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Browsing named entities in a specific section of William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. Search the whole document.

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h 15th it moved into East Tennessee, in order to prevent the possible escape of Lee's and Johnston's armies, returning in April to Nashville, where it remained until June 16th, when it was ordered to New Orleans, en route for Texas. Although the wain assigned to duty as commander of his old corps, which was ordered to repair to Annapolis, Md., for reorganization. In April, the corps was assembled there, and was composed of the four divisions of Stevenson, Potter, Willcox, and Ferrero, the laventh Corps. In February, 1864, A. J. Smith's and Veatch's Divisions accompanied Sherman on his Meridian expedition. In April, Mower's and A. J. Smith's Divisions moved with Banks' expedition up the Red River, fighting at the battle of Pleasant Hi ordered, in January, 1865, to proceed to Savannah, where it was followed by the First Division, which left the Valley in April. The latter division made a short stay at Washington before sailing for Savannah, during which it participated in the Gr
March 31st (search for this): chapter 8
o its command, and Generals Richardson, Sedgwick, and Blenker to the command of its divisions. Within three weeks of its organization thle corps moved with McClellan's Army to the Peninsula, excepting Blenker's Division, which was withdrawn on March 31st from McClellan's command, and ordered to reenforce Fremont's troops in Western Virginia. Blenker's Division never rejoined the corps,--in fact, it had never really joined. The remaining two divisions, which constituted the corps, numbered 21,cter of the fighting. Among the more important of these dismounted cavalry battles in Grant's campaign, might be mentioned Todd's Tavern, May 8; Hawes' Shop, May 28; Trevilian Station, June 11; St. Mary's Church, June 24; Dinwiddie Court House, March 31; Five Forks, April 1; and Appomattox, April 9, 1865. In August, 1864, Sheridan was promoted to the command of the Army of the Shenandoah, and took with him the First and Third Cavalry Divisions — Merritt's and Wilson's. General Torbert was as
March 30th (search for this): chapter 8
third. On the loth of April, 1865, the Twenty-third Corps numbered 14,293 present for duty, and was composed of three divisions — Ruger's, Couch's, and Carter's. It remained in North Carolina while Sherman's Army, with which it had made a junction at Goldsboro, marched northward to Washington. The corps was discontinued on August 1, 1865, many of the regiments having been mustered out before that. Twenty-Fourth Corps. Bermuda Hundred Fort Fisher Petersburg Hatcher's Run, March 30th; Fort Gregg Rice's Station Fall of Richmond Clover Hill Appomattox. The white troops of the Tenth and Eighteenth Corps were assembled in one command, and organized, December 3, 1864, as the Twenty-fourth Corps, with Major-General Edward O. Ord in command. The troops of the Tenth Corps were assigned to the First and Second Divisions, while the regiments of the Eighteenth Corps were placed in the Third Division. The three divisions were commanded by Generals Foster, Ames and Devens,
March 29th (search for this): chapter 8
before the final campaign, the morning reports show the corps strength to have been 17,073, present for duty, equipped. In the closing battles of the war, from March 29th to April 9th, 1865--including Gravelly Run, White Oak Road, and Five Forks--the casualties in the corps aggregated 2,465 in killed, wounded, and missing. Its l The last infantry-volley of the war had been fired. This fight, on the day of Lee's surrender, was known by the troops as Clover Hill. During this campaign, March 29th to April 9th,--from Hatcher's Run to Appomattox — the Twenty-fourth Corps lost 149 killed, and 565 wounded; total, 714. When General Ord moved the Army of th1 336 481 Shenandoah campaign, 1864; Opequon, Tom's Brook, Cedar Creek, and 26 other engagements 454 2,817 646 3,917 Fall of Petersburg and Pursuit of Lee, March 29--April 9, 1865 221 930 339 1,490 It will be observed that over one-fourth of these losses are made up of captured, or missing, men. This was unavoidable, a
March 23rd (search for this): chapter 8
ed that the troops of the Shenandoah Department, now under General Banks, shall constitute the Second Army Corps of the Army of Virginia. On September 12th, General Order 129, it was ordered that its designation be changed to that of the Twelfth Corps, and that General Joseph K. Mansfield be placed in command. In the meantime the corps had done considerable hard fighting under its former title. Shields' Division won a brilliant victory over Stonewall Jackson at Kernstown, Va., on the 23d of March, and Williams' Division fought well at Winchester, May 25th, while on Banks' retreat. The battle of Cedar Mountain was also fought by this corps alone and unassisted and, although defeated by the overwhelming force of the enemy, the record slows that the two divisions did there some of the best fighting of the War. In that battle the divisions were commanded by Generals Williams and Augur; loss, 302 killed, 1,320 wounded, and 594 missing; total, 2,216, out of less than 6,000 engaged. Th
