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s Ferry, Oct. 21, 1861, 2 P. M. There has been sharp firing on the right of our line, and our troops appear to be advancing there under Baker. The left, under Gorman, has advanced its skirmishers nearly one mile, and, if the movement continues successful, will turn the enemy's right. C. P. Stone, Brig.-Gen. To Maj.-Gen. McCle hold mounted men ready to transmit frequent reports. Edward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 1861, 4 P. M. Nearly all my force is across the river. Baker on the right, Gorman on the left. Right sharply engaged. C. P. Stone, Brig-Gen. To Gen. McClellan. Edward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 1861, 6 P. M. Have called on Banks for a brigadion to redeem. We have lost some of our best commanders — Baker dead, Coggswell a prisoner or secreted. The wounded are being carefully and rapidly removed, and Gorman's wing is being cautiously withdrawn. Any advance from Dranesville must be made cautiously. All was reported going well up to Baker's death, but in the confusio
his destination Gen. McCall sent the following despatch: Dranesville, Oct. 19, 1861, 6.30 P. M. To Gen. McClellan: I arrived here this morning. All is quiet. No enemy seen. Country for one mile beyond Difficult creek broken and woody. Bad country to manoeuvre. Nothing but skirmishing could be done by infantry. Artillery could not leave the road. One mile beyond Difficult creek the country becomes open; some pretty battle-fields. Country high. I shall bivouac here to-night. Park is with me. (Signed) Geo. A. Mccall. He remained near Dranesville during the whole of the 20th, covering the operations of the topographical engineers. On the morning of the 21st he sent me the following despatch: camp near Dranesville, Va., Oct. 21, 1861, 6.30 A. M. Maj.-Gen. Geo. B. McClellan: general: In a couple of hours we shall have completed the plane-table survey to the ground I first occupied one and one-half miles in front, and, by odometer or by observation, all t
of the 20th Mass., was directed to replace Col. Devens in Harrison's island with four companies ofa shore and hold the heights there to cover Col. Devens's return. Col. Devens was directed to attaCol. Devens was directed to attack the camp at daybreak, and, having routed, to pursue them as far as he deems prudent, and to destid pursuit. Having accomplished this duty, Col. Devens will return to his present position, unlessand report. In obedience to these orders Col. Devens crossed about midnight with five companies Lee; but, after again scouting, the woods, Col. Devens returned to his advanced position. About eer returned from Gen. Stone with orders for Col. Devens to remain where he was, and that he would b report the skirmish that had taken place. Col. Devens then threw out skirmishers and awaited reinto 28 officers and 625 men. About midday Col. Devens learned that the enemy were gathering on hi about four our artillery was silenced, and Col. Devens was ordered to send two of his companies to[2 more...]
Seth Williams (search for this): chapter 11
course, was a mere act of bravado, for it is not probable that Jackson had the slightest intention of crossing the river. The enemy fired a few shells into Hancock, doing little or no damage. Gen. Banks sent reinforcements to Hancock under Gen. Williams, who remained in that vicinity for some time. Jackson now moved towards Bloomery Gap and Romney, whither Lander was ordered to go. The force at Romney being insufficient to hold the place and its communications, Lander was instructed to falle on Winchester independently of the bridge. The next day (Friday) I sent a strong reconnoissance to Charlestown, and, under its protection, went there myself. I then determined to hold that place, and to move the troops composing Lander's and Williams's commands at once on Martinsburg and Bunker Hill, thus effectually covering the reconstruction of the railroad. Having done this, and taken all the steps in my power to insure the rapid transmission of supplies over the river, I returned to
William P. Mason (search for this): chapter 11
island by one or two regiments from below, and that much work was going on in the way of new batteries and lines, and strengthening old ones. At night on the same day he telegraphed that work had been done at Smart's Hill, that the pickets near Mason's island were largely reinforced, and that he anticipated an early attempt by the enemy to secure Mason's or Harrison's island, perhaps both, but probably the latter, commanded, as it was, by the bluffs on their side. On the 15th he telegrapheMason's or Harrison's island, perhaps both, but probably the latter, commanded, as it was, by the bluffs on their side. On the 15th he telegraphed that there was considerable movement between the river and Leesburg-apparently preparations for resistance rather than attack. On the 18th, at 10.45 P. M., he telegraphed that the enemy's pickets were withdrawn from most of the posts in our front; that he had sent an officer over the river within two miles of Leesburg the same evening, and that he should push the reconnoissances farther the following day, if all remained favorable. Such was the state of affairs when, on the morning of the
