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March 13th, 1865 AD 1,174 1,174 Browse Search
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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
nst Sherman through the Atlanta campaign. The regiment fought on through the campaigns from Savannah, Georgia, up to North Carolina, and in the last combat at Bentonville, North Carolina. It surrendered at Greensboro, April, 26, 1865. battle, but 33,9374,882 New Jersey67,5008,1291,18576,8145,754 New Mexico6,5616,561277 New York409,56135,1644,125448,85046,534 North Carolina3,1563,156360 Ohio304,8143,2745,092313,18035,475 Oregon1,8101,81045 Pennsylvania315,01714,3078,612337,93633,183 RhEnlisted MenTotalOfficersEnlisted MenTotalOfficersEnlisted MenTotal Virginia2665,0625,3282002,3192,5191686,7796,947 North Carolina67713,84514,5223304,8215,15154120,06120,602 South Carolina3608,8279,1872573,4783,735794,6814,760 Georgia1725,3815,552454216 Florida9116236115 Georgia673149721 Kentucky9111 Louisiana332231385319 Mississippi532151419 Missouri307 North Carolina741124612229 South Carolina53314877133325 Tennessee7824101117135 Texas35141433815224 Virginia99119516402641258 Co
Oregon (Oregon, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
45 Maine64,9735,03010470,1079,398 Maryland33,9953,9258,71846,6382,982 Massachusetts122,78119,9832,966146,73013,942 Michigan85,4794981,38787,36414,753 Minnesota23,913310424,0202,584 Mississippi54554578 Missouri100,6161518,344109,11113,885 Nebraska3,1573,157239 Nevada1,0801,08033 New Hampshire32,93088212533,9374,882 New Jersey67,5008,1291,18576,8145,754 New Mexico6,5616,561277 New York409,56135,1644,125448,85046,534 North Carolina3,1563,156360 Ohio304,8143,2745,092313,18035,475 Oregon1,8101,81045 Pennsylvania315,01714,3078,612337,93633,183 Rhode Island19,5211,8781,83723,2361,321 Tennessee31,09231,0928,777 Texas1,9651,965151 Vermont32,54961912033,2885,224 Virginia42 Washington Territory96413396422 West Virginia31,87219632,0684,017 Wisconsin91,02916591,32712,301 Indian Nations3,5303,5301,018 Regular Army5,798 Colored Troops Colored troops recruited in the Southern States.99,33799,337 Includes all the deaths in the 178,975 Colored Troops.36,847 Veteran Vol
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ords, U. S. War Department Union ArmyConfederate Army KilledWoundedMissingTotalKilledWoundedMissingTotal Bull Run, Va., July 21, 18614811,0111,2162,7083871,582121,981 Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug. 10, 18612237212911,235257900271,184 Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 12-16, 18625002,1082242,8322,00014,62316,623 Pea Ridge, Ark., Mar. 7, 18622039802011,384600200800 Shiloh, Tenn., Apr. 6-7, 18621,7548,4082,88513,0471,7238,01295910,694 Williamsburg, Va., May 4-5, 18624561,4103732,2491,5701331,703 ichmond, with 271 men in the field, it lost 120. At Malvern Hill, it lost 81 men and about the same number at Gettysburg. At Mills Springs, Ky., the 15th Mississippi Regiment lost 46 killed and 153 wounded. The 8th Kentucky regiment at Fort Donelson, Tenn., lost 27 killed and 72 wounded. The 4th Tennessee, at Shiloh, lost 36 killed and 183 wounded, while the 4th Kentucky lost 30 killed and 183 wounded. The 12th Mississippi, at Fair Oaks, Va., lost 41 killed and 152 wounded. Hampton's Legion,
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
Officers of the 36th Illinoisof the Illinois regiments the Thirty-sixth fought in every important battle of the entire war in Western territory, and suffered in killed alone a loss of no less than 14.8 per cent., a figure exceeded among Illinois organizations only by the 14.9 per cent. Of the Ninety-third. No Federal regiment lost as much as 20 per cent. Killed and only 200 out of the 3,559 organizations as much as ten per cent. The Thirty-sixth Illinois lost 204 men out of a total en8345 Arkansas8,2898,2891,713 California15,72515,725573 Colorado4,9034,903323 Connecticut51,9372,1631,78455,8645,354 Dakota2062066 Delaware11,2369495412,284882 District of Columbia11,9121,3533,26916,534290 Florida1,2901,990215 Georgia15 Illinois255,0572,2241,811259,09234,834 Indiana193,7481,0781,537196,36326,672 Iowa75,797544076,24213,001 Kansas18,0692,08020,1492,630 Kentucky51,74331423,70375,76010,774 Louisiana5,2245,224945 Maine64,9735,03010470,1079,398 Maryland33,9953,9258,718
Mine Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
7691,6703,851 Assault on Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 18635022,5501473,199Full reports not available Port Hudson, La., May 27, 18632931,5451571,995235 Port Hudson, La., June 14, 18632031,4011881,792222547 Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 18633,15514,5295,36523,0493,90318,7355,42528,063 Fort Wagner, S. C., July 18, 18632468803891,515361335174 Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19-20, 18631,6579,7564,75716,1702,31214,6741,46818,484 Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 23-25, 18637534,7223495,8243612,1604,1466,667 Mine Run, Va., Nov. 27–Dec. 1, 18631731,0993811,65311057065745 Pleasant Hill, La., Apr. 9, 18641508443751,3699874,7205,707 Wilderness, Va., May 5-7, 18642,24612,1373,38317,666Reports of losses not complete Spotsylvania, Va., May 10, 18647533,3474,100Reports incomplete Spotsylvania, Va., May 12, 18646,0208006,820Records of losses not shown Drewry's Bluff, Va., May 12-16, 18643902,3801,3904,160Reports incomplete Cold Harbor, Va., June 1-3, 186412,000Reports incomplete Petersburg, Va., June 15-30,
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
