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Dutch Gap (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.69
eams as one, will be allowed to transport such articles as cannot be carried along. The same conditions will be allowed to all sick and wounded officers and soldiers as fast as they become able to travel. The paroles for these latter must be signed, however, whilst officers present are authorized to sign the roll of prisoners. By the terms of the cartel then in force, prisoners captured by either army were required to be forwarded, as soon as possible, to either Aiken's Landing below Dutch Gap, on the James River, or to Vicksburg, there to be exchanged, or paroled until they could be exchanged. There was a Confederate Commissioner at Vicksburg, authorized to make the exchange. I did not propose to take him prisoner, but to leave him free to perform the functions of his office. Had I insisted upon an unconditional surrender, there would have been over thirty-odd thousand men to transport to Cairo, very much to the inconvenience of the army on the Mississippi; thence the prison
Baton Rouge (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.69
ime could be spared to observe them. It was at Port Gibson I first heard through a Southern paper of the complete success of Colonel Benjamin H. Grierson, who was making a raid through central Mississippi [from La Grange, Tennessee, to Baton Rouge, Louisiana]. He had started from La Grange, April 17th, with three regiments of about 1700 men. On the 21st he had detached Colonel Hatch with one regiment to destroy the railroad between Columbus and Macon and then return to La Grange. Hatch had ag the railroad, destroying it at Okolona and Tupelo, and arriving in La Grange April 26th. Grierson continued his movement with about 1000 men, breaking the Vicksburg and Meridian railroad and the New Orleans and Jackson railroad, arriving at Baton Rouge May 2d. This raid was of great importance, for Grierson had attracted the attention of the enemy from the main movement against Vicksburg.--From Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant. During the night of the 2d of May the bridge over the North
Clinton (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.69
ones. McPherson was ordered at daylight to move on Clinton, ten miles from Jackson. Sherman was notified of mcase a union became necessary. McPherson reached Clinton with the advance early on the 13th, and immediatelyvantageous one, in any event. With one division at Clinton, he was in position to reenforce McPherson at Jackseneral Sherman is between us with four divisions at Clinton. It is important to establish communication, that mp. Crocker bivouacked just in Hovey's rear on the Clinton road. Sherman, with two divisions, was in Jackson,s, and military factories. I rode in person out to Clinton. On my arrival I ordered McClernand to move early s superior, which I have shown were to attack us at Clinton. This, indeed, I knew he could not do, but I felt 16th a repetition of his order to join Johnston at Clinton, he concluded to obey, and sent a dispatch to his c's trains occupying the roads. I was still back at Clinton. McPherson sent me word of the situation and expre
London (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 5.69
herson's), had crossed the river at Grand Gulf a few days before and was coming up on their right flank. Neither Logan nor I knew that we had cut off the retreat of the enemy. Just at this juncture a messenger came from Hovey, asking for more reenforcements. There were none to spare. I then gave an order to move McPherson's command by the left flank around to Hovey. This uncovered the Confederate line of retreat, which was soon taken advantage of by the enemy. Dr. William M. Beach of London, Ohio, sends to the editors this anecdote of General Grant: At the time of the Vicksburg campaign I was the Assistant Surgeon of the 78th Ohio Regiment; but I had been detailed by J. H. Boucher, Medical Director of the 17th Army Corps, as the Division Hospital Director of Logan's division. I had a regular service of men and wagons; and at the battle of Champion's Hill — when my division had been assigned to its position — I chose an abandoned farm-house and its surroundings as a proper p
Yazoo River (United States) (search for this): chapter 5.69
g, and was connected with it by a railroad. Haynes's Bluff is eleven miles north, and on the Yazoo River, which empties into the Mississippi some miles above the town. Bruinsburg is two miles froign is evidently to cross the Big Black and pass down the peninsula between the Big Black and Yazoo rivers. We must beat them. Turn your troops immediately to Bolton; take all the trains with you. Sas soon as possible joined Sherman. My first anxiety was to secure a base of supplies on the Yazoo River above Vicksburg. Sherman's line of march led him to the very point on Walnut Hills occupied 21st were spent in strengthening our position, and in making roads in rear of the army, from Yazoo River, or Chickasaw Bayou. Most of the army had now been for three weeks with only five days ratio In the interval between the assaults of the 19th and 22d, roads had been completed from the Yazoo River and Chickasaw Bayou, around the rear of the army, to enable us to bring up supplies of food a
West Point (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.69
