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Braxton Bragg 454 2 Browse Search
J. C. Pemberton 439 1 Browse Search
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) 411 1 Browse Search
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Jackson (Mississippi, United States) 335 5 Browse Search
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Grand Gulf (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Tracey, of Stevenson's division, had reached Grand Gulf with his brigade on the 30th. Lieutenant-Coling Rocky Springs, about eighteen miles from Grand Gulf, Major-General Loring, learning that Brigadiforce, from Port Gibson, in the direction of Grand Gulf, directed two regiments and a field-battery . I am informed that you have fallen back to Grand Gulf; if this is so, carry out my instructions jun those to be drawn from his distant base at Grand Gulf or Bayou Pierre very precarious. I had goodupport of General Bowen against a landing at Grand Gulf, or any other point south of it, not yet evets and transports must pass the batteries at Grand Gulf. An army large enough to defend itself on tl Johnston, in reference to the movements at Grand Gulf, are contained in the following dispatches, and added: I have virtually no cavalry from Grand Gulf to Yazoo City, while the enemy is threateninpass (cross) the river between Vicksburg and Grand Gulf, having twelve vessels below Vicksburg. I[5 more...]
Williamsport (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
al Jackson, Commanding Valley District, Winchester. General: I have to-day received your letters of 21st and 24th. I regret to be unable to reenforce you. May not your own cavalry--Colonel Ashby's regiment — be concentrated and used for the purpose for which you apply to me for cavalry ? I am an enemy to much distribution of troops. May not yours be brought together-so posted, that is to say, that you may be able to assemble them all to oppose an enemy coming from Harper's Ferry, Williamsport, or the northwest? Should the report given by General Hill prove to be correct, it would be imprudent, it seems to me, to keep your troops dispersed as they now are. Do you not think so The enemy might not only prevent yours concentrating, but interpose himself between us, which we must never permit. Most respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. E. Johnston, General. Headquarters Department of Northern Virginia, Centreville, January 29, 1862. Colonel S. Bassett French, Aide-de-cam
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
nd do whatever else belongs to the general commanding. Very respectfully and truly yours, Jefferson Davis. Tullahoma, February 2, 1863. Hon J. A. Seddon, Secretary of War, Richmond: I have just read the report of furloughs and discharges at Atlanta — from General Bragg's troops alone, sixty-six discharges, fourteen hundred and eighty-one furloughs in three months preceding January 14th-and respectfully repeat my recommendation that Article 4, General Orders No. 72, be revolved because it iequal number, come here immediately.... J. E. Johnston. Tullahoma, April 18, 1863. Brigadier-General Jackson, Chattanooga: Stop all troops from the Department of Mississippi until General Buford receives General Pemberton's orders. Do it at Atlanta, as well as Chattanooga. J. E. Johnston, General. Jackson, May 13, 1863. Hon. J. A. Seddon, Richmond: I arrived this evening, finding the enemy in force between this place and General Pemberton, cutting off the communication. I am too l
Headquarters (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Mcdowell. James B. Fry, Adjutant-General. Headquarters, Centreville, January 28, 1862. General S. bedient servant, J. E. Johnston, General. Headquarters, Centreville, January 28, 1862. Major-Generobedient servant, J. E. Johnston, General. Headquarters, Department of Northern Virginia, Centrevilobedient servant, J. E. Johnston, General. Headquarters, Centreville, February 25, 1862. To his Excobedient servant, J. E. Johnston, General. Headquarters, Centreville, March 3, 1862. His Excellency loss was nothing. (Signed) R. G. Cole. Headquarters, Barhamsville, May 7, 1862. General: Theigned) J. E. Johnston. General R. E. Lee. Headquarters, Department of Northern Virginia, May 19, 1al Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General. Headquarters, Harrison's, May 20, 1862. General: I hanston. General Lee. Confidential.Headquarters, Harrison's, May 28, 1862, 9 A. M. General:ication was addressed to General Johnston: Headquarters, Department of Mississippi and East Louisia[3 more...]
