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Ackworth, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
n, slightly wounded, besides a number of men killed and wounded. Another account. two miles South-West of Ackworth, Georgia, July 7. In lack of events more stirring, such as battles and sieges and triumphal marches, I must write you of l probably find no resistance this side the Chattahoochee. General Sherman's headquarters are at present established at Acworth, which is a little village on the railroad, of twenty or thirty houses, and about ten miles below the Etowah River. Genenes, A. A. G. two miles North-West of Big Shanty, Georgia, July 11, 1864. After halting two days in the vicinity of Acworth to recruit and await the completion of the bridge at Etowah, the army again took up the line of march southward at six oed by farms, and the march went briskly on till about noon, when the advance had reached a point about seven miles below Ackworth, and discovered a few rebel skirmishers. Cruft's brigade, of Stanley's division, had the advance, and with the Thirty-f
Cumberland Gap (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
around the starveling atmosphere of the military store-houses of the Gate City, which are redolent now of musty corn-meal, rusty bacon, mingled with a vile, indefinable odor of general decay, which should be recognized as the national smell of the Confederacy. Captain Van Duzer, Superintendent of Military Telegraphs, as soon as he became convinced of the fall of Atlanta, ran through his lines to the city, and instructed an operator to transmit the glad intelligence to Washington, via Cumberland Gap — Wheeler having destroyed the wires between Nashville and Chattanooga. At one of the repeating stations the operator interrupted the message by asking Is this another Furay? The query was, in an electrical way, warmly resented. The despatch passed on, and an answer was received from the War Department four hours after our forces entered the city. We know of no more modest way, or one more likely to prove convincing to those who claim to think that the fall of Atlanta involves Sher
Enfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
the rebels. But to this Colonel Langley objected, and proposed that they should be regarded as neutral property, and not touched by either party until one or the other should occupy the ground. To this Colonel Rice reluctantly consented — knowing that if he did not, it would be equivalent to saying that the rebels were not going to hold their position. The upshot of the matter was just as Colonel Langley expected; the rebels evacuated, and we got all the arms, some two hundred and fifty Enfield rifles. From the Colonel I gather the following in relation to the personnel of Hindman and Cheatham, with whom he had a long conversation; Cheatham's uniform consisted of an old slouched hat, a blue hickory shirt, butternut pants, and a pair of cavalry boots. The supports to his unmentionables were an old leather strap and a piece of web — the tout ensemble presenting the appearance of a Johnny run to seed. Cheatham was of the opinion that the war would be settled by treaty, as neithe
Columbus, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
e charge. Fierce and hot was the contest — brave men were pitted against brave — but it was impossible to advance before the withering fire of that portion of Colonel Rice's brigade. In half an hour from the first volley, the shout of victory rang on the evening air, and was taken up by regiment after regiment, until the woods rang again. A few prisoners were captured, from whom it was ascertained that the rebel Second Kentucky Regiment was engaged. One of that regiment, Badger, of Columbus, Kentucky, who was captured, has friends in Cincinnati. Another from Covington, Kentucky, named Jones, belonging to the same regiment, was also captured. The loss of the Sixty-sixth and Second Iowa, was very slight. The next day the Sixty-sixth Indiana found sixty-three dead rebels in their front. On the twenty-ninth Colonel Mersey's brigade relieved Colonel Rice's, and still the skirmishing continued. Company B, of the Eighty-first Ohio, was deployed as skirmishers, and Private James And
Mill Creek (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
f the Confederate Army. I estimated the cavalry under Wheeler at about ten thousand, and the infantry and artillery at about forty-five or fifty thousand men. To strike Dalton in front was impracticable, as it was covered by an inaccessible ridge known as the Rocky-Face, through which was a pass between Tunnel Hill and Dalton, known as the Buzzard Roost, through which lay the railroad and wagon-road. It was narrow, well obstructed by abatis, and flooded by water, caused by dams across Mill Creek. Batteries also commanded it in its whole length, from the spurs on either side, and more especially from a ridge at the further end, like a traverse, directly across its debouche. It was, therefore, necessary to turn it. On its north front the enemy had a strong line of works behind Mill Creek, so that my attention was at once directed to the south. In that direction I found Snake Creek Gap, affording me a good practicable way to reach Resaca, a point on the enemy's railroad line of co
