President must have horses to perform his duty toward the army; but, after disposing of everything else available, Mr. Davis had sold every horse he could spare; and during his absence in the West, I sent my carriage and horses to be sold by a dealer. Some gentlemen of Richmond heard of it and bought the horses, and returned them to me. The note accompanying them was greatly prized, but how the horses, which of course could not be again sold, were to be fed, could not be foreseen. Our deprivations were far less than those of persons not holding such high official positions, but they were many. A notice wri
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 45: exchange of prisoners and Andersonville. (search)
t before the courts on charge of treason, President Davis wrote to President Lincoln: It is t bush-whackers. Under this state of facts Mr. Davis issued a General Order, recognizing General exchange proposed by you. Finding, wrote Mr. Davis, that exchanges could not be made, we offerethe state of the negotiation as to exchange (Mr. Davis's proposition to exchange all white and fre, that no prisoners should be exchanged. Mr. Davis, a short time before his death, wrote a full policy upon that of the Administration. Mr. Davis, under date of February 12, 1876, wrote to hsoner, for there was no characteristic of Jefferson Davis more marked than his regard for the weak,istant Secretary of War, nobly vindicated President Davis while he lived, declared him altogether ar men and other times can do us justice. Mr. Davis was so painfully affected by the death-rate l Winder's private letter to the President. Mr. Davis said, If we could only get them across the t[1 more...]
tly over the Confederacy, and about a week before the evacuation of Richmond, Mr. Davis came to me and gently, but decidedly, announced the necessity for our departun like bric-à--brac, which sentimental people call their household goods, but Mr. Davis called it trumpery. I was not superior to the rest of my sex in this regard.I had bought several barrels of flour, and intended to take them with me, but Mr. Davis said, You cannot remove anything in the shape of food from here, the people hole city; the streets were almost deserted. The day before our departure Mr. Davis gave me a pistol and showed me how to load, aim, and fire it. He was very appr a foreign country. With hearts bowed down by despair, we left Richmond. Mr. Davis almost gave way, when our little Jeff begged to remain with him, and Maggie carrison, after seeing us safely established in Charlotte, fearing he might be separated from Mr. Davis, and hoping to be of use, set out for Richmond to rejoin him.
while endeavoring to join his troops at Five Forks, ran across two Federal soldiers. Upon demanding their surrender, they shot him down and then retreated. His body was brought back to Petersburg by his faithful courier, General Gibbons so informed General Wilcox at Appomattox. and the country's mourning was proportionate to her need of him, and her high estimate of his skilful generalship. Our consolation was that he was saved the pang of Appomattox. General Lee now telegraphed President Davis, that he could no longer hold the lines of Petersburg, and would leave them at night, and that this would necessitate the evacuation of Richmond. The enemy kept up an incessant fire upon the lines all day, and made many unsuccessful assaults, ceasing his efforts only at nightfall. At twelve o'clock that night, the last man and the last gun of the brave army that had defended the lines of Petersburg for a twelvemonth passed over the pontoon bridge and the retreat began that ended
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 58: the President's account of the evacuation of Richmond. (search)
sident's account of the evacuation of Richmond. I give Mr. Davis's story of the evacuation of Richmond in his own words. General Lee's army. Upon his arrival at Danville, President Davis wrote to Mrs. Davis as follows: Danville, Va., April Mrs. Davis as follows: Danville, Va., April 5, 1865. I have in vain sought to get into communication with General Lee, and have postponed writing in the hope that until those of the army are better developed. From President Davis to Mrs. Davis. Danville, Va., April 6, 1865. In mMrs. Davis. Danville, Va., April 6, 1865. In my letter of yesterday I gave you all of my prospects which could now be told, not having heard from General Lee, and having ircumstantial character as to confirm these reports. How Mr. Davis bore defeat is best described by the following letter, written by Mr. Davis's faithful friend, M. H. Clarke, whose opportunities of knowing the President were better than those of aneat trial. Clarksville, Tenn., October 6, 1890. My Dear Mrs. Davis: The history of his country is indissolubly woven wit
al Lee, some time afterward, the latter said, This accounts for the energy of the enemy's pursuit. The first day after we left the lines he seemed to be entirely at sea with regard to our movements, after that, though I never worked so hard in my life to withdraw our armies in safety, he displayed more energy, skill, and judgment in his movements than I ever knew him to display before. In requesting the above statement from General G. W. C. Lee, Major Walthall, then at Beauvoir with Mr. Davis, wrote him as follows: Besides its bearing in other respects, it may possibly throw some light upon the yet unexplained failure of General Lee's request for supplies at Amelia Court House, to reach the President or the War Department. It seems to be certain that neither the President, Secretary of War, Quarter-Master-General, nor Commissary-General ever received the requisition. Colonels Taylor and Marshall (of General Lee's staff) both remember that it was well understood that
ed to take rest only did so because promoted and ordered elsewhere; the Hamptons, Kershaw, Hugers, Ramseur, M. C. Butler, Bee, Bonham, Bartow, Drayton, the Prestons, Dick Anderson, Jenkins, and Stephen D. Lee, commander of artillery in Virginia and corps commander in the Army of Tennessee, a body of fine gentlemen who illustrated the proverbial daring of their class. She also gave Colonel Lucius B. Northrop, a gallant soldier of the old army, and one who, as Commissary General, possessed Mr. Davis's confidence unto the end of our struggle. North Carolina sent Pettigrew, who commanded Heth's division in the charge at Gettysburg, wounded there, he lost his life before recrossing the Potomac; and D. H. Hill, Holmes, Hoke, Pender, Cooke, Ransom, Lane, Scales, Green, Daniel, and the roll of honor stretches out a shining list as I gaze into the past. When shall their glory fade? Texas gave us Albert Sidney Johnston, and Gregg, Robertson, William old tige whom his soldiers loved Ca
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