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Charleston (South Carolina, United States) 898 0 Browse Search
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Tuscumbia (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
pion, Fort Hindman.   Cotton, 3 bales Waiting for prize lists of the Juliet, Great Western and Rattler. 334 56 107 35 227 21 do   Juliet, Great Western, Rattler.   Cotton, 4 bales Waiting for prize list of the Lexington. 498 02 114 05 383 97 do   Lexington.   Cotton, 8 bales 1,509 98 145 01 1,364 97 do May 19, 1864 Champion.   Cotton, 14 bales 3,124 78 203 31 2,921 47 do Nov. 26, 1864 Kenwood.   Cotton, 3 bales and 2 pieces of bales 657 30 115 83 541 47 do May 19, 1864 Tuscumbia.   Cotton, 2,129 bales, 28 barrels molasses, 18 bales wool 465,234 95 13,732 79 451,502 16 do Mar. 1, 1865 Black Hawk, Eastport, Lafavette, Neosha, Ozark, Choctaw, Osage, Chillicothe, Louisville, Carondelet, Fort Hindman, Benton, Pittsburg, Mound City, Essex, Lexington, Ouachita, Cricket, Gazelle, General Price, W. H. Brown. [718 bales of cotton still pending.] Schooner Cecilia D 5,399 88 1,009 95 4,389 93 New Orleans May 21, 1864 Antona. Schooner Cassandra 40 00   No proceeds
Anacostia (United States) (search for this): chapter 62
Schooner Blossom 270 88 86 81 184 07 do Aug. 15, 1862 Reliance, Anacostia, Thomas Freeborn. Boat, 1 life 1,106 95 273 79 833 16 do Oct. Steamer Eureka 293 75 134 93 158 82 do April 20, 1862 Satellite, Anacostia. Schooner Emily Murray 500 00 356 34 143 66 do Feb. 9, 1863 Daborn. Sloop Flying Cloud. 225 00 126 48 98 52 do Jan. 11, 1864 Anacostia, Primrose. Schooner Fashion 231 88 138 23 93 65 Key West Nov. s whiskey, etc. 200 08 87 72 112 26 do May 17, 1862 Island Belle, Anacostia. Schooner Hampton 5,586 42 684 80 4,901 62 do Jan. 11, 1864 Culight 1,813 72 287 32 1,526 40 Washington Oct.1 9, 1863 Primrose, Anacostia, Currituck, Satellite. Schooner Lookout 1,468 87 254 00 1,214 perty, lot of 2,043 74 286 85 1,756 89 do Aug. 15, 1862 Reliance, Anacostia.   Property, lot of 569 11 170 02 399 09 do Oct. 19, 1863   18 boxes 329 14 95 23 233 91 Washington Oct. 19, 1863 Currituck, Anacostia. Schooner Three Brothers 320 00 116 92 203 08 do Feb. 18, 1864
Brooklyn (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
atan, and Flag. 1,548 20 545 99 1,002 21 do   Quaker City, Memphis, Powhatan, Flag. Schooner Maria 3,399 92 2,048 52 1,351 40 do Dec, 1, 1863 Santiago de Cuba. Brig Minna 2,340 11 1,381 10 959 01 do Nov. 20, 1863 Victoria. Schooner Maria Bishop 4,539 95 2,667 80 1,872 15 do Dec. 24, 1863 Courier. Schooner Mary Jane 1,731 39 1,033 74 697 65 do Dec. 9, 1863 Mount Vernon, State of Georgia. Steamer Magnolia 173,955 77 6,551 61 167,404 16 Key West Oct. 16, 1862 Huntsville, Brooklyn, South Carolina, Mercedita, Itasca. Sloop Margaret 3,549 98 234 47 3,315 51 do Oct. 16, 1862 Sciota. Schooner Magnolia 41,731 61 3,199 02 38,532 59 do Oct. 8, 1863 Hatteras. Sloop Maria 4,849 37 722 25 4 127 12 do Oct. 17, 1863 Rachel Seaman, Kensington. Schooner Margaret 378 73 160 95 217 78 do Oct. 6, 1862 Tahoma, Hendrick Hudson. Schooner Martha Ann 1,498 02 714 44 783 58 Washington Oct. 1, 1863 Samuel Rotan. Sloop Mary Grey Waiting for prize list of the T. A. Ward. 224 37 1
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): chapter 62
