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Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 1
being the briefest and most pointed of the two, we publish it below: Washington, Feb. 11, 1861. My Dear Governor --Governor Bingham and myself telegraphed you on Saturday; at the request of Massachusetts and New York, to send delegates to the Peace or Compromise Congress. They admit that we were right, and they wrong; that no Republican State should have sent delegates; but they are here and can't get away. Ohio, Indiana and Rhode Island are caving in, and there is danger of Illinois and now they beg us, for God's sake, to come to their rescue and save the Republican party from rupture. I hope you will send stiff-backed men or none. The whole thing was gotten up against my judgment and advice, and will end in thin smoke. Still, I hope, as a matter of courtesy to some of our erring brethren, that you will send the delegates. Z. Chandler. Truly, your friend, His Excellency Austin Blair. P. S.--Some of the manufacturing States think that a fight would be awful. Witho
Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 1
st the life of Mr. Lincoln. which compelled him to resort to the Scotch cap of the Camerous and the long military cloak, in which undignified disguise he reached the Federal capital with a whole skin. No sooner did Mr. Fouche Kennedy succeed in discovering this awful conspiracy than he turned up at Washington, in search of an office, we suppose, to which he is undoubtedly entitled at the hands of Mr. Lincoln, whose life he so miraculously preserved. The Southern Confederacy. The Montgomery correspondent of the Columbus Times, writing on the 25th, sends the following intelligence: The following advertisement from the Advertiser of yesterday morning, will show that the Treasury branch of the Government is now in operation. H. D. Capers, I learn, is Chief Clerk: Confederate States of America, Treasury Department, Montgomery, February 23, 1861. This Department is now ready for the transaction of business. The Secretary will be found at the Executive Bui
Columbus (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
he instrument which bound us together. But there was corruption, undermining, and weakening the main pillars which supported one part of the edifice; there was fanaticism which was endeavoring to destroy another. Had the head of the Administration, for the time being, possessed the moral courage to do its duty, during all of the sectional controversy, the Temple would have been still standing in all its original strength and beauty. The Old parties in the New Confederacy. The Columbus (Geo.) Enquirer is not satisfied with the Cabinet appointments of "President" Davis. It says they are objectionable on the score of their exclusive party character: Every member of the Cabinet, we believe, was a Breckinridge Democrat and an original Secessionist. The Bell and Douglas men have been entirely excluded from a share in the administration of the new Government.--Even such men as George W. Crawford, of Georgia, and Thomas H. Watts, of Alabama, who supported Bell but sustained
Gosport (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
outh Carolina. As to the purport of these dispatches, there are many conjectures, "wise and otherwise," which I do not consider worth the ink and paper that it would require to detail them. It is impossible for any outsider to know the contents of secret dispatches. Florida will certainly get the Secretaryship of the Navy, as she is the only State in the Confederacy that has a Navy-Yard. It is intended, I learn, to make the Pensacola Navy-Yard to the Southern Confederacy what the Gosport (Va.) Navy-Yard is to the Northern--a great ship-building and naval station. A strong Government. The Augusta (Ga.) Sentinel is out again in favor of a strong Government-- something in the form of an Elective Monarchy — upon the principle originally advanced by Alexander Hamilton, the great head of the old Federal school of politics — the chief of which should be elected for a term of twenty-one years.--The Constitutionalist, published in the same place, joins issue with its contempo
Connecticut (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): article 1
Treasury branch of the Government is now in operation. H. D. Capers, I learn, is Chief Clerk: Confederate States of America, Treasury Department, Montgomery, February 23, 1861. This Department is now ready for the transaction of business. The Secretary will be found at the Executive Building, corner of Commerce and Bibb streets. Gen. Davis on yesterday attended divine service at the Episcopal Church. I learn that the President daily receives letters from Maine, Connecticut, and other New England States, which, doubtless, contain terrible threats, with a view of menacing and scaring the Southern Government. Fortunately, Mr. Davis is not the man to be annoyed by these missiles of the fanatics. Mr. Davis has sent a special messenger with dispatches to Gov. Pickens, of South Carolina. As to the purport of these dispatches, there are many conjectures, "wise and otherwise," which I do not consider worth the ink and paper that it would require to detail the
