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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 18, 1865., [Electronic resource].

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Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 1
or of the contract system. Mr. Keen opposed the contract system on the ground that he was opposed to reforms (as they are called) of all kinds. He spoke with much earnestness. Mr. Robinson wanted to stop this debate and get to the vote. The report of the Select Committee was accepted by the Senate — ayes 19; noes, 18. Adjourned. House of Delegates. The House met at 12 o'clock, M. The Speaker announced the following select joint committee on the pardon of Jefferson Davis and others, and the restoration of the writ of habeas corpus: Messrs. Baylor, Martin, Holmes, Bowles, Hancock, Trout, Lewis, Childress, Mann, Parsons, Langhorne. Mr. Joynes, from the Committee on Courts of Justice, reported the following bills, which were read and ordered to be printed: A bill to provide that credit in all suits hereafter brought shall be endorsed on the original writ. A bill to amend and re-enact section three of chapter three of the Code. A bill
posed to reforms (as they are called) of all kinds. He spoke with much earnestness. Mr. Robinson wanted to stop this debate and get to the vote. The report of the Select Committee was accepted by the Senate — ayes 19; noes, 18. Adjourned. House of Delegates. The House met at 12 o'clock, M. The Speaker announced the following select joint committee on the pardon of Jefferson Davis and others, and the restoration of the writ of habeas corpus: Messrs. Baylor, Martin, Holmes, Bowles, Hancock, Trout, Lewis, Childress, Mann, Parsons, Langhorne. Mr. Joynes, from the Committee on Courts of Justice, reported the following bills, which were read and ordered to be printed: A bill to provide that credit in all suits hereafter brought shall be endorsed on the original writ. A bill to amend and re-enact section three of chapter three of the Code. A bill providing for the punishment of vagrants. This bill provides that vagrants may be arrested by the
titute for the report of the committee: "Resolved. That the matter relating to Public Printer be recommitted to the Joint Select Committee, who are requested to advertise for proposals for the execution of the public printing." Mr. McRae advocated the contract system and the resolution in a few remarks, but the resolution was lost. Mr. Gray opposed, in a short but telling speech, the appointment of a Public Printer. He showed the frauds perpetrated under that system. Mr. Meade replied with much force in favor of electing a Public Printer. He held that the use of the contract system by the United States Government was itself a strong argument against it. He wanted a Virginian, and did not want him underbid by Yankee printers. Mr. Cabell spoke in favor of the contract system. Mr. Keen opposed the contract system on the ground that he was opposed to reforms (as they are called) of all kinds. He spoke with much earnestness. Mr. Robinson wanted to st
Patterson (search for this): article 1
the earliest practicable period, if they deem it expedient, a proposition, to be submitted to the State and people of West Virginia, for the accomplishment of the purpose indicated in the first resolution." Mr. Woodson advocated his resolutions. Mr. Garnett moved to lay the resolutions upon the table. The people of West Virginia had separated from us, and he was in favor of letting them go. His constituency were opposed to letting them come back, even if they so desired. Mr. Patterson was for letting West Virginia go. They had abandoned us when we needed their services, and we did not want them now. Mr. Wilson desired their return. He was for forgetting all that was disagreeable in the past, and hoped yet to see Virginia restored to her ancient prosperity and greatness. Mr. Herndon desired to see the ancient boundaries of the Old Dominion restored. He paid a handsome tribute to Virginia, the valor of her sons, and the virtue and patriotism of her daughters
he Richmond and Danville Railroad Company to borrow money. A bill to authorize the Richmond and Danville railroad to secure certain liabilities to be incurred by the Piedmont railroad. Mr. Bowles, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported a resolution that the petition of Duff Green asking for the incorporation of the "American Industrial Agency," and the "Mining, Manufacturing and Improvement Company," be granted. The report was accepted. Mr. Bentley, from the Committee on Banks, reported a bill for arresting suits against the banks of this State, so that all creditors of those institutions may stand upon the same footing. Ordered to be printed, but was subsequently reconsidered, and amendments being offered, was, on motion, by Mr. Lee, recommitted. House bill to provide for the liabilities of the Staunton Lunatic Asylum was passed. House bill providing that "when any citizen of this State, being twenty-one years of age, shall reside elsewhere, and in good
