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James G. Blunt (search for this): chapter 14
yet or not, there are certainly strong reasons for believing that they are making preparations to attack our train at some point above here. The heavy firing along the river the past few days is doubtless intended as a feint, to occupy our attention, and to( prevent us from reinforcing the train's escort. But they will find that Colonel Phillips is not so easily too be thrown off his guard. The name of this post has been changed from Fort. Gibson to Fort Blunt, in honor of Major General James G. Blunt, our division commander of last winter, but who is at present commanding the District of Kansas. If Fort Blunt is not to be abandoned almost as, soon as named, the General should use his influence in getting reinforcements sent down here at once, and in having Colonel Phillips made a Brigadier General. After the Colonel has, by continual skirmishing with the enemy, marched his forces down here and took possession of this country, and held it against such odds, and so much furthe
emy fired wooden balls at them from the opposite side of the river nearly all day. This would indicate that they want to keep up a noise to occupy our attention, and that they have more powder than lead to waste. We can see very clearly that they desire to draw our attention to points on the river below here as much as possible, while their most important movements, are directed to another quarter, to the west side of Grand river, for the purpose of capturing our commissary train On the 22d our scouts brought in information. that a large force of the enemy crossed the Arkansas above the mouths of the Grand and the Verdigris rivers, and are believed to be moving northward. Whether it is their intention to continue their march northward until they meet our supply train, or whether they intend to take up a strong position above here and await its arrival, to make the attack, is not definitely known. Colonel Phillips is watching their movements closely and will use his force here
es that he is making some important movement. A large cavalry force was in motion, but we could not determine the direction they were marching. The river is now quite low, and there are several points, both above and below us, where they can ford it. It is, I suppose, difficult for Colonel Phillips to determine the nature of their present activity; whether it means to attack us here, or to go up the country west of us, and attack our train due in a few days from Fort Scott. To-day, the 20th, I have been out nearly all day with our troops. This morning, just before nine o'clock, several of our men came in as fast as their horses could carry them, and reported that the enemy were firing upon our pickets, and had killed several of them, together with a number of herders, and were driving away one or two herds of horses and mules. The bugles were instantly sounded, and in a few moments Colonel Phillips had nearly all his force, consisting of cavalry, dismounted men, and two guns o
field and pursued recapture of some animals large force of the enemy cross the Arkansas River, and march to meet the Federal supply train convalescent soldiers coming in from Tahlequah the troops move inside the fortifications at Fort Gibson the engagement at Rapid Ford, Sunday afternoon Colonel Phillips intended the movement only as a demonstration. After returning to my post of duty at Gibson, I found that the enemy had become much bolder than when we left on the night of the first instant. They have moved all the forces from the neighborhoods of Webber's Falls, North Fork and other points in the Indian Territory to the heights on the south side of the Arkansas River, nearly opposite the post, and not more than five or six miles away. During the entire day, at intervals of a few minutes, we heard the firing between their pickets and ours across the river. This skirmishing between .the picket lines of the two armies has been going on several days. Three or four of our
cavalry horses are kept out in this way, while the other half are used by our troops in watching the movements of the enemy, on reconnoissances, &c. While animals will fatten on grass when they get it in sufficient quantities and are not annoyed by flies, it alone does not afford such nutritive and strength-giving qualities as will enable our horses to do hard service, such as is required of them. A detachment of about four hundred of our cavalry which were sent on a reconnaissance on the 18th, in the direction of the Creek Agency, on south side of the Arkansas, captured about sixty head o/f horses and mules from General Cooper's command. This bold movement of our troops on the south side of the river,will probably prevent the enemy from sending as large a force as he had intended to attack our supply train. Should they leave their camp guarded by only a small force, Colonel Phillips might take it into his head to take a force of cavalry and cross the Arkansas at the Rapid Ford f
e of the hospital should spread the report that a number of smallpox patients are still there, which I am under the impression is a fact. I don't know that we have had any troops stationed there since we came here; and there must be some good reason why the enemy has not shown himself in sight of that place, as it is about twenty-five miles from this post. But he would just about as likely wish to capture a herd of horses with glanders as a hospital filled with small-pox patients. Sunday, May 24th, was a day of considerable excitement and activity with us. We knew that the threatening movements of the enemy during the last four or five days, meant something; and that the time had come when we must act or suffer inglorious defeat. Colonel Phillips is not an officer who can remain inactive while the enemy are displaying activity about him. On Saturday (23rd) our pickets along the banks of the river, having first ascertain the range of our carbines and carefully estimated the d
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