was against us, was very great. The problem was also complicated by our wanting our line as near that of the enemy as possible. We had but four engineer officers with us. Captain F. E. Prime, of the Engineer Corps, was the chief, and the work at the beginning was mainly directed by him. His health soon gave out, when he was succeeded by Captain Cyrus B. Comstock, also of the Engineer Corps. To provide assistants on such a long line, I directed that all officers who had been graduated at West Point, where they had necessarily to study military engineering, should, in addition to their other duties, assist in the work. The chief quartermaster and the chief commissary were graduates. The chief commissary, now the commissary-general of the army [General Robert Maefeely], begged off, however, saying that there was nothing in engineering that he was good for, unless he would do for a sap-roller. As soldiers require rations while working in the ditches as well as when marching and fig
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.69
from the Upper Mississippi which may come within your command. . . You will exercise superior authority as far as you may ascend the river. . . editors. Of course I could not comply with his request, nor did I think he needed them. He was in no danger of an attack by the garrison in his front, and there was no army organizing in his rear to raise the siege. On the 3d of June a brigade from Hurlbut's command arrived, General Nathan Kimball commanding. General Kimball was wounded at Fredericksburg, and on recovering was assigned to the command of a division in the West.--editors. It was sent to Mechanicsburg, some miles north-east of Haynes's Bluff, and about midway between the Big Black and the Yazoo. A brigade of Blair's division and twelve hundred cavalry had already, on Blair's return from up the Yazoo, been sent to the same place — with instructions to watch the crossings of the Big Black River, to destroy the roads in his (Blair's) front, and to gather or destroy all suppli
Rocky Springs (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.69
eld. The four regiments were to be taken from troops near the river, so that there would be no delay. During the night of the 6th McPherson drew in his troops north of the Big Black and was off at an early hour on the road to Jackson, via Rocky Springs, Utica, and Raymond. That night he and McClernand were both at Rocky Springs, ten miles from Hankinson's Ferry. McPherson remained there during the 8th, while McClernand moved to Big Sandy and Sherman marched from Grand Gulf to Hankinson's Rocky Springs, ten miles from Hankinson's Ferry. McPherson remained there during the 8th, while McClernand moved to Big Sandy and Sherman marched from Grand Gulf to Hankinson's Ferry. The 8th McPherson moved to a point within a few miles of Utica; McClernand and Sherman remained where they were. On the 10th McPherson moved to Utica; Sherman to Big Sandy,--McClernand was still at Big Sandy. The 11th McClernand was at Five Mile Creek; Sherman at Auburn; McPherson five miles advanced from Utica. May 12th McClernand was at Fourteen Mile Creek; Sherman at Fourteen Mile Creek; McPherson at Raymond, after a battle. After McPherson crossed the Big Black at Hankinson'
Red River (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.69
en during the day for movements on the 13th were annulled by new ones. McPherson was ordered at daylight to move on Clinton, ten miles from Jackson. Sherman was notified of my determination to capture Jackson and work from there westward. He was ordered to start at four in the morning and march to Raymond. McClernand was ordered to march with three divisions by Dillon's to Raymond. One was left to guard the crossing of the Big Black. On the 10th I received a letter from Banks, on the Red River, asking reenforcements. Porter had gone to his assistance, with a part of his fleet, on the 3d, and I now wrote to him describing my position and declining to send any troops. I looked upon side movements, as long as the enemy held Port Hudson and Vicksburg, as a waste of time and material. General Joseph E. Johnston arrived at Jackson in the night of the 13th, from Tennessee, and immediately assumed command of all the Confederate troops in Mississippi. I knew he was expecting reenforc
Champion's Hill (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.69
Map of the battles of Raymond, Jackson, Champion's Hill, and Big Black River bridge. north, westging road that intersected the other near Champion's Hill; one (Carr's) had to pass over the same rently expediting McClernand's advance. Champion's Hill, where Pemberton had chosen his position ards's Station, some three miles west of Champion's Hill. There is one also to Bolton. From thise of men and wagons; and at the battle of Champion's Hill — when my division had been assigned to itinued until after dark. The battle of Champion's Hill lasted about four hours of hard fighting,d been much demoralized by his defeats at Champion's Hill and the Big Black, and I believed would nved in time to take part in the battle of Champion's Hill, but was not engaged there; and one briga5000; at Jackson, from 8000 to 11,000; at Champion's Hill, 25,000; at the Big Black, 4000. A part r force than I had prior to the battle of Champion's Hill. As soon as the news of the arrival of[1 more...]
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