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Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 1
"foretell" that upon the first opportunity he would prove a traitor to the cause he had espoused at so great a cost. General Lee strongly recommended him to Jefferson Davis, Jefferson Davis gave him high rank and important employment upon the recommendation of Gen. Lee. Joseph E. Johnston desired to have him for chief of his stafJefferson Davis gave him high rank and important employment upon the recommendation of Gen. Lee. Joseph E. Johnston desired to have him for chief of his staff. Beauregard declared that there was not a truer man or a braver soldier in the Confederate service. All would not do. He was still the object of unceasing censure, and when he was commanding at Charleston the firmness of President Davis alone prevented him from falling a sacrifice to the inveteracy of his malingers. We could nPresident Davis alone prevented him from falling a sacrifice to the inveteracy of his malingers. We could never understand what occasioned this storm of hatred, except his Northern birth, the strict discipline he kept up in his camp, and his having said, or been reported to say, that if the enemy attacked Charleston in force, he should be compelled to evacuate it, as unquestionably he would have been in the then unprepared condition of
Joseph E. Johnston (search for this): article 1
enormous loss. It appears, even, to have compelled him to look to his rear for the means of escape from the trap in which he has been caught. The wisdom of General Johnston's plans begins to appear, and the long forecast and wide-reaching sagacity, with which he has been preparing the impending catastrophe, are every day more anes, are at least as able to conduct the affairs entrusted to them, as those who stay at home and criticise their operations. If thus much be predicated of Gen. Johnston, what shall be said of Gen. Pemberton? This brave officer has suffered more from traducers than any other in the Southern Confederacy. He happened to have be. General Lee strongly recommended him to Jefferson Davis, Jefferson Davis gave him high rank and important employment upon the recommendation of Gen. Lee. Joseph E. Johnston desired to have him for chief of his staff. Beauregard declared that there was not a truer man or a braver soldier in the Confederate service. All would n
Kirby Smith (search for this): article 1
Affairs at Vicksburg--Gen. Pemberton. The occupation of Milliken Bend by the troops of Gen. Kirby Smith has been followed by its legitimate consequences much sooner even, than we had apprehended. It has forced Grant threatened by the horrors of a famine in his camp into a desperate assault upon our lines, from which he has been repulsed with enormous loss. It appears, even, to have compelled him to look to his rear for the means of escape from the trap in which he has been caught. The wisdom of General Johnston's plans begins to appear, and the long forecast and wide-reaching sagacity, with which he has been preparing the impending catastrophe, are every day more and more and object of admiration. Compelled to form an army in the face of an enemy several times more numerous than himself, he has succeeded so far as to place himself almost on an equality with him. Knowing that procrastination was all important to him, while it was fatal to his enemy, he has contrived to put off
Pemberton (search for this): article 1
Affairs at Vicksburg--Gen. Pemberton. The occupation of Milliken Bend by the troops of Gen. Kirby Smith has been followed by its legitimate consequences much sooner even, than we had apprehended. It has forced Grant threatened by the horrors o stay at home and criticise their operations. If thus much be predicated of Gen. Johnston, what shall be said of Gen. Pemberton? This brave officer has suffered more from traducers than any other in the Southern Confederacy. He happened to havof the latter shamefully abandoned him, saying that he had sold them and Vicksburg! Through all these difficulties General Pemberton has fought his way like a hero. He has not allowed slander and detraction to make the slightest impression upon hi We feel rather proud that we have been in neither of them; that is to say we have never either denounced or idolized Gen. Pemberton. We regard him as one of the truest men and best officers in the service, and so we have always regarded him. He has
Affairs at Vicksburg--Gen. Pemberton. The occupation of Milliken Bend by the troops of Gen. Kirby Smith has been followed by its legitimate consequences much sooner even, than we had apprehended. It has forced Grant threatened by the horrors of a famine in his camp into a desperate assault upon our lines, from which he has been repulsed with enormous loss. It appears, even, to have compelled him to look to his rear for the means of escape from the trap in which he has been caught. The wisdom of General Johnston's plans begins to appear, and the long forecast and wide-reaching sagacity, with which he has been preparing the impending catastrophe, are every day more and more and object of admiration. Compelled to form an army in the face of an enemy several times more numerous than himself, he has succeeded so far as to place himself almost on an equality with him. Knowing that procrastination was all important to him, while it was fatal to his enemy, he has contrived to put of