o June 22, 1864 Tioga, Octorara. Sloop Fashion. 12,348 87 1,175 91 11,172 96 New Orleans June 29, 1864 Port Royal. Schooner Friendship 3,209 94 850 37 2,359 57 do April 12, 1864 Tennessee. Schooner Fanny 10,317 61 1,125 66 9,191 95 do July 28, 1864 Owasco. Schooner Frederick 2d 56,933 98 3,204 48 53,729 50 Key West. Oct. 7, 1864 Chocura. Sloop Fortunate 1,270 58 462 32 808 26 Philadelphia Feb. 7, 1865 Bermuda. Schooner Forest King 899 59 833 65 65 94 New York   Crusader, Mississippi. (Waiting for prize list of Mississippi.) Sloop Florida 1,276 90 172 18 1,104 72 Key West   Honeysuckle. Schooner Fly 660 18 201 33 458 85 do Mar. 22, 1865 Honeysuckle. Schooner Flash 7,856 90 1,917 05 5,939 85 New Orleans April 20, 1865 Princess Royal. Steamer Florida 91,672 65 6,760 77 84,911 88 Philadelphia May 13, 1865 Pursuit. Schooner Fannie McRae 4,384 87 293 16 4,091 71 Key West Aug. 12, 1865 Hendrick Hudson. Schooner Florida 8,560 29 645 56 7,914 73 do Aug. 16,
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
9 99 5,650 70 69,839 29 New Orleans April 12, 1864 Granite City. Schooners Active and Blue Bell 875 10 172 71 702 39 do April 12, 1864 Owasco, Cayuga. Steamer Alabama 131,364 10 10,412 60 120,951 50 do April 23, 1864 San Jacin to, Eugene, Tennessee. Steamer Alice Vivian 237,300 81 20,240 28 217,060 53 Key West April 12, 1864 De Soto. Steamer Alliance 25,041 96 1,760 22 23,281 74 Boston July 21, 1864 South Carolina, T. A. Ward. Schooner Alma 3,531 00 745 14 2,785 86 New Orleans Ju Schooner Florence Nightingale 37,362 61 2,904 04 34,458 57 do June 22, 1864 Tioga, Octorara. Sloop Fashion. 12,348 87 1,175 91 11,172 96 New Orleans June 29, 1864 Port Royal. Schooner Friendship 3,209 94 850 37 2,359 57 do April 12, 1864 Tennessee. Schooner Fanny 10,317 61 1,125 66 9,191 95 do July 28, 1864 Owasco. Schooner Frederick 2d 56,933 98 3,204 48 53,729 50 Key West. Oct. 7, 1864 Chocura. Sloop Fortunate 1,270 58 462 32 808 26 Philadelphia Feb. 7, 1865 Bermuda. Schoon
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
,960 95 Key West Aug. 25, 1865 Proteus. Schooner Anna Sophia 29,145 69 4,245 48 24,900 21 New Orleans June 26, 1865 Bienville, Princess Royal. Steamer Annie 358,951 71 24,639 97 329,311 74 New York June 22, 1865 Niphon, Wilderness, Alabama, Kansas, Howquah. Schooner Augusta. 5,551 28 313 70 5,237 58 Key West Aug. 16, 1865 Honeysuckle. Ram Albemarle 79,944 00 2,645 30 77,298 70 Washington Aug. 28, 1865 Lieutenant-Commander Cushing and party. Sloop Annie 192 05 108 89 83 16 Key Westrize list of the Jacob Bell. 514 40 137 93 376 47 Washington   Wyandank, Jacob Bell.   Tobacco, 2 hogsheads 708 66 156 44 552 22 Springfield Feb. 17, 1865 Key West. Steamer Tristram Shandy 418,873 81 6,801 26 412,072 55 Boston Oct. 10, 1864 Kansas. Steamer Thistle 163,392 90 2,539 07 160,853 83 do Jan. 14, 1865 Fort Jackson. Schooner Three Brothers 1,638 87 193 59 1,445 28 Key West Mar. 22, 1865 Nita. Schooner Terrapin 697 58 183 23 514 35 do Aug. 25, 1865 Roebuck. Schooner Two
Aries (Romania) (search for this): chapter 62
Mound City, Essex, Lexington, Ouachita, Gazelle, General Price, W. H. Brown, Juliet.   Cotton, 10 1/2 bales 2,397 28 534 28 1,863 00 do Oct. 12, 1864 Cimarron. Steamer Ceres 17,200 00 935 49 16,264 51 Washington Nov. 12, 1864 Violet, Aries, Connecticut, Maratanza, Mercedita, Montgomery.   Canoes, 25, and cargoes 929 40 249 93 679 47 do Feb. 15, 1865 Eureka, Yankee, Freeborn, Currituck, Commodore Read, Teazer, Fuchsia, Jacob Bell. Steamer Caledonia 13,353 00 1,149 28 11,903 72 Boston bales     32,037 76 Philadelphia Sept. 22, 1865 Gettysburg, Keystone State, $620 counsel fees   Cotton, 52 bales 23,552 53 1,826 58 21,725 95 do Sept. 29, 1865 R. R. Cuyler.   Cotton, 82 bales 57,210 33 2,984 68 54,225 65 do Sept. 29, 1865 Aries. ($500 counsel fee deducted from captor's share.)   Cotton, 45 bales 21,977 77 1,623 27 20,354 50 do Oct. 6, 1865 Santiago de Cuba Schooner Delight 600 00 251 65 348 25 New York July 21, 1863 New London, R. R Cuyler, Massachusetts. Brig