Villanow (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
of communication, eighteen (18) miles below Dalton. Accordingly, I ordered General McPherson to move rapidly from his position at Gordon's Mill, via Ship's Gap, Villanow and Snake Creek Gap, directly on Resaca, or the railroad at any point below Dalton, and to make a bold attack. After breaking the railroad well, he was ordered ion of the Sixteenth corps, commanded by General Sweeny, to cross and threaten Calhoun; also the cavalry division of General Garrard to move from its position at Villanow down toward Rome, to cross the Oostanaula and break the railroad below Calhoun, and above Kingston, if possible, and with the main Army I pressed against Resaca against the enemy was around the right of the army at Resaca, where, by your gallantry, the enemy were driven from the hills and his works on the main road from Villanow to Resaca. On the retreat of the enemy, you moved on the right flank of the army, by a circuitous route, to Adairsville; in the same manner from there to Kingst
Adairsville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
ng the spirited skirmish that took place at Adairsville, the artillery fire of the enemy is represeck and captured nine of the scoundrels near Adairsville, some of whom had taken the amnesty oath. e of the skirmish-line of the division. At Adairsville, however, the enemy was in heavy force; ind of Othkaluga creek, and in the vicinity of Adairsville met a heavy force of the enemy, strongly an retreated, The position in the vicinity of Adairsville is not naturally very strong, but it was vey's rear, with heavy skirmishing, to near Adairsville, Ga., and lay for the right. My command not engaged to-day. May 18.--Passed Adairsville, the enemy retreating with light skirmishing, and camthe west bank of Oostanaula, to Rome. Near Adairsville we again found signs of the rebel army, andpearance on our lines of communication near Adairsville and had succeeded in capturing nine hundredlank of the army, by a circuitous route, to Adairsville; in the same manner from there to Kingston
Coosawattee River (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
whole army started in pursuit, General Thomas directly on his heels, General McPherson by Lay's ferry, and General Schofield by obscure roads to the left. We found in Resaca another four-gun battery and a good lot of stores. General McPherson during the sixteenth, got across at Lay's ferry. General Thomas had to make some additional bridges at Resaca, but General Schofield had more trouble, and made a wide circuit to the left by Fue's and Fields' ferries across the Connasauga and Coosawattee rivers, which form the Oostanaula. On the seventeenth all the armies moved south by as many different roads as we could find, and General Thomas had sent by my orders, a division, General Jeff. C. Davis, along the west bank of Oostanaula, to Rome. Near Adairsville we again found signs of the rebel army, and of a purpose to fight, and about sunset of that day General Newton's division, in the advance, had a pretty sharp encounter with his rear guard, but the next morning he was gone, and we
Calhoun, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
red for this purpose a part of the partially-destroyed bridge), and encamped for the night near Calhoun. The pursuit was renewed early the morning of the seventeenth, my division moving along the ra May 16.--We pursued the retreating enemy across the Oostanaula at Resaca, and advanced to near Calhoun, and camped for the night. May 17.--Advanced, encountering the enemy's rear, with heavy skir Calhoun; a division of the Sixteenth corps, commanded by General Sweeny, to cross and threaten Calhoun; also the cavalry division of General Garrard to move from its position at Villanow down toward Rome, to cross the Oostanaula and break the railroad below Calhoun, and above Kingston, if possible, and with the main Army I pressed against Resaca at all points. General McPherson got across Campcceeded in capturing nine hundred of our beef cattle, and had made a break of the railroad near Calhoun. I could not have asked anything better, for I had provided well against such a contingency, a
America (Oklahoma, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
a petition to revoke my orders removing all the inhabitants from Atlanta. I have read it carefully, and give full credit to your statements of the distress that will be occasioned by it, and yet shall not revoke my order, simply because my orders are not designed to meet the humanities of the case, but to prepare for the future struggles in which millions, yea hundreds of millions, of good people outside of Atlanta have a deep interest. We must have Peace, not only in Atlanta, but in all America. To secure this we must stop the war that now desolates our once happy and favored country. To stop war, we must defeat the rebel armies that are arrayed against the laws and Constitution, which all must respect and obey. To defeat these armies we must prepare the way to reach them in their recesses, provided with the arms and instruments which enable us to accomplish our purpose. Now, I know the vindictive nature of our enemy, and that we may have years of military operations from thi
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