March 15th (search for this): chapter 8
ved with honor in the armies of the Ohio, and the Cumberland, from the commencement of the war. He commanded the Fourth Corps in its last battle — its last victory, at Nashville. His division generals in that engagement were Kimball, Elliott, and Beatty; the casualties in the corps were 135 killed, 834: wounded and 22 missing; total, 991. The corps joined in the pursuit of Hood's defeated army, after which General Wood assembled it at Huntsville, Ala., arriving there January 5, 1865. On March 15th it moved into East Tennessee, in order to prevent the possible escape of Lee's and Johnston's armies, returning in April to Nashville, where it remained until June 16th, when it was ordered to New Orleans, en route for Texas. Although the war had virtually ended, the Fourth Corps remained in Texas during the rest of 1865, forming a part of Sheridan's Army of Occupation. The most of the regiments were, however, mustered out in December, 1865, in time for the men to spend Christmas in thei
the Atlanta campaign, General Hooker having been relieved. Slocum afterwards commanded the Army of Georgia while on the March to the Sea, and in the battles of the Carolinas. He was, pre-eminently, one of the ablest generals of the war; he made nth, becoming its First Division, to the command of which General Joseph A. Mower was soon after assigned. While on the March to the Sea, and during Sherman's march through the Carolinas, the corps remained under the command of General Blair, withhree divisions--First, Third, and Fourth--under Generals Mower, Leggett, and Giles A. Smith. Just before starting on the March to the Sea its morning reports showed 11,732 present for duty; it then contained 32 regiments of infantry and five light also, at Gettysburg, Slocum being in command then of the Right Wing. He also commanded the Twentieth Corps while on the March to the Sea and through the Carolinas; at the battles of Averasboro and Bentonville. He was an able officer, enjoying to
February 21st (search for this): chapter 8
e Tennessee campaign — show 10,624 officers and men present for duty. The corps was actively engaged at the battle of Franklin, but at Nashville it was largely held in reserve. In the latter action, Ruger's (2d) Division was commanded by Major-General Darius N. Couch. In January, 1865. the corps moved from Nashville, via Washington, to North Carolina, Cox's Division landing at Fort Fisher, February 9, 1865. Moving up the river, the corps fought at Fort Anderson, and at Wilmington, February 21st, capturing the latter place. In the meantime, another division was formed, and designated as the First Division, with General Ruger in command. This division was actively engaged in the victory at Kinston, N. C. (Wise's Forks), which resulted in the occupation of Goldsboro. General Cox succeeded Schofield, the latter having been promoted to the command of the Army of the Ohio, which, since the arrival of the Twenty-third Corps in North Carolina, comprised two corps--the Tenth (Terry's
February 1st (search for this): chapter 8
he Tennessee on the Atlanta campaign having been consolidated with the two other corps. Although the three other corps in Sherman's Army marched uninterrupted to the sea, the Fifteenth had a brisk engagement at Griswoldville, in which Walcutt's Brigade, of Woods' Division, repelled a determined attack; and, again, upon reaching the sea, Hazen's Division was the one selected for the storming of Fort McAllister. Savannah was evacuated December 21, 1864, after a short siege, and on the 1st of February, Sherman's Army started on its grand, victorious march through the Carolinas. General Logan having returned, he was again in command of his corps, which now numbered 15,755, infantry and artillery. It encountered some fighting in forcing disputed crossings at some of the larger rivers, and captured Columbia, S. C., General C. R. Woods' Division occupying the city at the time it was burned. The corps was also in line at the battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 19, 1865; but General Slo
flag of the Twenty-second Kentucky was scarcely less torn, and not less dripping with blood. --[Official Report.] In January, McClernand moved on an expedition against Arkansas Post, talking with him the Thirteenth and Fifteenth corps. He styleg; total, 13,249. Over 25 per cent. were killed or wounded. By authority of the War Department--General Order No. 9--January (9, 1803), the right wing, centre, and left wing of the Fourteenth Corps were designated respectively as the Twentieth, present for duty before the battle. The fighting in the Valley having ended? Grover's (2d) Division was ordered, in January, 1865, to proceed to Savannah, where it was followed by the First Division, which left the Valley in April. The latter ming part of Butler's expedition to Fort Fisher. Butler's troops returned without having accomplished anything; but, in January, Ames' three brigades were ordered to return to Fort Fisher, this second expedition being entrusted to the command of Ge
... 91 92 93 94 95 96 97