Taliaferro (search for this): article 1
e of three on the part of the Senate and five on the part of the House be appointed to visit the Eastern and Western Lunatic Asylums, and institutions for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind, and examine into their condition and management." Passed. By Mr. Hannah: "Resolved, That the Committee of Courts of Justice be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law to enforce the qualification of overseers of the poor after their election." Passed. Mr. Taliaferro offered a preamble and resolution to the effect that-- "Whereas Virginia had conformed to the forms and conditions required of her, that it is her right and duty to express regret and disappointment at having her members elect refused seats in the United States councils." After a brief discussion it was withdrawn. Mr. Robinson offered the following: "Resolved. That so much of the Governor's message as applies to the Penitentiary, the Deaf and Dumb and Blind and Lunat
Pendleton (search for this): article 1
mmittee to make contracts for the printing of the two Houses was taken up, and a motion to lay on the table by Mr. Dunnington was rejected. On motion, by Mr. Waddell, the words empowering the committee to make contracts for printing were stricken out, and the resolution passed. By Mr. Waddell.--A resolution that the Committee on Public Printing inquire into the expediency of appointing a superintendent to let out and supervise the execution of the printing. Agreed to. By Mr. Pendleton.--A resolution that the Committee on Roads, &c., inquire into the expediency of districting the State for the election of Commissioners of Public Works, or, if deemed expedient, to report a bill abolishing the Board of Public Works. Mr. Woodson submitted the following resolutions, prefaced by a preamble giving the history of the partition of Virginia: "Resolved by the General Assembly of Virginia, That it is the wish of the people of Virginia that the partition of the territor
sembly of Virginia. Senate. Saturday, December 16, 1865. The Senate met at the usual hour; Mr. Trout, of Augusta, in the chair. Prayer by Dr. Minnigerode. By Mr. Robinson: "Resolved, That a joint committee of three on the part of the Senate and five on the part of the House be appointed to visit the Eastern and Western Lunatic Asylums, and institutions for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind, and examine into their condition and management." Passed. By Mr. Hannah: "Resolved, That the Committee of Courts of Justice be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law to enforce the qualification of overseers of the poor after their election." Passed. Mr. Taliaferro offered a preamble and resolution to the effect that-- "Whereas Virginia had conformed to the forms and conditions required of her, that it is her right and duty to express regret and disappointment at having her members elect refused seats in the United State
or the accomplishment of the purpose indicated in the first resolution." Mr. Woodson advocated his resolutions. Mr. Garnett moved to lay the resolutions upon the table. The people of West Virginia had separated from us, and he was in favor of letting them go. His constituency were opposed to letting them come back, even if they so desired. Mr. Patterson was for letting West Virginia go. They had abandoned us when we needed their services, and we did not want them now. Mr. Wilson desired their return. He was for forgetting all that was disagreeable in the past, and hoped yet to see Virginia restored to her ancient prosperity and greatness. Mr. Herndon desired to see the ancient boundaries of the Old Dominion restored. He paid a handsome tribute to Virginia, the valor of her sons, and the virtue and patriotism of her daughters, and prophesied the future greatness of the State. Mr. Joynes was in favor of the return of West Virginia. Pending the discu
lled) of all kinds. He spoke with much earnestness. Mr. Robinson wanted to stop this debate and get to the vote. The report of the Select Committee was accepted by the Senate — ayes 19; noes, 18. Adjourned. House of Delegates. The House met at 12 o'clock, M. The Speaker announced the following select joint committee on the pardon of Jefferson Davis and others, and the restoration of the writ of habeas corpus: Messrs. Baylor, Martin, Holmes, Bowles, Hancock, Trout, Lewis, Childress, Mann, Parsons, Langhorne. Mr. Joynes, from the Committee on Courts of Justice, reported the following bills, which were read and ordered to be printed: A bill to provide that credit in all suits hereafter brought shall be endorsed on the original writ. A bill to amend and re-enact section three of chapter three of the Code. A bill providing for the punishment of vagrants. This bill provides that vagrants may be arrested by the overseers of the poor or other
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