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e tunnel at Buzzard's Roost, and captured the Union garrison at Dalton. On his arrival at Resaca, Oct. 14. Sherman determined to strike Hood in flank, or force him to fight. He was now puzzled by Hood's movements, and knew no better way to force him to develop his designs. General Howard moved to Snake Creek Gap, and skirmished with the Confederates there, for the purpose of holding them while General Stanley, with the Fourth and Fourteenth Corps, should move round to Hood's rear, from Tilton to the vicinity of Villanow. But the Confederates gave way and withdrew to Ship's Gap, and on the following day Oct. 16. Sherman's forces moved directly toward Lafayette, with a view of cutting off Hood's retreat. That leader was watchful, and being in lighter marching order than his pursuer, outstripped and evaded him. Sherman still pressed on and entered the Chattanooga Valley, and on the 19th, his forces were all grouped about Gaylesville, a fertile region in Northern Alabama. Sherm
Jefferson Davis (search for this): chapter 14
mmunications. It was at about this time that Jefferson Davis hastened from Richmond to Georgia to view the s hurt were Colonels Tourtellotte and Howell. When Davis visited Hood at Palmetto, See note 8, page 896. hth the utter selfishness and evident incompetency of Davis, and were disposed to assert, in all it strength, the doctrine of State supremacy. Davis's speech at Macon, already noticed, did not help his cause. The people wrtment, in which he absolutely refused to respond to Davis's call for militia from that State. He said he would not encourage Davis's ambitious projects by placing in his hands, and under his unconditional control, all thf the State. He bitterly and offensively criticised Davis's management of military affairs, in not re-enforcinestructive of National unity in Georgia, that caused Davis to visit that State. In recording the fact of DavDavis's absence at that time, A Rebel War Clerk said, in his diary: When the cat's away, the mice will play. I s
he Chattahoochee July 7, 1864. at Powell's Ferry, where he surprised the guard, captured a gun, intrenched himself on commanding hills on the left bank of the river, and constructed a pontoon and a trestle bridge across it. At the same time General Garrard moved on Roswell, and destroyed factories there in which cloth was manufactured for the insurgents. Schofield's position commanded good roads running eastward, and he soon found himself supported by Howard, who laid a pontoon bridge at Power's Ferry, two miles below, crossed over, and took a commanding position on the right of the Army of the Ohio. At the same time there was a general movement July 9. of Sherman's forces from right to left, and thereby Johnston was compelled to abandon his position on each side of the river. He drew his entire army to the left bank of the stream, and took position on a new line that covered Atlanta, its left resting or the Chattahoochee, and its right on Peachtree Creek. On the 10th of July,
A. S. Williams (search for this): chapter 14
unexpected, he was received with a terrible return blow, which made him recoil in great confusion, leaving, in his retreat, his killed, wounded, and many prisoners, in the hands of the Nationals. He had aimed his blow chiefly at the division of Williams, of Hooker's corps, and Hascall's brigade of Schofield's, in comparatively open ground. Those gallant troops so punished his audacity, that Sherman said he could not expect Hood to repeat his mistake after the examples of Dallas and the Kulp Ho preference was regarded by General Hooker as a disparagement of himself, and he resigned the command of the Twentieth Corps, which was assigned to General H. W. Slocum. The latter was then at Vicksburg, and the corps was ably handled by General A. S. Williams, until the arrival of his superior. General Palmer resigned the command of the Fourteenth Army Corps, August 6, 1864. and was succeeded August 22. by that true soldier and most useful officer, General Jefferson C. Davis. The latter at
Frank Blair (search for this): chapter 14
y. There, on the 8th, he was joined by General Frank Blair, with two divisions of the Seventeenth orps formed the center, Dodge's the right, and Blair's the left. On the previous night, the latteraviest force upon Giles A. Smith's division of Blair's corps, and it was received with gallantry anoops were pouring into a gap between Dodge and Blair; and just as McPherson had given an order for Nationals, General Stewart, who was to attack Blair in front simultaneously with Hardee's assault the Confederates, who had been unable to drive Blair and Dodge. The latter gave their assailants rps was on the left nearest the Confederates. Blair's was to come up on its right, and Logan's on Blair's right, refused as a flank. By ten o'clock on the morning of the 28th, the army was in posi his army in battle order, with the Fifteenth (Blair's) Corps in the center, and the Sixteenth and ched the left of Howard's forces, and relieved Blair's (Fifteenth) corps, which was disposed so as
