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clamation of Edward Clark, Governor of the State of Texas. Whereas, There is now a condition of aand extensive intercourse with those with whom Texas, as a member of the Confederate States of Amerherefore, I, Edward Clark, Governor of the State of Texas, do issue this my proclamation to the peopederate States of America, and against the State of Texas, for any citizen of said State to donate, It will also be treasonable for any citizen of Texas to pay any debts now owing by him to a citizennce of war. If there be citizens of the State of Texas owing such debts, the Executive would sugge States, will no longer be permitted to visit Texas, during the continuance of such war, without p any such persons are now within the limits of Texas, they are hereby warned to depart within twentarrested as spies; and all citizens of the State of Texas are warned from holding any friendly commu. 1861, and in the year of the independence of Texas the twenty-sixth, and of the Confederate State[6 more...]
ent of the United States brought on this war, by his proclamation of April last. I ask, who fired on our flag in Charleston? Would the Senator from Kentucky have us bear the shame and ignomy and not resent it? Who assaulted Fort Sumter and fired on one of the distinguished citizens of his own State, even after he had raised a flag of truce, and fired on him while the buildings were burning over his head? Is this no act of war? Who stole the mint at New Orleans? Who captured the army in Texas and betrayed the country there? Who committed act after act of war against this country, and in violation of the Constitution organized a new government, denying the authority of the old one, and attempted to subvert the government by force? And yet nothing is said of this by the Senator from Kentucky, but the President is held up as the man who has brought this war upon us. The fact is, the people of this nation have forborne with the disunionists of the Southern States too much and too l
d munitions of war as should be transferred. On the 8th of April, 1861, an ordinance was adopted by South Carolina, which, in terms of similar import to that of the State of Georgia, transferred to the Government of the Confederate States all the forts, arsenals, custom houses, navy yards, and other public sites in her limits. Though not on file in the War Office, my recollection is that the arms and munitions of war were in like manner transferred. On the 20th of March, 1861, the State of Texas, by an ordinance of her convention, in like manner assigned to the Government of the Confederate States all the forts and navy yards, arsenals and lighthouses and their appurtenances within her limits. On the 6th of May, 1861, the State of Arkansas, in convention, by ordinance, instructed and commissioned her delegates to the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States to cede, convey, and transfer to the Government of the Confederate States of America the site, buildings, and appu
nia, and to the marshals and executive officers of Virginia we can intrust the enforcement of the laws the moment that the state of civil war shall have ceased in the eastern or any other portion of the State. It is not, therefore, the purpose of this Government to subjugate the people of Virginia, or of any other State, and subject them to the control of our armies. It is simply that we will rally to the support of the loyal people of Virginia and of Tennessee and of North Carolina and of Texas, ay, and of the Gulf States too when they are prepared for it; we will rally to the support of the loyal people of these States and enable them to take their Government in their own hands, by wresting it out of the hands of those military usurpers who now hold it, for they are nothing more and nothing less. That is all that is involved in this contest, and I hope on this side of the Chamber we shall never again hear one of our friends talking about subjugating either a State or the people o
r ranks; the artillerymen, ordered to fire, and directed by myself, could hardly be brought forward to serve their pieces; the infantry would not level their arms until it was too late. The enemy arrived within ten paces of the muzzles of our cannon, killed the horses, turned the flanks of the infantry, and forced them to fly. The troops were throwing themselves into the bushes and bye-roads, retreating as well as they could, followed and attacked incessantly by large bodies of Arkansas and Texas cavalry. In this retreat we lost five cannon, of which three were spiked, and the colors of the Third, the color-bearer having been wounded, and his substitute killed. The total loss of the two regiments, the artillery, and the pioneers, in killed, wounded, and missing, amounts to 892 men, as will be seen from the respective lists. In order to understand clearly our actions and our fate, you will permit me to state the following facts: First. According to orders, it was the duty of
among you. The time has now arrived for the people of the State to act. You can no longer procrastinate. Missouri must now take her position, be it North or South. Ben. McCulloch, Brig.-General Commanding. Ben. McCulloch's order. Headquarters of Western army, near Springfield, Mo., Aug. 12, 1861. The General commanding takes great pleasure in announcing to the army under his command the signal victory it has just gained. Soldiers of Louisiana, of Arkansas, of Missouri, and of Texas, nobly have you sustained yourselves. Shoulder to shoulder you have met the enemy and driven him before you. Your first battle has been glorious, and your general is proud of you. The opposing force, composed mostly of the old regular army of the North, have thrown themselves upon you confident of victory, but by great gallantry and determined courage you have routed it with great slaughter. Several pieces of artillery and many prisoners are now in your hands. The commander-in-chief of th
, the President of the United States, in view of an insurrection against the Laws, Constitution, and Government of the United States, which had broken out within the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, and in pursuance of the provisions of the act entitled an act to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions, and to repeal the act now in force for that purpose, approved FNow, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, in pursuance of the act of Congress approved July 13th, 1861, do hereby declare that the inhabitants of the said States of Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Florida, except the inhabitants of that part of the State of Virginia, lying west of the Alleghany Mountains, and of such other parts of that State and the other States hereinbefore named, as may maintain a loyal adhes
Doc. 205.-Confederate thanks to Gen. M'Culloch and his command. The following resolution was introduced into the rebel Congress on the 21st of August by Mr. Ochiltree, of Texas, and was passed unanimously: whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to vouchsafe to the arms of the Confederate States another glorious and important victory in a portion of the country where a reverse would have been disastrous, by exposing the families of the good people of the State of Missouri to the unbridled license of the brutal soldiery of an unscrupulous enemy; therefore, be it Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States, That the thanks of Congress are cordially tendered to Brig.-Gen. Ben. McCulloch, and the officers and soldiers of his brave command, for their gallant conduct in defeating, after a battle of six and a half hours, a force of the enemy equal in numbers, and greatly superior in all their appointments, thus proving that a right cause nerves the hearts and strengthens the
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