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A. L. Knapp (search for this): chapter 14
piece of shell which passed through his body. Polk, Johnston, and Hardee, were upon the summit of Pine Mountain when the cannonade commenced, reconnoitering. Seeing the group, General Thomas, it is said, ordered a shot to be fired at them from Knapp's battery. This caused them to retreat to a place of safety. Polk soon reappeared, when another shell was fired, which exploded near him, and killed him, instantly. The two shells were fired by a young man named William Atwell, of Alleghany City, Pennsylvania, attached to Knapp's battery. Upon these Thomas, Schofield, and McPherson advanced, while rain was falling copiously, and on the 17th the Confederates abandoned Summit of great Kenesaw Mountain. this was the appearance of the summit of great Kenesaw, when the writer sketched it, in May, 1866. in the foreground is seen the remains of a Confederate battery and signal-station. To the left is seen the top of little Kenesaw. In the distance, at the center of the picture, ris
W. H. French (search for this): chapter 14
ee, Sherman sent Sept. 28. General Thomas, his second in command, to Nashville, to organize the new troops expected to assemble there, and to make preliminary preparations to meet such an event. Thomas arrived at Nashville on the 3d of October. Meanwhile, the Confederates had crossed the Chattahoochee, and by a rapid movement had struck the railway in the vicinity of Big Shanty, not far from Kenesaw, and destroyed it for several miles. At the same time a division of infantry, under General French, pushed northward, and appeared before Allatoona, Oct. 5. where Colonel Tourtellotte, of the Fourth Minnesota, was guarding one million rations with only three thin regiments. Sherman was startled, and moved at once for the defense of his communications and stores. Leaving Slocum, with the Twentieth Corps, to hold Atlanta and the railroad bridge across the Chattahoochee, he commenced Oct. 4. a swift pursuit of Hood with the Fourth, Four-teenth, Fifteenth, Seventeenth, and Twenty-thir
G. Stoneman (search for this): chapter 14
sent on a cavalry raid, 387. misfortunes of Stoneman's command, 388 reorganization of Sherman's As horsemen were operating with McPherson, and Stoneman's with Schofield. Just as General McPherson on to evacuate it. The cavalry of Garrard and Stoneman were pushed on to occupy it, and a garrison tner's Ferry, across the Chattahoochee River. Stoneman was directed to push on, at the same time, wilways in Hood's rear. He accordingly ordered Stoneman to take his own and Garrard's cavalry, about ht to Fayetteville, and, sweeping round, join Stoneman on the railway south of Atlanta leading to Ma Colonel Harrison, who was made a captive. Stoneman, in the mean time, attempting to do too much,nder, about one thousand strong, commanded by Stoneman himself, and who had been employed in checkinis antagonist with a show of superior force. Stoneman's unfortunate expedition cost Sherman about owith Wheeler's cavalry, near Flat Rock, where Stoneman had left him. Hearing nothing from his superi[2 more...]
Hobart Ward (search for this): chapter 14
but still formidable, was in the field, and Sherman saw clearly that a difficult problem lay before him, all unsolved. When General Slocum was satisfied. that Hood had abandoned. Atlanta, he sent out, at dawn, Sept. 2, 1864. a strong reconnoitering column in that direction. It encountered no opposition, and entered the city — much of which was reduced to a smoking ruin by Hood's incendiary fires — at 9 o'clock, when it was met by Mayor Calhoun, who formally surrendered the place. General Ward's division then marched in, with drums beating and colors Herman's Headquarters in Atlanta. flying, and the National flag was unfurled over the Court-house. On the day of the evacuation of Atlanta [September 2], the telegraph gave information of the fact to the. Government, whereupon the President, on the same day, publicly tendered the thanks of the nation to General. Sherman, and the gallant officers and soldiers under his command. Orders were issued for the firing of National sa
es of the Government, in furnishing means for transportation. Those who preferred to go south numbered 446 families, with an aggregate of 2,085 souls. These were transported in wagons, at the National expense, with furniture and clothes averaging 1,651 pounds for each family, to Rough and Ready, ten miles from Atlanta, while those who preferred to go North were taken at the Government cost by railway to Chattanooga. So humanely was the righteous act performed, that General Hood, through Major Clan, of his staff, tendered to General Sherman, Sept. 21. through Colonel Warner, of his staff, his acknowledgments in writing of the uniform courtesy which the Confederate General and his people had received on all occasions, in connection with the removal. While Sherman was resting his army at Atlanta, Hood, who was joined by Hardee, near Jonesboroa, and was otherwise re-enforced, flanked Sherman's right, crossed the Chattahoochee, and made a formidable raid upon his communications.