116,569Estimated loss in Hill's Corps and Field and Kershaw's divisions, 2,970 Atlanta Campaign, Ga., May, 1864 (including Buzzard's Roost, Snake Creek Gap and New Hope Church)1,0581,2402,298Killed and wounded, 9,187 Assault on Kenesaw Mt., Ga., June 27, 18641,999522,051270172342 Tupelo, Miss., July 13-15, 186477559386742101,1161,326 Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864 (Hood's attack)4301,5991,7333,aware11,2369495412,284882 District of Columbia11,9121,3533,26916,534290 Florida1,2901,990215 Georgia15 Illinois255,0572,2241,811259,09234,834 Indiana193,7481,0781,537196,36326,672 Iowa75,79754413,84514,5223304,8215,15154120,06120,602 South Carolina3608,8279,1872573,4783,735794,6814,760 Georgia1725,3815,5531401,5791,7191073,5953,702 Florida4774679316490506171,0301,047 Alabama14538552918niesRegimentsBattalionsCompanies Alabama5518461810217 Arkansas42142454216 Florida9116236115 Georgia673149721 Kentucky9111 Louisiana332231385319 Mississippi532151419 Missouri307 North Carolin
Bardstown (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
The Sixth Georgia and those following were mustered in for three years or the war. The Clinch Rifles were sent to garrison Pensacola, Florida, where General Braxton Bragg would occasionally come from his headquarters, eight miles away, to drill them. The ten companies were all from towns, or cities, and nicely uniformed, though each in a different style. This led Bragg to name them his Pound Cake Regiment. In July and August, 1862, the Fifth marched from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Bardstown, Kentucky, thence to the eastern part of the State, and down through Cumberland Gap to Knoxville, 800 miles in all. It lost heavily in the battle of Murfreesboro. At bloody Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863, its killed and wounded were more than 54 per cent. of the regiment—surpassed by few organizations in history. It suffered again at Missionary Ridge, and in the spring of 1864, when it stood against Sherman through the Atlanta campaign. The regiment fought on through the campaigns fr
Tupelo (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
0Records of losses not shown Drewry's Bluff, Va., May 12-16, 18643902,3801,3904,160Reports incomplete Cold Harbor, Va., June 1-3, 186412,000Reports incomplete Petersburg, Va., June 15-30, 18642,0139,9354,62116,569Estimated loss in Hill's Corps and Field and Kershaw's divisions, 2,970 Atlanta Campaign, Ga., May, 1864 (including Buzzard's Roost, Snake Creek Gap and New Hope Church)1,0581,2402,298Killed and wounded, 9,187 Assault on Kenesaw Mt., Ga., June 27, 18641,999522,051270172342 Tupelo, Miss., July 13-15, 186477559386742101,1161,326 Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864 (Hood's attack)4301,5991,7333,7222,8902,8908513,741 Jonesboro, Ga., Aug. 31, 18641791,640 Jonesboro, Ga., Sept. 1, 18642339461051,274No full return of losses Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 18646973,9833385,0182761,8271,8183,921 Chaffin's Farm and Forts Harrison and Gilmer, Va., Sept. 29-30, 18643832,2996453,327No full report of losses Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 18646443,4301,5915,6653201,5401,0502,910 Franklin, Tenn.
Kenesaw (Nebraska, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
s incomplete Spotsylvania, Va., May 12, 18646,0208006,820Records of losses not shown Drewry's Bluff, Va., May 12-16, 18643902,3801,3904,160Reports incomplete Cold Harbor, Va., June 1-3, 186412,000Reports incomplete Petersburg, Va., June 15-30, 18642,0139,9354,62116,569Estimated loss in Hill's Corps and Field and Kershaw's divisions, 2,970 Atlanta Campaign, Ga., May, 1864 (including Buzzard's Roost, Snake Creek Gap and New Hope Church)1,0581,2402,298Killed and wounded, 9,187 Assault on Kenesaw Mt., Ga., June 27, 18641,999522,051270172342 Tupelo, Miss., July 13-15, 186477559386742101,1161,326 Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864 (Hood's attack)4301,5991,7333,7222,8902,8908513,741 Jonesboro, Ga., Aug. 31, 18641791,640 Jonesboro, Ga., Sept. 1, 18642339461051,274No full return of losses Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 18646973,9833385,0182761,8271,8183,921 Chaffin's Farm and Forts Harrison and Gilmer, Va., Sept. 29-30, 18643832,2996453,327No full report of losses Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,
White Oak Swamp (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
4 Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 12-16, 18625002,1082242,8322,00014,62316,623 Pea Ridge, Ark., Mar. 7, 18622039802011,384600200800 Shiloh, Tenn., Apr. 6-7, 18621,7548,4082,88513,0471,7238,01295910,694 Williamsburg, Va., May 4-5, 18624561,4103732,2491,5701331,703 Fair Oaks, Va., May 31,–June 1, 18627903,5946475,0319804,7494056,134 Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862492071053611,484 Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 18628943,1072,8366,8378,751 Peach Orchard, Savage Station, Va., June 29, 1862White Oak Swamp, Glendale, Va., June 30, 1862Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 18627244,2453,0678,0368,6028759,477 Seven Days, Va., June 25–July 1, 18621,7348,0626,07515,8493,47816,26187520,614 Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 18623141,4455942,3532311,1071,338 Manassas and Chantilly, Va., Aug, 27–Sept. 2, 18621,7248,3725,95816,0541,4817,627899,197 Richmond, Ky., Aug. 29-30, 18622068444,3035,353783721451 South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 18623251,403851,8133251,5608002,685 Antietam, or Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 16<
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