Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Stonewall Jackson or search for Stonewall Jackson in all documents.

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atened July 11. Madison and demanded the surrender of Old Vernon, where a body of militia had hastily assembled to oppose him; but he decamped on finding the militia in earnest. Passing thence through Versailles, July 12. and making capital bargains in horse-trades all along, his followers concentrated at Harrison, just across the Ohio line; sweeping around Cincinnati July 13-14. at distances of 7 to 20 miles, and pushing thence by Miamisville, Williamsburg, Sardinia, Piketon, and Jackson, they struck the Ohio at Buffington island, not far below Parkersburg, whence they counted on an easy escape through the poor, thinly settled adjacent region of West Virginia and north-eastern Kentucky to the more congenial shades of southwestern Virginia. Of course, they levied on the stores and granaries, as well as the stables and kitchens, along their route; but the pursuit was so hot that they found time to do comparatively little mischief. Crossing the Little Miami railroad, they
assault. Our men were formed in three brigades: the first, led by Gen. Strong, consisting of the 54th Massachusetts (colored), Col. Robert G. Shaw, the 6th Connecticut, Col. (Chat-field, the 48th New York, Col. Barton, the 3d New Hampshire, Col. Jackson, the 76th Pennsylvania, Col. Strawbridge, and the 9th Maine, Col. Emery: the 54th Mass. having been assigned to this brigade at the request of its young Colonel, between whom and Gen. Strong a warm attachment had sprung up during their brief ad face of the fort and planted their colors for a moment on the top. Here fell Col. Shaw, struck dead; here, or just in front, fell Gen. Strong, mortally wounded, with Col. Chatfield and many noble officers beside; while Cols. Barton, Green, and Jackson, were severely wounded. The remnant of the brigade recoiled under the command of Maj. Plympton, 3d N. H.; while all that was left of the 54th Mass. was led off by a boy, Lt. Higginson. The first brigade being thus demolished, the second went
t to respond to the President's requisitions as Gov. Caleb Strong, of Massachusetts, did to those of President Madison in 1813-14, and as Govs. Letcher, See Vol. I., pp. 459-60. The Democratic Governors were a unit. Ellis, Harris, Magoffin, Jackson, and Burton, did to President Lincoln's requisitions in 1861, the Federal authority may be successfully defied, and what Mr. Jefferson Davis terms the dissolution of a league secured. It were absurd to contend that judges who so held were oppos from its very birthday, the American Union entered, as with the assured march of the conscious offspring of those giants of the Revolution. Such was the Union, as conceived and administered by Washington and Adams, by Jefferson and Madison and Jackson. Such, I say, was the Union, ere the evil times befell us; ere the madness of sectional hatreds and animosities possessed us; ere, in the third generation, the all-comprehensive patriotism of the Fathers had died out, and given place to the pas
Xxii. Negro soldiery. Negroes in the Revolutionary armies Royal attempts to win them to the British side the War of 1812 Gen. Jackson at New Orleans negro soldiering suppressed in 1861 Gen. Hunter directs a recruiting of Blacks Gov. Wickliffe's inquiry Gen. Hunter's response Saxton authorized to arm negroes Gen. Phelps's Black recruiting in Louisiana Gen. Butler thereon Jeff. Davis on Butler and Phelps together Congress orders a general enrollment, regardless of color Demprovided that any able-bodied slave might enlist therein with the written assent of his master or mistress, who was to receive his pay aforesaid, while the negro received his freedom: being manumitted at the time of his honorable discharge. Gen. Jackson's employment of Blacks in his famous defense of New Orleans — his public and vigorous reprobation Proclamation dated Mobile, Sept. 21, 1814. of the mistaken policy which had hitherto excluded them from the service, and his emphatic attestat
afely away with more men and better horses than he led into Tennessee. Gen. Sherman, with four divisions of Hurlbut's and McPherson's corps, and a brigade of cavalry under Winslow, low, moved Feb. 3, 1864. eastward from Vicksburg through Jackson, crossing Pearl river on pontoons, and advancing through Brandon, Morton, Hillsboroa, and Decatur, across the Octibbeha and Tallahaha, to Meridian Feb. 14-16.--a railroad junction on the eastern border of the State--destroying a vast amount oith a relieving force from Cairo, was but 6 miles distant when Hawkins gave up. Forrest now occupied Hickman without resistance, and next day appeared before Paducah at tho head of a division of his force which had moved thither directly from Jackson. He found here the 40th Illinois, Col. Hicks, 655 strong; who promptly withdrew into Fort Anderson, where he could be aided by the gunboats Piosta and Paw-Paw, Capt. Shirk. and whence he answered Forrest's summons with quiet firmness. Two ass
The death of Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States, on the day which witnessed this result, was a remarkable coincidence. Judge Taney had long been a main bulwark of Slavery, not only in Maryland, but throughout the Union. The Dred Scott decision is inseparably linked with his name. His natural ability, eminent legal attainments, purity of private character, fullness of years, Born March 17, 1777. and the long period lie had officiated as Chief Justice, Appointed by Gen. Jackson, March, 1836, to succeed John Marshall, deceased. caused him to be regarded by many as a pillar of the State; and his death at this moment seemed to mark the transition from the era of Slavery to that of Universal Freedom. Though he held his office and discharged its functions to the last, it was notorious that he did not and (with his views) could not sympathize with the Republic in her struggle against red-handed Treason. Originally an ultra-Federalist, Slavery had transformed him int
5. Cedar Mountain, battle and map of, 176; Jackson defeats Banks at, 177. Centerville, Lee chat Antietam, 206. Gordonsville, Va., 17:3; Jackson at, 176. Gorman, Gen. W. A., at South Mounncoln in relation to, 655. Kernstown, Va., Jackson defeated at, 114. Kershaw, Brig.-Gen., at 5; retreats on Manassas Junction, 183; fights Jackson near Gainesville, 183. Kingsport, Tenn., Gtee, 531. Lauman, Gen., at Vicksburg, 314; Jackson, 317. Lavergne, Tenn., capture of, 280; Genta to Savannah, 689 to 695. Ox Hill, Va., Jackson strikes Reno at, 188. P. Paine, Col. ward Centerville, 182; his plans to overwhelm Jackson, 183; tries to turn Jackson's flank, 183; his the, Rebel batteries across, 179; crossed by Jackson, 180; Lee's operations on the, 344; Russell'sback to the Valley, 1:;36; fails to intercept Jackson, 137. Ship Island, occupied by Gen. Phelpso. W., at Gaines's Mill, 156; is defeated by Jackson at Bull Run, 181. Taylor, Col., Pa. Buckta[16 more...]
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