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Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 32 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh), chapter 6 (search)
o take the field in the autumn of that year (I am drawing this inference from the silence of Livy), as wintering in Corcyra, and as carrying on, in the spring of 198 B.C., before the arrival of his successor, the campaign just described. Then, in sects. 5-7, Livy quotes from Valerius Antias an entirely different story of the spring campaign of 198 B.C. This variant Livy, at least by implication, rejects. He reports, in sect. 4 and again in sect. 8, at the end of each of the conflicting narratives, the arrival of Quinctius in Greece, although he does not mention the election of Quinctius as consul for 198 B.C. until vii. 12 below. Valerius Antias write198 B.C. until vii. 12 below. Valerius Antias writes that Villius, because he could not use the direct road, since the whole country was held by the king, entered the defile, followed the valley through the midst of which the river Aous flows, and, hastily throwing a bridge over the river to the bank on which the king's camp lay, -B.C. 199 crossed and engaged the enemy; that
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 33 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh), chapter 20 (search)
e restrained his anger and answered that he would send ambassadors to Rhodes with instructions to renew the long-standing relations existing between him and his ancestors and that state, and to bid them have no fears of the king's coming: no fraud or mischief was planned either for them or for their allies; for he would not violate the friendship of the Romans, in evidence whereof he cited both his own recent embassy to them and the senate's complimentary decrees and replies to him.In 198 B.C. (XXXII. viii. 15) the Romans sent an embassy to Antiochus with the request that he keep out of Pergamum, but the war with Philip compelled them to maintain this propitiatory attitude toward him. Antiochus shrewdly uses it to allay the suspicions of the Rhodians. At that time, as it happened, his ambassadors had returned from Rome, where they had been heard and dismissed courteously, as the situation demanded, the outcome of the war with Philip being still in doubt. While the amb
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 34 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh), chapter 41 (search)
ho had chosen the general himself to preside at the games. There were many things which added to their joy: those of their countrymen had been brought back from Lacedaemon, who had been taken there by Pythagoras recently and by Nabis earlier; the men had come back who had escaped after the discovery of the conspiracySee xxv. 7-12 above. by Pythagoras and after the executions had begun; they saw liberty recovered after a long interval,Argos had come under the control of Philip in 198 B.C. (XXXII. xxv. 11) and Livy exaggerates somewhat, as he frequently does. and they beheld the authors of that liberty, —the Romans, whose cause for warring with the tyrant they had themselves been. Moreover, the freedom of the Argives was proclaimed by the voice of the herald on the very day of the Nemean Games. As regards the Achaeans, whatever joy the restoration of Argos to the common council of Achaea brought to them was rendered incomplete to the same degree by the fact that Lacedae
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 35 (ed. Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh), chapter 10 (search)
as Scipio's, and the greater it was, the more it was exposed to jealousy; that of Quinctius was fresher, inasmuch as he had triumphed that very year.Cf. XXXIV. lii. 4 ff. There was also the fact that the other had been for about ten years constantly in the public eye, a fact which renders prominent men less venerated from sheer surfeit of seeing them: he had been consul for the second time after the defeat of Hannibal and censor;His second consulship was in 194 B.C., his censorship in 198 B.C. in the case of Quinctius, everything was new and fresh for winning favour; he had neither asked anything from the people since his triumph nor obtained anything. He said that he was campaigning for a real brother, not a cousin, for his lieutenant and a sharer in the conduct of theB.C. 193 war; he on land, his brother on the sea, had conducted the operations. By such arguments he brought it to pass that his brother was preferred to the candidate whom his brother, Africanus,
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 38 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D.), chapter 11 (search)
to the financial settlement. Whatever cities, whatever districts, whatever persons have at any time been under the jurisdiction of the Aetolians and have, in the consulship of Titus Quinctius and Gnaeus Domitius or after that consulship,Livy and Polybius (l.c.) agree on these names, but one or the other name is nevertheless wrong. The colleague of T. Flamininus in the consulship was Sex. Aelius Paetus (XXXII. viii. 1), while Domitius was consul in 192 B.C. with L. Flamininus (XXXV. x. 10). Titus was named in the corresponding section of the consul's proposals (ix. 10 above), but it is possible that the senate made this particular condition easier by changing the date from 198 B.C. to 192 B.C. either been conquered by arms or submitted voluntarily to the control of the Roman people, none of these shall the Aetolians essay to recover; the Oeniadae with their city and lands shall belong to the Acarnanians. On these conditions the treaty with the Aetolians was concluded.
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter LXXXIX: ad familiares 7.22 (search)
Letter LXXXIX: ad familiares 7.22 Tusculum (?), June, (?) 44 B.C. possetne heres, etc., whether an heir could properly bring action for a theft committed before (he became the heir). furti: the genitive to indicate the charge. bene potus: cf. Intr. 90. id caput, that chapter or section; so quoddam caput legis, Att. 3.15.6. Sex. Aelium (Paetum) : consul in 198 B.C. , an authority upon jurisprudence and civil law, often mentioned by Cicero, e.g. Brut. 78; Tusc. Disp. 1.18. His name is coupled with that of Manilius in de Or. 1.212 also. M'. Manilium: cf. Ep. XXV.2n. M. Brutum: Marcus Junius Brutus: an authority on civil law, upon which subject he composed three books. Scaevolae: consul in 133 B.C. , and frequently quoted by Cicero as a legal authority. Testae: i.e. Trebatius.
Alexander (*)Ale/candros), an ambassador of king ATTALUS, sent to Rome in B. C. 198, to negotiate peace with the Roman senate. (Plb. 17.10.) [L.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Alexander or Alexander Isius (search)
Alexander or Alexander Isius (*)Ale/candros), surnamed ISIUS, the chief commander of the Aetolians, was a man of considerable ability and eloquence for an Aetolian. (Liv. 32.33; Plb. 17.3, &c.) In B. C. 198 he was present at a colloquy held at Nicaea on the Maliac gulf, and spoke against Philip III. of Macedonia, saying that the king ought to be compelled to quit Greece, and to restore to the Aetolians the towns which had formerly been subject to them. Philip, indignant at such a demand being made by an Aetolian, answered him in a speech from his ship. (Liv. 32.34.) Soon after this meeting, he was sent as ambassador of the Aetolians to Rome, where, together with other envoys, he was to treat with the senate about peace, but at the same time to bring accusations against Philip. (Plb. 17.10.) In B. C. 197, Alexander again took part in a meeting, at which T. Quinctius Flamininus with his allies and king Philip were present, and at which peace with Philip was discussed. Alexander dissuad
Amynander (*)Amu/nandros), king of the Athamanes, first appears in history as mediator between Philip of Macedonia and the Aetolians. (B. C. 208.) When the Romans were about to wage war on Philip, they sent ambassadors to Amynander to inform him of their intention. On the commencement of the war he came to the camp of the Romans and promised them assistance: the task of bringing over the Aetolians to an alliance with the Romans was assigned to him. In B. C. 198 he took the towns of Phoca and Gomphi, and ravaged Thessaly. He was present at the conference between Flaminius and Philip, and during the short truce was sent by the former to Rome. He was again present at the conference held with Philip after the battle of Cynoscephalae. On the conclusion of peace he was allowed to retain all the fortresses which he had taken from Philip. In the war which the Romans, supported by Philip, waged with Antiochus III. Amynander was induced by his brother-in-law, Philip of Megalopolis, to side wit
Andro'sthenes 3. Of Corinth, who defended Corinth against the Romans in B. C. 198, and was defeated in the following year by the Achaeans. (Liv. 32.23 ; 33.14, 15.)
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