Randolph B. Marcy (search for this): chapter 11
am, as follows: Edward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 11.10 A. M. The enemy have been engaged opposite Harrison's island: our men are behaving admirably. C. P. Stone, Brig.-Gen. Maj.-Gen. McClellan. At two P. M. Gen. Banks's adjutant-general sent the following: Darnestown, Oct. 21, 1861, 2 P. M. Gen. Stone safely crossed the river this morning. Some engagements have taken place on the other side of the river-how important is not known. R. M. Copeland, Act. Assist. Adjt.-Gen. Gen. R. B. Marcy. Gen. Stone sent the following despatches: Edward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 1861, 2 P. M. There has been sharp firing on the right of our line, and our troops appear to be advancing there under Baker. The left, under Gorman, has advanced its skirmishers nearly one mile, and, if the movement continues successful, will turn the enemy's right. C. P. Stone, Brig.-Gen. To Maj.-Gen. McClellan. Edward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 1861, 2.20 P. M. To Gen. Marcy: We cross at Edward's Ferry in
E. D. Keyes (search for this): chapter 11
pleted; the holding-ground proved better than had been anticipated; the weather was favorable, there being no wind. I at once crossed over the two brigades which had arrived, and took steps to hurry up the other two, belonging respectively to Banks's and Sedgwick's divisions. The difficulty of crossing supplies had not then become apparent. That night I telegraphed for a regiment of regular cavalry and four batteries of heavy artillery to come up the next day (Thursday), besides directing Keyes's division of infantry to be moved up on Friday. Next morning the attempt was made to pass the canal-boats through the lift-lock, in order to commence at once the construction of a permanent bridge. It was then found for the first time that the lock was too small to permit the passage of the boats, it having been built for a class of boats running on the Shenandoah canal, and too narrow by some four or six inches for the canal-boats. The lift-locks, above and below, are all large enough
George A. McCall (search for this): chapter 11
atteries on the Potomac. on the 9th of Oct. McCall's division marched from Tennally-town to Langlraphy of the country in front of our right, Gen. McCall was ordered to move on the 19th as far as Dh a similar object. From his destination Gen. McCall sent the following despatch: Dranesvie to-night. Park is with me. (Signed) Geo. A. Mccall. He remained near Dranesville during be examined. . . . Very respectfully, Geo. A. McCall, Brig.-Gen. On the 12th of Oct. Gen. en. McClellan desires me to inform you that Gen. McCall occupied Dranesville yesterday, and is stil, Poolesville. Deeming it possible that Gen. McCall's movement to Dranesville, together with th As it was not foreseen or expected that Gen. McCall would be needed to co-operate with Gen. Stothe river, and at once sent instructions to Gen. McCall to remain at Dranesville, if he had not lef The nearest division on the Virginia side (McCall's) was more than twenty miles from the scene o
A. Lincoln (search for this): chapter 11
s Ferry during the evening of the 22d and assumed command. Passing through Poolesville, I first learned the actual condition of affairs and the details of what had occurred, and sent the following: Poolesville, Oct. 22, 5.30 P. M. To President Lincoln: From what I learn here the affair of yesterday was a more serious disaster than I had supposed. Our loss in prisoners and killed was severe. I leave at once for Edward's Ferry. Geo. B. McClellan, Maj.-Gen. Commanding. The followit route upon Richmond) was conceived with the traitorous intent of removing its defenders from Washington, and thus giving over to the enemy the capital and the government, thus left defence-less. It is difficult to understand that a man of Mr. Lincoln's intelligence could give ear to such abominable nonsense. I was seated when he said this, concluding with the remark that it did look to him much like treason. Upon this I arose, and, in a manner perhaps not altogether decorous towards the
C. S. Hamilton (search for this): chapter 11
c at all hazards, and informed that you will support him. You will assume command when you join Gen. Stone. Geo. B. Mcclellan, Maj.-Gen. Commanding. The following despatches were next received: Edward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 11 P. M. To Maj.-Gen. McClellan: We hold the ground half a mile back of Edward's Ferry on Virginia shore. Harrison's island has parts of thirteen companies, only seven hundred (700) men, and will soon be reinforced by one hundred fresh men, besides what support Hamilton brings. I cover the shore opposite this with guns, and am disposing others to help the defence of Harrison's, I think the men will fight well. Entrenchments ordered this morning. C. P. Stone, Brig.-Gen. headquarters, Seneca Mills, Oct. 21, 11 P. M. To Gen. McClellan: Arrived here at nine and a half o'clock. Gen. Stone telegraphs for whole division immediately. Col. Baker is killed, and some trouble exists on his right. We go at once. N. P. Banks, Maj.-Gen. Commanding Division
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