Brownsville (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
to make him join you. Do so before he has time to move away. I immediately directed a countermarch, or rather a retrograde movement, by reversing the column as it then stood, for the purpose of returning toward Edwards's Depot to take the Brownsville road, and then to proceed toward Clinton by a route north of the railroad. A written reply to General Johnston's instructions, in which I notified him that the countermarch had been ordered, and of the route I should take, was dispatched in hments with Major Lockett, my chief-engineer, and several of my general officers, the enemy was reported to be advancing by the Jackson road. Just at this moment the following communication was received by courier: Camp between Livingston and Brownsville, May 17, 1863. Lieutenant-General Pemberton: Your dispatch of to-day, by Captain Henderson was received. If Haines's Bluff is untenable, Vicksburg is of no value, and cannot be held. If, therefore, you are invested in Vicksburg, you must
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
d be necessary to try. The necessity of holding the Yazoo, as well as Vicksburg, employs a large force, too widely distributed to be in condition for the offensive. We have no news from Arkansas, which proves, I think, that we are to get no help from that side of the Mississippi. The Legislature has done nothing yet. We require about twenty thousand men, the number you have asked for from Arkansas, to make headway against both Grant and Sherman. Will the great victory at Fredericksburg enable General Lee to spare a part of his force Should the enemy's forces be respectably handled, the task you have set me will be above my ability. But the hand of Almighty God has delivered us in times of great danger! Believing that He is with us, I will not lose hope. J. E. Johnston, General. Jackson, January 6, 1863. Colonel B. S. Ewell, Chattanooga: Ascertain General Bragg's intentions, wants, and condition, compared with that of the enemy. Ask him for full information.
Columbus, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
on than the fulfillment of his good wishes by the army striking a great blow for the freedom and independence of Virginia and the South. Most respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. E. Johnston, General. Colonel S. Bassett French, Aide-de-camp to the Governor of Virginia. Centreville, January 29, 1862. Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of War. Sir: I have just had the honor to receive your letter of the 26th inst., inclosed with one to General Beauregard, assigning him to command at Columbus, Ky. General Beauregard will be relieved from his present command to-morrow. I regret very much that it is thought necessary to remove this distinguished officer from this district, especially at the present time, when the recent law granting bounty and furloughs is having a disorganizing effect. I fear that General Beauregard's removal from the troops he has formed may increase this effect among them. In this connection, permit me to urge the necessity to this army, of the gener
Barhamsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
ith the number of troops as to justify me in stating that the loss was nothing. (Signed) R. G. Cole. Headquarters, Barhamsville, May 7, 1862. General: The enemy has a large fleet of gunboats (seven iron-clads) and transports at West Point. Hef those of the enemy, were placed in hospitals and residences in Williamsburg. Major-General Smith's division reached Barhamsville, eighteen miles; and Major-General Magruder's (commanded by Brigadier-General D. R. Jones) the Diascund Bridge on the ng in force on the south side of York River, near West Point. On the following morning the army was concentrated near Barhamsville. In the mean time it had been ascertained that the enemy occupied a thick and extensive wood between Barhamsville andBarhamsville and their landing-place. Brigadier-General Whiting was directed by General Smith to dislodge him, which was handsomely done-the brigade of Hood, and part of that of Hampton, performed the service. You are respectfully referred, for details, to the acc
Gainsville (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
then moved toward Vicksburg to attempt to extricate the garrison, but could not devise a plan until after reconnoitring, for which I was too late. Without General Pemberton's cooperation, any attempt must have resulted in disaster. The slowness and difficulty of communication rendered cooperation next to impossible. J. E. Johnston. Extract from Lieutenant-General Pemberton's report of the battles of Port Gibson, Baker's Creek, and the siege of Vicksburg. Headquarters, Gainesville, Alabama, August 2, 1863. General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General, Richmond, Va.: On the 30th of April I received the first information of the landing of the enemy on the east bank of the Mississippi River. General Bowen reported by telegraph that three thousand (3,000) Federal troops were at Bethel Church, ten miles from Port Gibson, at three o'clock on the morning of the 29th, and that they were still landing at Bruinsburg. Brigadier-General Tracey, of Stevenson's division, had
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
ral S. Cooper, Adjutant-General: General Rosecrans has an army of about sixty-five thousand men These were General Bragg's figures. in and around Nashville, and some thirty-five thousand distributed along the railroad to Louisville and in Kentucky. General Bragg has about forty-two thousand men, besides irregular cavalry, which in a few days will occupy Readyville, this place, and Eagleville. They can cross the Tennessee only by ferrying, a very slow process, which Rosecrans would certaideral army. The second, that you might operate upon his line of communication previous to his moving from Murfreesboroa, and up to he time of engagement; or, if it should appear to be expedient — battle being unlikely — that you might move into Kentucky, or farther. The movement in General Bragg's theatre of operations will be, necessarily, under his control. Those from it and beyond it, I will at least inaugurate. There should be no attack upon Franklin until full information is obtai
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