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E. B. Brown (search for this): chapter 14
e note 8, page 896. he instructed him to draw Sherman out of Georgia, for his presence there was causing alarming disaffection to the cause of the conspirators. At this time there was great disaffection to the Confederate cause in Georgia. Governor Brown, Alexander H. Stephens, and others, seemed to have been impressed with the utter selfishness and evident incompetency of Davis, and were disposed to assert, in all it strength, the doctrine of State supremacy. Davis's speech at Macon, already noticed, did not help his cause. The people were tired of war — tired of furnishing men and means to carry out the ambitious schemes of a demagogue — and three days after that speech, a long letter from Governor Brown was received [Sept. 26, 1864.] at the Confederate War Department, in which he absolutely refused to respond to Davis's call for militia from that State. He said he would not encourage Davis's ambitious projects by placing in his hands, and under his unconditional control, all t
e, Oct. 11. and pushed Garrard's cavalry and Cox's (Twenty-third) corps across the Oostenaula, to threaten Hood's flank should he turn northward. That vigorous leader had moved so rapidly that he avoided the intended blow, excepting a slight one by Garrard, which drove a brigade of Confederate cavalry, and secured two of their guns; and he suddenly appeared before Resaca, and demanded its surrender. Sherman had re-enforced that post with two regiments of the Army of the Tennessee, and Colonel Weaver, the commander, gallantly repulsed a vigorous attack. The assailants then moved on, closely followed by Sherman. They destroyed the railway from Tilton to the tunnel at Buzzard's Roost, and captured the Union garrison at Dalton. On his arrival at Resaca, Oct. 14. Sherman determined to strike Hood in flank, or force him to fight. He was now puzzled by Hood's movements, and knew no better way to force him to develop his designs. General Howard moved to Snake Creek Gap, and skirmish
Leonidas Polk (search for this): chapter 14
ree corps, commanded respectively by Generals W. J. Hardee, J. B. Hood, and Leonidas Polk. and the capture of the city of Atlanta. General Sherman received his ornchments between Kenesaw and Lost mountains. At the time of this advance, General Polk, formerly Protestant Episcopal Bishop of the diocese of Louisiana, was killed instantly, by a piece of shell which passed through his body. Polk, Johnston, and Hardee, were upon the summit of Pine Mountain when the cannonade commenced, recont them from Knapp's battery. This caused them to retreat to a place of safety. Polk soon reappeared, when another shell was fired, which exploded near him, and killd the two large stones in the foreground, is Pine Mountain or Knob, on which General Polk was killed. A little to the left of lost Mountain was New hope Church. retched, away from the railway to Lost Mountain (which, with Pine Knob, on which Polk was killed, arose on our right), around to New Hope and Dallas, and became lodes
J. J. Reynolds (search for this): chapter 14
the reach of danger. The lull in the battle was brief. The Confederates soon charged up the railway and main Decatur road, scattering an advanced regiment acting as pickets, and capturing its two guns in battery at the foot of a tall pine-tree, used as a signal station. This station was for the purpose of directing the fire of the Nationals on the Confederate army, the country being so broken and wooded that the artillerists could not certainly know the position of their foes. Lieutenant Reynolds was at the platform near the top of this tree, acting as signal officer when the Confederates made the charge mentioned in the text, and was shot dead at his post. This tree was between the railway and the Decatur road, and the writer sketched it, in May, 1866. Then advancing rapidly, they broke through the Union line between the divisions of Wood and Harrow, of Logan's corps, posted on each side the roads, and pushed back, in much disorder, Lightburn's brigade, about four hundred ya
n of Atlanta [September 2], the telegraph gave information of the fact to the. Government, whereupon the President, on the same day, publicly tendered the thanks of the nation to General. Sherman, and the gallant officers and soldiers under his command. Orders were issued for the firing of National salutes at the principal arsenals, and the 11th day of September was designated as one for offering solemn national thanksgiving for the signal success of General Sherman in Georgia, and of Admiral Farragut. at Mobile. The services of the latter will be narrated presently. On the 8th General Sherman issued a stirring congratulatory address to his army, telling them of the thanks they had received from the nation, recounting their exploits, and assuring them that if they continued faithful, it required no prophet to foretell that our country will, in time, emerge from this war, purified by the fires of war, and worthy its great founder, Washington. Two days afterward, General Sherman,