Honduras (Honduras) (search for this): chapter 62
, 1864 Queen. Sloop Last Trial 109 96 108 85 1 11 Key West   Beauregard, San Jacinto, Dale, Tioga, Tahoma, Huntsville, Wanderer, Eugenie, Sunflower, Sea Bird, Honduras, Marigold. Schooner Lily 5,995 66 966 68 5,028 98 New Orleans June 18, 1864 Penobscot. Schooner Lynchburg 11,449 43 4,437 27 7,012 16 New York July 28, 186il 26, 1865 San Jacinto. Schooner Minnie 3,362 16 296 76 3,065 40 do April 26, 1865 Beauregard. Steamer Mail 63,319 11 5,421 11 57,898 00 do April 26, 1865 Honduras, San Jacinto (Fox, Sea Bird, Two Sisters). Schooner Matilda 7,219 87 1,238 10 5,981 77 New Orleans June 26, 1865 Penobscot. Schooner Malta 8,636 46 1,650 0 Steamer Nutfield 2,219 00 352 60 1,866 40 Washington Oct. 29, 1864 Sassacus. Sloop Neptune 20,045 35 1,654 58 18,390 77 Key West April 26, 1865 Sunflower, Honduras, J. L. Davis. Sloop (no name) 95 00 87 92 7 08 do   San Jacinto. Steamer Nan Nan 21,006 02 2,035 78 18,970 24 do May 1, 1865 Nita. Sloop Nina 440 71 105
Susquehanna, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
er. Steamer Ann 53,071 12 5,736 95 47,334 17 do Feb. 29, 1864 Susquehanna, Kanawha, Preble. Boat Alligator 119 90 118 35 1 55 Key West Schooner Alabama 9,867 38 1,291 56 8,575 82 do Mar. 17, 1864 Susquehanna. Sloop Ann 50 00 60 15 No proceeds do   Gem of the Sea. Sc York July 18, 1863 Harriet Lane, Minnesota, Wabash, Cumberland, Susquehanna, Monticello, Pawnee. Steamer Henry Lewis 37,337 76 4,041 62 3hooner Prince Alfred 3,618 20 2,001 20 1,617 00 do July 21, 1864 Susquehanna. Schooner Pride 2,918 06 401 39 2,516 67 Washington Oct. 19, Schooner Princeton 3,870 28 916 96 2,953 32 do Oct. 16, 1862 Susquehanna. Schooner Prize 837 84 237 54 600 30 do Oct. 24, 1863 Octorarbridge and Susquehanna. 765 46 300 00 465 46 Boston   Cambridge, Susquehanna. Steamer Rouen 38,662 26 1,905 72 36,756 54 do Mar. 9, 1865 Kr San Juan 2,728 86 1,031 85 1,697 01 Philadelphia July 21, 1864 Susquehanna. Schooner Specie 10,214 86 1,275 91 8,938 95 do Oct. 17, 1862
Wilderness, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 62
atahdin. Steamer Armstrong 251,382 26 7,321 53 244,060 73 New York April 20, 1865 R. R. Cuyler, Gettysburg, Mackinaw, Montgomery. Sloop Annie Thompson 14,847 96 1,639 50 13,208 46 Philadelphia May 13, 1865 Fernandina. Schooner Ann Louisa 7,437 57 476 92 6,960 95 Key West Aug. 25, 1865 Proteus. Schooner Anna Sophia 29,145 69 4,245 48 24,900 21 New Orleans June 26, 1865 Bienville, Princess Royal. Steamer Annie 358,951 71 24,639 97 329,311 74 New York June 22, 1865 Niphon, Wilderness, Alabama, Kansas, Howquah. Schooner Augusta. 5,551 28 313 70 5,237 58 Key West Aug. 16, 1865 Honeysuckle. Ram Albemarle 79,944 00 2,645 30 77,298 70 Washington Aug. 28, 1865 Lieutenant-Commander Cushing and party. Sloop Annie 192 05 108 89 83 16 Key West Sept. 29, 1865 Hibiscus. Schooner British Empire 3,929 73 504 76 3,423 97 New York Nov. 20, 1863 Isaac Smith. Schooner British Queen. 2,108 31 999 90 1,108 41 do Nov. 25, 1862 Mount Vernon. Boats, 3 sail, and cargoes 1,463 89
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