James A. Seddon (search for this): chapter 14
heir own State, for its defense, if re-enforcements were not sent to Hood for that purpose.--[See Rebel War Clerk's Diary, II., 892. It was this practical application of the principles of State sovereignty, so destructive of National unity in Georgia, that caused Davis to visit that State. In recording the fact of Davis's absence at that time, A Rebel War Clerk said, in his diary: When the cat's away, the mice will play. I saw a note of invitation to-day, from Secretary Mallory to Secretary Seddon, inviting him to his house, at 5 P. M., to partake of pea-soup with Secretary Trenholm. His pea-soup will be oysters and champagne, and every other delicacy relished by epicures. Mr. Mallory's red face and his plethoric body indicate the highest living; and his party will enjoy the dinner, while so many of our brave men are languishing with wounds, or pining in cruel captivity. Nay, they may feast, possibly, while the very pillars of the Government are crumbling under the blows of th
Fitzhugh Lee (search for this): chapter 14
00 men--45,000 (according to Sherman's estimate) heavy infantry and artillery, and 10,000 cavalry under Wheeler. It was arranged in three corps, commanded respectively by Generals W. J. Hardee, J. B. Hood, and Leonidas Polk. and the capture of the city of Atlanta. General Sherman received his orders from Lieutenant-General Grant y to advance, on the 30th of April, and he moved on the 6th of May. On that morning the Army of the Cumberland lay at and near Ringgold; that of the Tennessee at Lee and Gordon's Mill, See page 134. on the Chickamauga, and that of the Ohio near Red Clay, on the Georgia line north of Dalton. The Confederate army then lay in and about Dalton. To strike that position in front was impracticable, for between the armies lay a rugged William T. Sherman. mountain barrier known as the Rocky Face Ridge. Through it, at an opening called Buzzard's Roost Gap, See page 242. a small stream flowed and the railway and wagon road passed; but it was so thoroughl
low Jonesboroa, and Garrard was left at Couch's to scout the country in the direction of Atlanta. Davis's corps, of Thomas's army, very soon touched the left of Howard's forces, and relieved Blair's (Fifteenth) corps, which was disposed so as to connect with Kilpatrick's horsemen. By four o'clock in the afternoon, August 31. all was in readiness for an advance, when Davis charged, and almost instantly carried the Confederate line of works covering Jonesboroa on the north, and captured General Govan and a greater portion of his brigade, and a four-gun battery. Stanley and Schofield, who had been ordered forward, did not arrive until it was too late to make another charge that evening, owing to the peculiar character of the country. In the morning there was no foe on their front. Hardee had fled, and so ended the battle of Jonesboroa. At two o'clock in the morning Sept. 1. sounds like the low bellowing of distant thunder reached the ears of Sherman from the north. He was a li
E. J. Hunt (search for this): chapter 14
cted McPherson and Schofield to press on, cross the Nickajack, and attack the Confederates on flank and rear. But the skillful and vigilant Johnston had too quickly ba provided for the safety of his army to Morris House, Marietta. this was one of the few places in Marietta spared by the ravages of war. When the writer sketched it, in May, 1866, it was occupied as a boarding-house, and was the Headquarters of the post-commander. It was then known as the Hunt House, its occupant being E. J. Hunt. invite such attack. He had made a forced march to the right bank of the Chattahootchee where the railway crossed it, and there, in the course of a few hours, he caused to be constructed earth-works of sufficient strength to enable a detachment to keep the pursuers at bay until a greater portion of his army should make the passage of the river. He had also an intrenched line at Smyrna camp-meeting ground, five miles from Marietta. There the pursuing Thomas halted, and there Sherman over
at he not only abandoned all thoughts of capturing Macon, or becoming the liberator of the prisoners at Andersonville, but he turned hastily back, impelled by the urgent business of trying to escape. In so doing, he weakened his force by dividing it, and instructing the three brigades of which it was composed, to seek safety by separate paths. Iverson pressed closely upon the fugitives. One of the brigades, commanded by Colonel Adams, reached Atlanta without much loss. Another, under Colonel Capron, was dispersed by a charge of Confederate cavalry; and the remainder, about one thousand strong, commanded by Stoneman himself, and who had been employed in checking Iverson while the others should escape, were surrounded by the active Georgian, and seven hundred of them were made prisoners. The remainder escaped. Iverson had only about five hundred men, but deceived his antagonist with a show of superior force. Stoneman's unfortunate expedition cost Sherman about one-third of his cav
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