Wirt Adams (search for this): chapter 14
s met so stoutly by Confederate cavalry, under General Iverson, that he not only abandoned all thoughts of capturing Macon, or becoming the liberator of the prisoners at Andersonville, but he turned hastily back, impelled by the urgent business of trying to escape. In so doing, he weakened his force by dividing it, and instructing the three brigades of which it was composed, to seek safety by separate paths. Iverson pressed closely upon the fugitives. One of the brigades, commanded by Colonel Adams, reached Atlanta without much loss. Another, under Colonel Capron, was dispersed by a charge of Confederate cavalry; and the remainder, about one thousand strong, commanded by Stoneman himself, and who had been employed in checking Iverson while the others should escape, were surrounded by the active Georgian, and seven hundred of them were made prisoners. The remainder escaped. Iverson had only about five hundred men, but deceived his antagonist with a show of superior force. Stonem
d from Decatur on the direct road to Atlanta. Logan's corps formed the center, Dodge's the right, and Blair's the left. On the previous night, the latter, after a now made preparations for planting heavy batteries upon it, to be supported by Dodge's corps, which was ordered from the right to the left, to make that point a strre to order the further movements of the troops. He had ridden from Sherman to Dodge's moving column, when he sent nearly the whole of his staff and orderlies on vaoment Hardee made his first charge. His troops were pouring into a gap between Dodge and Blair; and just as McPherson had given an order for a brigade to move up anted very heavy loss on the Confederates, who had been unable to drive Blair and Dodge. The latter gave their assailants John A. Logan. very severe blows on their al Howard had the chief supervision of the movement, which was made en echelon. Dodge's corps was on the left nearest the Confederates. Blair's was to come up on it
Ulysses S. Grant (search for this): chapter 14
trong enough to endanger the National communications between Atlanta and Chattanooga, but not of sufficient power to engage in battle. So the patriot leader determined to execute a plan, which he had already submitted to the consideration of General Grant, namely, to destroy Atlanta and its railway communications with Chattanooga, and, moving through the heart of Georgia, capture one or more of the important seaport towns-Savannah or Charleston, or both. So he remained at Gaylesville a week, watching the movements of Hood, when, satisfied that he had marched westward over the Sand Mountains, he proceeded Oct. 26, 1864. in preparations to put into execution his important plan, with a full understanding with Generals Grant and Thomas, and the approval of the General-in-chief. Stanley was ordered to proceed to Chattanooga with the Fourth Corps, and report to General Thomas, and Schofield was directed to do the same. To General Thomas, Sherman now delegated full power over all the
John A. Logan (search for this): chapter 14
d from Decatur on the direct road to Atlanta. Logan's corps formed the center, Dodge's the right, their way along an obscure road in the rear of Logan, Sherman, who was at Howard's house, with Genehe affections of all men. He ordered General John A. Logan to take command of the Army of the Tenar, was not up in time to effect much. When Logan assumed command, the battle had been general ae between the divisions of Wood and Harrow, of Logan's corps, posted on each side the roads, and pu of whom about 1,000 were well prisoners. General Logan computed the Confederate dead, alone, at 3tes. Blair's was to come up on its right, and Logan's on Blair's right, refused as a flank. By te His heavy masses were thrown swiftly against Logan's corps, on Howard's right, which was posted of the Nationals did not exceed six hundred. Logan estimated Hood's loss at a much greater numbere killed, would make Hood's loss about 5,000. Logan reported that he captured nearly 2,000 muskets[2 more...]
John C. Calhoun (search for this): chapter 14
directed Sweeny's division, of the Sixteenth Corps, to cross and threaten Calhoun, farther south. At the same time the cavalry division of General Garrard moved from Villanow in the direction of Rome, with orders to destroy the railway between Calhoun and Kingston. Sherman, meanwhile, was severely pressing Johnston at Resaca, at all points, and a general engagement ensued in the afternoon and evening of the 15th. May. McPherson had secured a lodgment across Camp Creek, near the town, and hent out, at dawn, Sept. 2, 1864. a strong reconnoitering column in that direction. It encountered no opposition, and entered the city — much of which was reduced to a smoking ruin by Hood's incendiary fires — at 9 o'clock, when it was met by Mayor Calhoun, who formally surrendered the place. General Ward's division then marched in, with drums beating and colors Herman's Headquarters in Atlanta. flying, and the National flag was unfurled over the Court-house. On the day of the evacuation
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