Beauregard (search for this): article 1
oused at so great a cost. General Lee strongly recommended him to Jefferson Davis, Jefferson Davis gave him high rank and important employment upon the recommendation of Gen. Lee. Joseph E. Johnston desired to have him for chief of his staff. Beauregard declared that there was not a truer man or a braver soldier in the Confederate service. All would not do. He was still the object of unceasing censure, and when he was commanding at Charleston the firmness of President Davis alone prevented hiis camp, and his having said, or been reported to say, that if the enemy attacked Charleston in force, he should be compelled to evacuate it, as unquestionably he would have been in the then unprepared condition of the place, and as we learn Gen. Beauregard himself says he would Next came the engagements on the Big Black, for the ill-success of which he received all the blame, although he was attacked by troops four times as numerous as his own, while a portion of the latter shamefully abandone
n his lot with the North, there were not wanting men ungenerous enough to impute his Northern birth to him as a crime, and to "foretell" that upon the first opportunity he would prove a traitor to the cause he had espoused at so great a cost. General Lee strongly recommended him to Jefferson Davis, Jefferson Davis gave him high rank and important employment upon the recommendation of Gen. Lee. Joseph E. Johnston desired to have him for chief of his staff. Beauregard declared that there was noGen. Lee. Joseph E. Johnston desired to have him for chief of his staff. Beauregard declared that there was not a truer man or a braver soldier in the Confederate service. All would not do. He was still the object of unceasing censure, and when he was commanding at Charleston the firmness of President Davis alone prevented him from falling a sacrifice to the inveteracy of his malingers. We could never understand what occasioned this storm of hatred, except his Northern birth, the strict discipline he kept up in his camp, and his having said, or been reported to say, that if the enemy attacked Charlest
Caesaraugusta (Spain) (search for this): article 1
the latter shamefully abandoned him, saying that he had sold them and Vicksburg! Through all these difficulties General Pemberton has fought his way like a hero. He has not allowed slander and detraction to make the slightest impression upon his mind. He has never wavered for a moment, and never done any act by which his loyalty could be called in question. He has made one of the stoutest and noblest defences of which there is any account in history. He has made Vicksburg as famous as Saragossa, and he will go down to posterity with Paradox. Those who were wide mouthed against him are already ashamed of themselves for having reviled a hero. Those who were a little less vehement have veered around, and begin to praise him. Those who were always convinced of his courage and loyalty, but were kept silent by his ill success, begin to hold up their heads, while those who always upheld him are ready to shout for joy. His case presents a solemn warning against giving way to a popular
nd on offering it for sale was assisted in so doing by Exannel Davenport, a free negro. Raemy, it seems, had over $1,500 in money sewed up in a side pocket of his coat for safe keeping, and, after getting to work, pulled off his coat, deposited it in his wagon, and put a lad to mind it. During the morning the notorious Wm. H. Ross, a free negro, discovered the coat, and suspecting its contents to be valuable, caught an opportunity and appropriated the pile to his use. When the coat was missed Ross inquired of Davenport what was the matter, confessed that he had taken it and intended to keep it, and said he had given $17 of the money to Gas, slave to Susan Hill. Gus denied all knowledge or participation in the crime, but the Mayor thought he was not guiltily, and therefore sent him and Ross to jail, to answer for the essence before a higher tribunal. (The police have been industriously engaged in endeavoring to discover and recover the money, but thus far have failed to trace it.]
William H. Ross (search for this): article 1
is coat for safe keeping, and, after getting to work, pulled off his coat, deposited it in his wagon, and put a lad to mind it. During the morning the notorious Wm. H. Ross, a free negro, discovered the coat, and suspecting its contents to be valuable, caught an opportunity and appropriated the pile to his use. When the coat was missed Ross inquired of Davenport what was the matter, confessed that he had taken it and intended to keep it, and said he had given $17 of the money to Gas, slave to Susan Hill. Gus denied all knowledge or participation in the crime, but the Mayor thought he was not guiltily, and therefore sent him and Ross to jail, to answer for ll. Gus denied all knowledge or participation in the crime, but the Mayor thought he was not guiltily, and therefore sent him and Ross to jail, to answer for the essence before a higher tribunal. (The police have been industriously engaged in endeavoring to discover and recover the money, but thus far have failed to trace it.]
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