it up thoroughly; to avoid, as far as possible, the enemy's infantry, but to attack any cavalry he could find. General Sherman's official report, September 15, 1864. Sherman hoped this expedition would obviate the necessity of the contemplated grand movement of the army, and leave him in better position to take advantage of the result. Kilpatrick made the prescribed movement with strict fidelity to orders. When he reached the Macon road, a little above Jonesboroa, he was confronted by Ross's cavalry. These he routed, and drove through Jonesboroa, when he began tearing up the track and destroying other of the railway property. He had done but little mischief, when a brigade of infantry and some cavalry came up from the south, and compelled him to desist and fly. Making a circuit eastward, he again struck the road at Lovejoy's, below Jonesboroa, where he was met by a large force. Through the opposing cavalry line he dashed, capturing and destroying a four-gun battery, exceptin
Tourtellotte (search for this): chapter 14
had struck the railway in the vicinity of Big Shanty, not far from Kenesaw, and destroyed it for several miles. At the same time a division of infantry, under General French, pushed northward, and appeared before Allatoona, Oct. 5. where Colonel Tourtellotte, of the Fourth Minnesota, was guarding one million rations with only three thin regiments. Sherman was startled, and moved at once for the defense of his communications and stores. Leaving Slocum, with the Twentieth Corps, to hold Atlantn, leaving behind them two hundred and thirty of their dead, and four hundred made prisoners, with about eight hundred muskets. Corse lost seven hundred and seven men, and was severely wounded in the face. Among the many badly hurt were Colonels Tourtellotte and Howell. When Davis visited Hood at Palmetto, See note 8, page 896. he instructed him to draw Sherman out of Georgia, for his presence there was causing alarming disaffection to the cause of the conspirators. At this time ther
the demoralized militia were marched to Covington. Slocum had entered the city unopposed, on the morning after Hood left Sept 2, 1864. it, and was holding it as a conqueror. Hardee's forces now became an object of secondary consideration to Sherman, and he turned the faces of his troops northward. On the 8th they were all encamped around Atlanta, Howard in the direction of West Point, and Schofield near Decatur. The commander-in-chief made his Headquarters at the fine brick mansion of Judge Lyon, not far from the Court-house, and prepared to give his army needed rest. Atlanta, one of the chief objectives of the campaign, was won, and by the victory an irreparable injury, had been inflicted on the Confederates, in the loss of an immense amount of materials of war, as well as of prestige. The losses, of the Confederates during this campaign, down to the capture of Atlanta, was estimated as follows:--In skirmishing from Chattanooga to Atlanta, 6,000; Battle of Resaca, 2,500; batt
Jefferson C. Davis (search for this): chapter 14
Army of the Tennessee. This preference was regarded by General Hooker as a disparagement of himself, and he resigned the command of the Twentieth Corps, which was assigned to General H. W. Slocum. The latter was then at Vicksburg, and the corps was ably handled by General A. S. Williams, until the arrival of his superior. General Palmer resigned the command of the Fourteenth Army Corps, August 6, 1864. and was succeeded August 22. by that true soldier and most useful officer, General Jefferson C. Davis. The latter at once announced as his chief-of-staff, Colonel A. C. McClurg, an active young officer of the West, who had been the adjutant-general of the Fourteenth Corps since soon after the battle of Missionaries' Ridge, in which he was distinguished. General D. S. Stanley succeeded July 27. General Howard as commander of the Fourth Corps. H. W. Slooum. Sherman began his new flanking movement by shifting July 27. the Army of the Tennessee from his extreme left on the De
M. L. Smith (search for this): chapter 14
hofield was ordered to move by Cross Keys, at the same time, and with McPherson, who was on the extreme left, at Roswell, to march rapidly against the Augusta railway, at some point east of Decatur, and near Stone Mountain. In obedience to these orders, the whole army made a right-wheel movement, and closed in upon Atlanta from the northeast. McPherson struck the railway seven miles east of Decatur, on the 18th, July, 1864. and with Garrard's cavalry and the infantry division of General M. L. Smith, broke up about four miles of the track. At about the same time, Schofield seized Decatur. McPherson entered it on the 19th, when the former marched in the direction of Atlanta. On the same day Thomas crossed Peachtree Creek, at several points, in the face of the Confederate intrenchments, skirmishing heavily at every step. Indeed, in all of these forward movements there were severe and almost incessant struggles. At about this time Sherman was strengthened by the arrival of Ge
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