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Piedmont, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
ed resolutely to prepare for another campaign, apprehensive lest Hooker's vastly superior numbers might possibly force him back to the trenches around Richmond. Lee's plan of campaign, as he detailed it to Col. A. L. Long, of his staff, in his tent in the rear of Fredericksburg, was to maneuver Hooker from his almost unreachable stronghold between the Rappahannock and the Potomac, and bring him to battle at Chambersburg in Pennsylvania, in the Great valley, or at York or Gettysburg in the Piedmont region of the same State, thus transferring the destructive agencies of war to northern soil, where he could readily subsist his army on the country; and by a decisive victory cause the evacuation of Washington and compel the Federal government to withdraw Grant from the siege of Vicksburg. This was, doubtless, the identical campaign that Jackson had in view, and which he probably had discussed with Lee during the preceding winter, when he ordered the preparation of a detailed map extendin
Willoughby Run (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
and thus be sure of a simultaneous movement and attack. The divisions of Hood and McLaws, of the First corps, left their camps at Fayetteville in the valley west of the South mountain, on the morning of July 1st, and reached the valley of Willoughby run, northwest of Gettysburg, by midnight of that day, having been retarded by Ewell's wagon train, in charge of Johnson's division, which was on the road in their front. The leading brigade, under Kershaw, bivouacked within two miles of Gettysbe Federal center, and it was 9 before Hill's line of battle, on Seminary ridge, with its right resting on the Emmitsburg road, was ready to advance. Longstreet's movements were still tardier than Hill's. His two divisions did not leave their Willoughby run bivouac until after sunrise, and it was 8 o'clock when his first brigade, Kershaw's of McLaws' division, reached Seminary ridge, where Lee was impatiently waiting-seated on the trunk of a fallen tree consulting a map, writes McLaws—with Longs
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
t saluted, and in firm voice said, Sir, I shall lead my division forward; and he promptly ordered the charge of his own three brigades of Virginians and Heth's four of North Carolinians, Tennesseeans, Mississippians and Alabamians, under Pettigrew. These columns moved slowly from the woods that had concealed them, toward the Emmitsburg road. Trimble, with two brigades of North Carolinians, marched in the rear of Pettigrew's right. Wilcox had been ordered to guard Pickett's right with his Alabama brigade. Now 12,000 veteran infantrymen were marching, with steady step, across the 1,400 yards of open country between the contending armies. Once clear of the Confederate batteries, Pickett diverged his division to the left and moved toward the salient in Hancock's line. For a time the two opposing armies were silent spectators of this sublimely heroic advance, and not until half the ground to be gone over had been covered, did the batteries from Cemetery ridge and Round Top open on th
Cemetery Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
ge behind the stone walls and outcropping rocks of the Gettysburg ridge, or Cemetery hill. Lee himself was fired by a like desire, and through Adjt.-Gen. Walter H. ard and dispossess the small Federal force that still heroically held on to Cemetery hill and covered the roads by which Meade must advance from the southward. At t2d, less than 10,000 men of the First and Second corps of Meade's army held Cemetery hill, with 8,600, under Slocum, on their right and left, and 9,000 of the Third een waiting in line since 2 o'clock in the morning, was ready to advance on Cemetery hill, from the streets of Gettysburg. After waiting impatiently, with Ewell, foRound Top, almost due north along the western side of the Taneytown road to Cemetery hill, then curved to the eastward around the front of that hill and the crest ofleventh corps and established himself in the Federal works on the summit of Cemetery hill; but Rodes, on his right, failed to advance, and so rendered no assistance
Carlisle, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
, capture it. On the 23d of June, Ewell was marching rapidly up the Cumberland valley toward Carlisle, while Lee was preparing to lead the First and Third corps across the Potomac to follow him. Ste next day, again urging an advance upon Washington from Culpeper. On the 27th, Ewell was in Carlisle; his advance, under Early, had crossed the South mountain and was nearing York. The same day the First corps, watching the development of his plans. Late in the same day Ewell received, at Carlisle, Lee's order of concentration, just as he was about to follow his cavalry advance to attack Habut to find Early gone. Having no knowledge of the direction he had taken, Stuart continued to Carlisle, and thence, by a wide circuit, his men well-nigh exhausted, to Gettysburg, where he appeared Ewell and Rodes in conference after dark, to the north of Gettysburg, near the road leading to Carlisle. He now had information of the arrival of more Federal troops upon the scene of action; that H
