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Montrose (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
an to say that they endured a heavy fire which they might not return, coolly and without wavering. The loss in the brigade is one hundred and ninety-three, including Lieutenant-Colonel Chandler and other valuable officers. Your correspondent Montrose furnishes the following details of the assault by Davis' division: At eight o'clock precisely the batteries along our whole line opened almost simultaneously upon the enemy's works, and a terrific cannonading followed, lasting for about two hrteenth corps, facing south-east, and running a short distance across the Macon railroad. The Fourth and Twenty-third corps commenced advancing down the track to take position on the left of the Fourteenth, and envelop the enemy's right flank. Montrose, who was on that part of the line, gives the following relation of the events on the left and centre, including the noble charge of the Fourteenth corps: The Fourth corps broke camp at four A. M., and Newton's and Kimball's divisions moved di
Roswell, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
f General Newton's division, which marched to Roswell and crossed the river there on the ninth, at the former at Isham's Ford, and the latter at Roswell, ten miles above. Advancing with a vew to fovidence Church, a cross-road seven miles from Roswell, the Sixteenth corps took the Decatur road, t A regiment, also stationed at the bridge at Roswell, was fired upon by a force of cavalry, but rehe same time General Garrard moved rapidly on Roswell, and destroyed the factories which had supplias then ordered to secure the shallow ford at Roswell, and hold it until he could be relieved by invision of his infantry that was nearest up to Roswell to hold the ford until General McPherson could General McPherson to direct his course from Roswell straight against the Augusta road, at some poon Kenesaw, fourth upon Nickajack, fifth, via Roswell, upon the Augusta railroad, sixth upon Ezra Cck to the extreme left by way of Marietta and Roswell, to the Augusta railroad, near Stone Mountain[1 more...]
Oconee (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
with a part of Wheeler's cavalry and occupying their attention, but hearing nothing from General Stoneman, he moved back to Conyers', where, learning that General Stoneman had gone to Covington and south on the east side of the Ocmulgee, he returned and resumed his position on our left. It is known that General Stoneman kept to the east of the Ocmulgee to Clinton, sending detachments off to the east, which did a large amount of damage to the railroad, burning the bridges of Walnut creek and Oconee, and destroying a large number of cars and locomotives, and with his main force appeared before Macon. He did not succeed in crossing the Ocmulgee at Macon, or in approaching Andersonville, but retired in the direction whence he came, followed by various detachments of mounted men under a General Iverson. He seems to have become hemmed in, and gave consent to two thirds of his force to escape back while he held the enemy in check with the remainder, about seven hundred men, and a section o
Marietta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
of it; all marching on parallel roads toward Marietta. The country between Allatoona Mountains, whuntain, on the railroad, four miles north of Marietta, their left on Lost Mountain, some six miles the campaign — Atlanta. six miles South of Marietta, June 30. The assault upon the centre and ur miles South of Marietta, July 4, 1862. Marietta is ours; the valiant secesh who boastingly pred in pursuit of that myth — the last ditch. Marietta, in the language of countrymen living some tw. As our column marched along the roads from Marietta to Vining's, with flankers out, a very large e hundred and ten wagons, and sending them to Marietta, to be sent north of the Ohio, and set at liband position on Kenesaw Mountain, and vacated Marietta. July 3.--Pursued the enemy early; my brigoward the Chattahoochee. In person I entered Marietta at half-past 8 o'clock in the morning, just ahich had not moved far, was ordered back into Marietta by the main road, and General McPherson and G[42 more...]<
Buzzard Roost (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
ng itself across the range of hills of the same name, where it was expected we would meet so stout an opposition. The railroad has been brought along at the same time. Thus we have accomplished the third great step in the march to Atlanta — Buzzard Roost, Resaca, and Allatoona. There remains only the fourth--Chattahoochee River. By calculating the time it has consumed to accomplish the preceding three, the reader may make for himself an estimate of the time it will take to put us in Atlanta Creek Gap on the eighth, completely surprising a brigade of cavalry which was coming to watch and hold it, and on the ninth General Schofield pushed down close on Dalton, from the north, while General Thomas renewed his demonstration against Buzzard Roost and Rocky-Face Ridge, pushing it almost to a battle. One division, General Newton's, of the Fourth corps, General Howard's, carried the ridge, and turning south toward Dalton, found the crest too narrow and too well protected by rock epaulme
