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Fitz Lee 458 2 Browse Search
Robert E. Lee 448 0 Browse Search
Ashland McClellan 372 0 Browse Search
W. H. F. Lee 368 0 Browse Search
Jackson Longstreet 364 0 Browse Search
Washington (United States) 306 0 Browse Search
Virginia (Virginia, United States) 272 0 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant 239 5 Browse Search
Stonewall Jackson 228 0 Browse Search
George Gordon Meade 223 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee.

Found 14,250 total hits in 3,354 results.

... 331 332 333 334 335 336
Hatcher's Run (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
eridan, 344. Hampton Roads, Va., 27. Hancock, General Winfield S., notice of, 47; mentioned, 230, 272, 281, 334, 339, 347, 362. Hanover Court House, 153, 158, 305. Hardee, General, James, mentioned, 269. Hardee, General William J., 54, 58, 59, 369. Harold at Hastings, 278. Harper's Ferry, 74, 75, 76, 103, 202, 203, 220, 303. Harrison, Benjamin, the signer, 10. Harrison's Landing, Va., 170. Harvie's, Lewis, statement, 383. Haskell, Lieutenant-Colonel, John, 358. Hatcher's Run, Va., 376. Havelock, Sir, Henry, 422. Havens, Benny, of West Point, 222. Haxall's plantation, Va., 170. Heintzelman, General, mentioned, 140, 145, 186. Henry, Patrick, 10. Heth's division, 270. Hickory Hill, Va., 305. Hill, General Ambrose P., notice of, 47; mentioned, 104, 253, 260; killed, 378; described, 378. Hill, Benjamin, tribute to Lee, 418. Hill, General D. H., notice of, 47; mentioned, 140, 148, 172, 203, 205, 208. Hilton Head, 130. Hoke's brigade,
Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
ant-Colonel, John, 358. Hatcher's Run, Va., 376. Havelock, Sir, Henry, 422. Havens, Benny, of West Point, 222. Haxall's plantation, Va., 170. Heintzelman, General, mentioned, 140, 145, 186. Henry, Patrick, 10. Heth's division, 270. Hickory Hill, Va., 305. Hill, General Ambrose P., notice of, 47; mentioned, 104, 253, 260; killed, 378; described, 378. Hill, Benjamin, tribute to Lee, 418. Hill, General D. H., notice of, 47; mentioned, 140, 148, 172, 203, 205, 208. Hilton Head, 130. Hoke's brigade, 339. Holmes, General, 101, 133, 135, 160. Hood, General John B., 54, 203; at Gettysburg, 279, 280. Hooker, General, Joseph, notice of, 47, 48; mentioned, 188, 195, 205; succeeds Burnside, 234; mentioned, 240, 242, 243, 244; wounded at Chancellorsville, 254; Order No. 49, 257; mentioned, 262, 263, 264; relieved, 268; sent to the Southwest, 314. Hope, Beresford, A. B., 417. Hope, Lady, Mildred, 417. Hougoumont, Chateau of, 420, 421. Houston, General
Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
n-chief, 132; appointed full general, 133; disapproves of Johnston's plans, 138; assumes command of the army, 150; sends Stuart on a raid, 153; issues orders, 154, 155; Jackson ordered to join Lee, 156; battle order, 158; gains a success, 162; Malvern Hill, 163; seven days battle, 164; exhibits military ability, 172; defeats Pope, 196; battle of Antietam, 212-215; victory of Fredericksburg, 226-229; homesickness, 234; favorite hen eaten, 234; emancipates slaves, 237; battle of Chancellorsville, 108; mentioned, 137, 140, 144, 156, 177, 189, 192, 197. McLaws, General, at Gettysburg, 279, 280; mentioned, 198, 202, 204, 206, 209, 254. McLean, Wilmer, of Appomattox, 393. McPherson Heights, 271. Marlborough, Duke of, 171, 288. Malvern Hill, battle of, 163, 165, 173. Manassas, second battle of, 186. Mangold, Captain of German army, 301. Mansfield, General, killed at Antietam, 213. Marye's Hill, 230, 231. Maryland Heights, 104, 203, 206, 213. Marshall, Colonel, Charl
Maryland Heights (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
209, 214. McDowell, General, Irvin, notice of, 106, 108; mentioned, 137, 140, 144, 156, 177, 189, 192, 197. McLaws, General, at Gettysburg, 279, 280; mentioned, 198, 202, 204, 206, 209, 254. McLean, Wilmer, of Appomattox, 393. McPherson Heights, 271. Marlborough, Duke of, 171, 288. Malvern Hill, battle of, 163, 165, 173. Manassas, second battle of, 186. Mangold, Captain of German army, 301. Mansfield, General, killed at Antietam, 213. Marye's Hill, 230, 231. Maryland Heights, 104, 203, 206, 213. Marshall, Colonel, Charles, of Lee's staff, 393. Marshall, John, 10. Marshall, William, 19. Mason, Captain, 39. Matamoras, city of, 63. Mattapony River, 338. Matthews, John, 9. Maxey, General, killed at Fredericksburg, 233. Mayflower, slaves on, 83. Meade, Bishop, 95. Meade, General George G., succeeds Hooker, 269; his character, 269; statement by, 299; censured, 306; mentioned, 227, 228, 277, 278, 283, 302, 304. Meagher's Irish brigade, 231.
... 331 332 333 334 335 336