New England (United States) (search for this): article 1
Government is now in operation. H. D. Capers, I learn, is Chief Clerk: Confederate States of America, Treasury Department, Montgomery, February 23, 1861. This Department is now ready for the transaction of business. The Secretary will be found at the Executive Building, corner of Commerce and Bibb streets. Gen. Davis on yesterday attended divine service at the Episcopal Church. I learn that the President daily receives letters from Maine, Connecticut, and other New England States, which, doubtless, contain terrible threats, with a view of menacing and scaring the Southern Government. Fortunately, Mr. Davis is not the man to be annoyed by these missiles of the fanatics. Mr. Davis has sent a special messenger with dispatches to Gov. Pickens, of South Carolina. As to the purport of these dispatches, there are many conjectures, "wise and otherwise," which I do not consider worth the ink and paper that it would require to detail them. It is impossible fo
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 1
, was a Breckinridge Democrat and an original Secessionist. The Bell and Douglas men have been entirely excluded from a share in the administration of the new Government.--Even such men as George W. Crawford, of Georgia, and Thomas H. Watts, of Alabama, who supported Bell but sustained secession as soon as it was made an issue, are passed by, and politicians of less ability and influence with the people selected. Presenting, as the Bell and Douglas men did, such fine material for Cabinet appoand able men in its administrative departments, and we may yet hope from them a repudiation of the partisanship that appears to have influenced their own selection. Such men are Hon. C. G. Memminger, of South Carolina, and Hon. L. P. Walker, of Alabama, gentlemen who have ever exhibited an independence of party in emergencies requiring devotion to their country lone. Captain Armstrong. The result of the Court of Inquiry in the matter of Capt. Armstrong has been the ordering a Court-M
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
d beauty. The Old parties in the New Confederacy. The Columbus (Geo.) Enquirer is not satisfied with the Cabinet appointments of "President" Davis. It says they are objectionable on the score of their exclusive party character: Every member of the Cabinet, we believe, was a Breckinridge Democrat and an original Secessionist. The Bell and Douglas men have been entirely excluded from a share in the administration of the new Government.--Even such men as George W. Crawford, of Georgia, and Thomas H. Watts, of Alabama, who supported Bell but sustained secession as soon as it was made an issue, are passed by, and politicians of less ability and influence with the people selected. Presenting, as the Bell and Douglas men did, such fine material for Cabinet appointments, their total exclusion cannot be regarded other wise than as proscription on account of their course previous to the secession issue. The new Government, we believe, has made a great error by this exclusive
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 1
ent, has already been stated. The Governor it appears has abused the confidence reposed in him by allowing the modest and patriotic correspondence of these gentlemen to be made public.--Both letters appear in the Detroit Free Press; both are to the same effect. That of Senator Chandler being the briefest and most pointed of the two, we publish it below: Washington, Feb. 11, 1861. My Dear Governor --Governor Bingham and myself telegraphed you on Saturday; at the request of Massachusetts and New York, to send delegates to the Peace or Compromise Congress. They admit that we were right, and they wrong; that no Republican State should have sent delegates; but they are here and can't get away. Ohio, Indiana and Rhode Island are caving in, and there is danger of Illinois and now they beg us, for God's sake, to come to their rescue and save the Republican party from rupture. I hope you will send stiff-backed men or none. The whole thing was gotten up against my judgment a
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
consider worth the ink and paper that it would require to detail them. It is impossible for any outsider to know the contents of secret dispatches. Florida will certainly get the Secretaryship of the Navy, as she is the only State in the Confederacy that has a Navy-Yard. It is intended, I learn, to make the Pensacola Navy-Yard to the Southern Confederacy what the Gosport (Va.) Navy-Yard is to the Northern--a great ship-building and naval station. A strong Government. The Augusta (Ga.) Sentinel is out again in favor of a strong Government-- something in the form of an Elective Monarchy — upon the principle originally advanced by Alexander Hamilton, the great head of the old Federal school of politics — the chief of which should be elected for a term of twenty-one years.--The Constitutionalist, published in the same place, joins issue with its contemporary, and after ably pointing out the elements of danger, discord, and of possible despotism, with which the idea is fra
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