Ten Islands (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
ts magazines, stores, arsenals, workshops, foundries, &c., and more especially its railroads, which converge there from the four great cardinal points. But the men had worked hard and needed rest, and we accordingly took a short spell. But in antieipation of this contingency, I had collected a well-appointed force of cavalry,about two thousand strong, at Decatur, Alabama, with orders, on receiving notice by telegraph, to push rapidly south, cross the Coosa, at the railroad bridge or the Ten Islands, and thence by the most direct route to Opelika. There is but one stem of finished railroad connecting the channels of trade and travel between Georgia and Alabama and Mississippi, which runs from Montgomery to Opelika, and my purpose was to break it up effectually and thereby cut off Johnston's army from that source of supply and reinforcement. General Rousseau, commanding the District of Tennessee, asked permission to command the expedition, and received it. As soon as Johnston was
Newnan (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
long others, and taking two hundred and fifty prisoners, mostly quartermasters and men belonging to the trains. He then pushed for the railroad, reaching it at Lovejoy station at the time appointed. He burned the depot, tore up a section of the road, and continued to work until forced to leave off to defend himself against an accumulating force of the enemy. He could hear nothing of General Stoneman, and finding his progress east too strongly opposed, he moved south and west, and reaching Newnan, on the West Point road, where he encountered an infantry force coming from Mississippi to Atlanta, which had been stopped by the break he had made at Palmetto. This force, with the pursuing cavalry, hemmed him in, and forced him to fight. He was compelled to drop his prisoners and captures, and cut his way out, losing some five hundred officers and men, among them a most valuable officer, Colonel Harrison, who, when fighting his men as skirmishers on foot, was overcome and made prisoner,
Waterloo, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
rd is spoken, and, with a yell that has in it the evidence of soul to dare and earnest will to work, the men rush to the assault. A volley tears through our ranks and strews the ground with dead and dying. Over these, careless as to who is trampled, the furious followers rush headlong forward, and they, too, are numbered among the fallen. It was a spectacle full of sublimity. When I knew the fate of that charge my thoughts involuntarily reverted to that passage in Byron's description of Waterloo: When this fiery mass of living valor, Rolling on the foe, And burning with high hope, Shall moulder cold and low. Colonel Daniel McCook, in the act of mounting the rebel parapet, was pierced by a ball that passed entirely through the left breast, and he was borne from the field. Colonel Harnun, of the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois, a noble soldier and a popular officer, succeeded to the command. Dashing forward as the line, borne down by a mass of metal that threatened to swe
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
crack died away, as the rebel infantry fell back, broken and demoralized, when a new danger presented itself. With wild yells a whole division of rebel cavalry (Jackson's), five thousand strong, composed of Armstrong's, Ferguson's and Ross' brigades, were seen coming down on the keen run, accompanied by ten pieces of artillery. hours, damaging it considerably; but a brigade of the enemy's infantry which had been despatched below Jonesboroa in ears was run back, and disembarked, and with Jackson's rebel cavalry, made it impossible for him to continue his work. He drew off to the east, and made a circuit, and struck the railroad about Lovejoy's station, bt their mark, went into the habitations of women and children. General Hardee did the same at Jonesboroa, and General Johnston did the same last summer at Jackson, Mississippi. I have not accused you of heart-less cruelty, but merely instance these cases of very recent occurrence, and could go on and enumerate hundreds of others
Utoy Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
ilroads, and a mile from the south branch of Utoy creek. Overlapping the rebels by just about the h along the north bank of the south branch of Utoy creek. The extreme right flank had advanced duriny a rapid advance upon their skirmish line. Utoy Creek, August 8, 1864. The movements of the day General Hascall's division was pushed over Utoy creek on the morning of the ninth, in support of tround, to the west, then nearly southwest to Utoy creek, then south, and finally south-east to East ly exclaim: Let 'em come! on the Banks of Utoy Creek, August 14. Thursday passed without anythinds from the loved object. on the Banks of Utoy Creek, August 20. A considerable skirmish took through the enemy's line about a mile below Utoy creek, but failed to carry the position, losing ab line close up to and facing the enemy below Utoy creek Still he did not gain the desired foothold oCamp creek, the Army of the Cumberland below Utoy creek, General Schofield remaining in position. T[2 more...]
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