Westminster (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
Federal front within the Pennsylvania line near Fairfield, guarding the approaches from Cashtown and Gettysburg. These two great contention-seeking armies were now but a few miles apart; and yet there is evidence that neither leader was aware of the exact whereabouts of the other. Stuart, entirely out of communication with Lee, broke the line of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad on the morning of the 29th, thus interrupting Meade's communication with Washington, and that evening rested at Westminster, but a few miles to the eastward of Meade's bivouacs. On the 30th he again rode northward, fighting his way through the Federal cavalry at Hanover, on the railway from York to Gettysburg, but much delayed by the long train of mule teams that he had captured in the vicinity of Washington, and in utter ignorance of the fact that the famous battle of Gettysburg had already begun, but a few miles to the westward from his line of march. Stuart was pressing forward to join Ewell's advance, un
York, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
bersburg in Pennsylvania, in the Great valley, or at York or Gettysburg in the Piedmont region of the same Stad been sent under Early across the South mountain to York, to father supplies and levy contributions on that wo evacuate. Ewell promptly sent orders to Early, at York, to fall back to Cashtown, and prepared to move in tmmand. Meade, informed of the advance of Ewell to York and toward Harrisburg, at once changed the direction the Federal cavalry at Hanover, on the railway from York to Gettysburg, but much delayed by the long train ofoin Ewell's advance, under Early, in the vicinity of York, marching all night toward his destination, passing ly's bivouac, still believing that the latter was at York, where the rendezvous with him had been appointed by which Early had left as a rear guard on the road to York, north of Gettysburg, as he advanced, distrusting the was advancing upon his rear, from the direction of York. Instead of paying no attention to this report, whi
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
eet, to move toward Culpeper, marching across the whole length of the scene of his recent victories at Salem church and Chancellorsville; followed by Ewell, who with eager interest scanned the field of victory as he rode across it at the head of Jackson's old troops. With his usual heroic audacity, Lee left his smallest corps, that under A. P. Hill, at Fredericksburg, to restrain Hooker from any on to Richmond he might rashly attempt to make. By the 8th Lee had concentrated the commands of ; four Confederate divisions having snatched victory from the five Federal ones that had defeated Hill, and not only fought bravely, but held tenaciously the field of combat and inflicted severe losses on the victors. The old fighting spirit of Jackson's men was fully aroused by the great success they had again won over the Federal corps that they had so recently routed at Chancellorsville, and they were eager to follow in pursuit of the 6,oco Federals remaining of the 20,000 that had been eng
Culp's Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
s line to the eastward, that he might scale Culp's hill and turn the Federal right at the same timeg, holding the crests of Cemetery ridge and Culp's hill, and thus fully protecting Meade's advance. his possession, but that he could capture Culp's hill and threaten the Federal right; an offer hed repeated his order to Ewell for attacking Culp's hill on the left, but not until he should hear Lent that he could turn the Federal right on Culp's hill with Johnson, while Early, who had been waiund the front of that hill and the crest of Culp's hill, with his extreme right turned in reverse td division, under Edward Johnson, assaulted Culp's hill, fought its way up its rocky and brushy slof the Round Tops; Johnson held the crest of Culp's hill, nearly around to the flank of the Federal was already in hot and close contention on Culp's hill, when Lee gave the order to advance, confid and Ewell had made his desperate attack on Culp's hill, from which he was driven back with great l[1 more...]
Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
ace. Ewell's advanced division was encamped, in the midst of abundance, near Hagerstown; another was in a like favorable encampment near Sharpsburg, while his third en Federal corps were available for a rapid movement across South mountain to Hagerstown, to the rear of Lee's army, which was now some miles to the northeast of that that river on the 25th and was then threatening his line of communication at Hagerstown, as above stated. This news led Lee to at once recall Ewell's divisions froms posted on Seminary ridge, and halted near the Black Horse tavern, where the Hagerstown road crosses Marsh creek. Hill did not get into his assigned position until through Fairfield, across the South mountain by Monterey Springs, and through Hagerstown to Williamsport. These he followed with his army during the night of the 4thhes to Williamsport and Falling Waters. An admirable position was found near Hagerstown, which met with General Lee's approbation, when he arrived on the 6th and rod
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